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Warning To The World About The New America

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Mark A. Smith <msmith01


Saturday, 6 December 2003 18:38

[prj] Warning To The World About The New America]




Warning To The World

About The New America

By Baldknobber



For years I have told Americans to wake up and see what was

happening to their country before it was too late for America. Now it is

time for me to tell the world to wake up about America before it is too


for them.


I have been aware of a disturbing change in the US government


the last 12 years. It seems that the world has slept through this change


does not realize what America has become. I will outline some major

problems, go into specific subjects and cite examples of how America has

changed, yes, we are indeed no longer free. Much of what is written in


report is from my own personal experience.


This is a warning to the world to watch out for the new America.

America is no longer the moral guardian you knew it to be, in recent


America has become a tyrant unprecedented.


Control Of Media


The American press can no longer be trusted. When the Government

passed the Telecommunications act of 1996, it allowed consolidation of


media and control of all information received by the people to a small


of sources. This showed itself as large media mergers and virtually all

information was soon controlled by the same small group of people. In


of 2003 additional legislation was passed which now allows all the news


be controlled from a single source. The day I typed this I called CN8


a national cable news program to speak on the air. They took my personal

information including name, address and phone number. They then hung up


called me back to verify that I really was at that address. They then


something that scared me half to death, They said that if I did not stay


subject and say what I told them I would say that they would " notify the

authorities " . I am someone who has called news programs frequently in


past, and that never happened before. Itís obviously a new policy. So


for a free press.


Police Brutality


I know a man who manages a store close to where I live. His


has a sixteen year old boy and seven year old girl. Outside his


house some police were beating a man who was laying down on the road and


fighting back. The sixteen year old opened the window and shouted at the

police, telling them that they were doing too much and that they did not

need to beat the man so hard.


They did not let up, instead they kicked in the door to the


and assaulted the boy. So now they were beating up the man on the street


beating up the kid in the house. The seven year old girl ran to the


who kicked in the door and tried pulling him off her brother. The


pushed her away so hard that she hit the wall and broke her arm. It


made the news. This is not an isolated incident, it is the new America.

Contrast this with the glossy happy-go-lucky " police are great and

accountable for their actions " media coverage on shows like Real TV and

" Cops " , there is much more to the truth than we are allowed to see.


In the past I had heard stories like this from strangers but did


believe them until I heard it from someone I knew well. Indeed the


governments who have started to call the US a police state are much more

correct than they realize. I am waiting for them to have the courage to


it without retracting comment.


Asset Forfeiture


America has a new policy towards personal property called " asset

forfeiture " . This is the act of confiscating property without a trial.


way it works is this: The police accuse you of a crime and take whatever

they say you had in your possession when the alleged crime was


This could be a vehicle such as a boat or car, or a computer, or even


house. You have to go to court to prove your innocence to get it back,


if you win your case you have to pay a return fee which is usually 50%


the property value. If they take a car that was worth 12,000 you will


to pay 6,000 to get it back. If you cannot afford the 6,000 they will


it at auction to " recover " their " funds " . If you have a loan or mortgage


the property they sell at auction, you are still obligated to pay the


for what you no longer have.


This happens frequently and the evidence is easy to find. Go to

Google and type the search term " US government auctions " or " asset

forfeiture auction " or pick any state and add the word auction. The


are everywhere, selling property seized from people who were often

judged by

the courts innocent.


If you are a property owner with tenants in a 200 room apartment

complex and one of the tenants gets arrested in an apartment for


of drugs or stolen property, or committing a crime such as calling a

prostitute to his room, the city or state can take the apartment


away from the owner who was not involved in any way and say that the

property committed the crime and therefore needed to be taken.


of large complexes has happened more than once, confiscation of single

family rental houses and private homes is frequent.


Forcing A Crime


It has become common for a judge to force a crime. The way this


done is to issue a civil judgement that cannot possibly be implemented


the person the judgement is against. When the person the judgement is


against fails to implement the judgement, a civil matter becomes


due to " contempt of court " . This is commonplace in family law when a man


forced to pay ìchild supportî Child support judgements often leave a man

with less than 20 percent of his income after taxes, despite the 50%


This forces the person the judgement is against to make a decision - pay

" child support " as ordered and suffer severe hardship, often including

dependence on friends or being homeless or living in a car or camper, or


behind on " child support " and become a " criminal " due to contempt of



Violation Of Ex Post Facto


In the constitutional republic the United States used to be,


was a rule of ex post fato which prevented any government, be it federal

state or local from writing retroactive laws. But since 1987 there has


a new and disturbing trend.


