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Mycoplasma - Bio-weapons testing in U.S. and Canada

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Bio-weapons testing in U.S. and Canada


There was a release of information that had previously been kept secret, until 2002. Some of it made it to the newspapers I have found links in Reuters websites for most of these articles. There is possibly more info. in the files of Canada's privacy commish, but it costs $25 to get at it, for the first request only. I will try again for that, but here are links and articles on bio-weapons testing in N.A. [at bottom ]first, some comment - Bio-weapons testing in North America has been suspected for a long time. We wonder if there could be health concerns from this, either in the past or still a threat due to past infection, or people carrying it around and keeping the 'bugs' viable, infecting people in the future too, or even just bio-materials laying on the ground still viable. [They found "very little" living 'bugs' at Suffield in 2002 - 40 years and it didn't die!!]We wonder if our chronic illnesses are from these engineered bugs, which would explain why the medical people have been so slow to tell us what is bothering us, and why they are so stubborn to kill off [engineered that way].Also, we wonder how herds of wild animals get CJD [wasting disease]. There are articles here showing that they were indeed deliberately infected for the biio-weapons tests in the 1960. By golly, I ate them critters the whole time I was growing up in Alberta, figuring it to be the best meat [and now I am thin, ill, in pain, etc. with chronic illness]. But no tests show anything, a 'fact-orama' that the doctors use as evidence that its all in my head - what a funny game to play!! [well, I've had enough laughs on that for now].Or is all this just "not important", because it happened 40 years ago and was safe anyways due to dilutions, and because they wouldn't put our own people in harms way? If this suits you better, then , as Dr. Horowitx suggests, go die quietly! [isn't he charming?] So, here are some links to bio-weapons testing info, and Mycoplasma info.:[unfortunatly, they sometimes need an open Hotmail link, I never figured this out; good luck, and ask me for them again in a reply and I will do what I can!Try pasting them into search bars.1] http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles/DVNS_CBW.htm -this one has it all in one page.2] http://msxml.infospace.com/uk.teleg/dog/results?otmpl=dog/webresults.htm & qcat=web & qkw=bio-Weapons%20testing%20Canada - this one is about Canada's participation, with links to other articles.3] & lah=98d911ad8a9c83c9da5cf066b86b1fa3 & lat=1065813448 & hm___action=http%3a%2f%2fas1%2eemv2%2ecom%2fI%3fX%3d839fadf97401fa4c99af25b0b8e14ed5 - this is the London Telegraph link to my search for bio-weapons testing.Choose your fav. article.4] & lah=98d911ad8a9c83c9da5cf066b86b1fa3 & lat=1065813448 & hm___action=http%3a%2f%2fas1%2eemv2%2ecom%2fI%3fX%3d839fadf97401fa4c99af25b0b8e14ed5 -this is an article from a BLOG.



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