The federal government along with many states and municipalities


started to write and enact retroactive laws. As an example, let's say


in 1998 you painted your house and at that time it was legal to paint


house without a permit. If in 2003 your municipality writes a


law that states that you now needed a permit to paint your house, and


it retroactive to 1995, you will be in violation and guilty of breaking


law in 1998.


Retroactive laws are commonplace now and are usually enacted in


areas of taxes, family policy, and land usage. It is a frequent event

now to

have people suddenly discover they owe huge sums of money or are now


to punishment for doing things that were legal when they did them.


The public tolerance of the now commonplace violations of ex


facto has opened an avenue through which governmental bodies are


people for violations they did not commit, collecting taxes that were


owed and seizing properties which were " improperly used " in the past.


Legislation Without Representation


Starting in the late 1980's, most states authorized the practice


legislation without representation. It is standard practice now for

un-elected people in state agencies to enact policy and write laws that


never voted on, approved, or asked for by the public. Legislation


representation often takes place in secret, with the public unaware of


is happening until the new law is put in place and enforced. This has

removed accountability from government and allowed serious abusive


to be implemented without the presence of any individual or group to be




My own personal experience with legislation without


occurred when I calculated that over 80 percent of my income was being


in taxes and " child support " for two children. I called the child


agency and asked them who wrote the laws that made such a thing

possible. I

wanted to know which senator, representative or other elected official


responsible for enacting such a draconian policy.


The state agent replied: " The child support statutes were

enacted by

this child support agency and have nothing to do with elected officials.


for the individuals who write the policy, you are not permitted to know


is involved " .


This most serious practice, probably the one that has destroyed


freedom the most, is occurring everywhere through many avenues, not only

" child support " . Legislation without representation allows a corrupt

government to thrive because the people who write the legislation are

employees of the government who work in secret, will never be held

accountable and cannot be voted out of office.


In a democracy, the people can effect change by voting the


who are going against their will out of power. Legislation without

representation circumvents the democratic process and takes the will of


people out of government. Due to the now common practice of legislation

without representation, America can no longer be considered a true



Road Closures


In the back country they are closing down the roads to limit


If you get caught riding even a bicycle on the road beyond the barrier,

having left you car at the barrier, they will confiscate the bike, the


and throw you in prison, and you will lose everything 100%. I was


with the back country of the intermountain west and noticed that around


the road closures began to happen. I believe the closures are an attempt


de-familiarize the public with alternate routes of escape in the event

of a

police lockdown or martial law. They also closed down any road that led


safe water in remote regions. In High School, I had a German teacher who


alive during Hitler's reign and she said that Hitler closed down access


the wilderness areas after the Reichstag was burned which proved to be


effective method of eliminating resistance from the portion of the

population which did not agree with him. She warned us to never let it

happen here.


Road closures are usually done with very large immovable


such as boulders or trenches and signs warning of what will happen if


get caught attempting to travel beyond them.


Citizen Spies


In the name of fighting terrorism, the so-called " department of

homeland security " has employed a network of citizen spies who may have


reality been hired to identify people who are upset with the new


policies. When the Reichstag was burned, Hitler also set up his network


citizen spies. Was Sep11 a Reichstag? One thing is certain, the videos


can download now are not the same as the ones I downloaded on Sep12.

Immediately after Sep11 they clearly showed explosives going off in

sequence, bringing the buildings down in a perfect demolition wave. Most


the ones you can find now no longer show the explosions, they have been

" photoshopped " out.


Terror is a common tactic or excuse used by oppressive


to get the people to give up their freedoms for a little bit of


Hitler used this tactic after the burning of the Reichstag to justify


military actions he took in the opening days of World War II. To keep


population safe from terror, Hitler also employed his network of citizen

spies who did little but turn their neighbors in for expressing




Common Police Searches


It has become commonplace now for police to stop people for no

reason and search them. This began long before Sep11. This has happened


me personally three times, once at a roadblock, once when I was walking


my way to work, and once when I was sleeping in my van due to


caused by a divorce. It would have happened many times, but I got good


spotting the roadblocks - just look for a traffic jam with evenly timed


coming toward you in the opposite lane. Normally, the traffic jam would


long enough to allow me to pull a u-turn without being seen. I never did

anything wrong, but I hate those road blocks.


Anonymous Accusation


In recent years, Federal, state and local law enforcement bodies

have started arresting and punishing people due to anonymous


Now when you show up in court you have no right to know who has accused


of a crime. Without any chance of any repercussions, individuals, groups


organizations now commonly issue accusations to get revenge, gain unfair

advantage, or simply because they were going on assumption rather than

actually being witness.


The right to know your accuser was a cornerstone of American

justice; it created an environment which brought accountability to legal

prosecution. Without it, people are now going to jail, being fined, and

losing their children in civil disputes without ever knowing why.


http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat= & Board=news_

government & Number=1013010#Post1013010




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This is an interesting article illustrating that our constitutional Republic and our sovereignty has been usurped.


I have an article on my web site that reveals how our lawful government has been usurped. Go to http://www.HealthFreedom.info, click on "FREEDOM INFO", then click on the American Bar Association article.


I and many others have challenged jurisdiction in American "Courts" only to expose the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people.


Yours in Health & Liberty,

Lanny Messinger

Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network






The Octopus ; tapa-chemtrails ; Health and Healing ; Armageddon or New Age ; AltWritersFiles

Saturday, December 06, 2003 3:15 AM

Warning To The World About The New America

Mark A. Smith <msmith01Saturday, 6 December 2003 18:38[prj] Warning To The World About The New America]

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You are certainly right, our sovereignty has been usurped. It's time for us to

take it back! Together we can do it. Wow, you have a great price on the Essiac

herbs too!


>This is an interesting article illustrating that our constitutional Republic

and our sovereignty has been usurped.


>I have an article on my web site that reveals how our lawful government has

been usurped. Go to

<http://www.HealthFreedom.info>http://www.HealthFreedom.info, click on " FREEDOM

INFO " , then click on the American Bar Association article.


>I and many others have challenged jurisdiction in American " Courts " only to

expose the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people.



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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That is closer to the truth than you may think Dan. The Airistocracy -- for that

is indeed how they see themselves -- that has taken over all three branches of

the U.S. Government, as well as the press, has come to believe that they are

U.S. Government. They ARE NOT the U.S. Government! We the People are the

rightful government of these United States, and those in the Executive,

Legislative and Judicial branches are supposed to represent us. With a few

notable exceptions such as Dennis Kucinich, they stopped representing We the

People a long time ago.


The Bush Crime Family has turned the Congress of the United States into a

vending machine for the rich and powerful. They just put their coins (campaign

donations) into the slot, push the button and out pops legislation favorable to

their corporate bottom lines. Too bad if that legislation harms the environment,

the economy, freedom, international relations, et al. They call a plan to roll

back the Clean Air Act " The Clean Skys Initiative, " a plan to wipe out old

growth forests " The Healthy Forest Initiative, " and so on.


According to Mussolini, the definition of fascism is the merging of Government

and Corporate interests ( " Corporatism " ). When one takes an honest look at what

is going on (hell, they are not even trying to hide it anymore) it becomes

apparent that they are attempting to turn the middle class into serfs for a new

fascist / aristocratic government. Where is the outrage? (!!!)


I recently received a slick brochure from New Mexico Congresscritter Heather

Wilson -- printed and mailed at government expense -- in which she was

attempting to convince We the People of what a wonderful critter she is because

she voted for the Medicare bill that was recently rammed through the Congress by

Tom (The Exterminator) Delay and signed by the Shrub. I mention it because the

entire brochure is one lie after another about how the legislation will effect

senior citizens. One such lie that stood out was that the bill " Lowers overall

costs of prescription drugs through competition and bulk purchasing. " (emphasis

in original.) Anyone who has read the bill -- or even a synopsis of it -- knows

that it specifically prohibits competition and bulk pricing. Pharmaceutical

company and HMO stocks soared upon hearing news that the bill had passed. They

are not just putting a " spin " on it but lying outright about their intentions.

It reminds me of the old joke I can tell that they are lying because their lips

moving. Unfortunately, where Republicans (and the DLC brand of Democrats) are

concerned, it is no longer a joke but a fact of life.


>The problem with the government is that they are trying to take over

>the country!


>My best,




Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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