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info on psoriasis

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I am sending you this information so that you may evaluate it,

properly and share this information with your people. You may have

noticed the enormous lengths with which people will go to acquire

material wealth, many at last are realising that to have real wealth

is to have good health as just about anyone who has suffered anything

serious will tell you. For of what good is it if you own the world

without the health to enjoy it.

Following the principles outlined in the Orion project will lead you

to real wealth=health.

For research purposes only -subject

The Edgar Cayce approach to treating psoriasis

Cayce takes an entirely different approach to this malady siting the

causes in case after case of an internal problem. Thinning of the

walls of the intestinal tract namely at the jejunum and the duodenum,

the thinning allows toxic products from the intestine to actually

leak into the circulatory system and then it finds way into the lymph

flow of the skin. When the blood and lymph systems are unable to cope

with these poisons i.e. they are not being eliminated as quickly as

they are forming then the inflamed skin condition known as psoriasis

is produced. This condition Cayce said was not always from the same

cause.But is always caused by a condition of lack of lymph

circulation through the alimentary canal and by absorption of such

activities through the body.


This should focus on ridding the body of these circulating poisons

and bring about a gradual healing of the intestinal tract lesions

while improving coordination between the organ systems. This would

clear the skin permanently by getting rid of the cause. This is

really getting at the cause of the problem.


elements tended to be acidic in nature, the general diet was to

promote alkalinity and thus bring about a better acid/alkaline

balance to the system. Emphasis was on fresh fruit and vegetables to

promote better elimination's of the intestinal tract. One meal a day

should consist of raw vegetables wholly, oil maybe used as a salad

dressing. Little meat except fish fowl and lamb was mentioned.

Eliminate fats sweets and pastries from the diet. Wines were OK but

not stronger drinks, not rum or the like.

Good bowel movements were second to the diet; again helping the body

rid itself of these toxic forces. Which included Enemas,colonics, and

laxatives .

Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, the violet ray and sunlight are used to

stimulate better circulation Osteopathy was also used to relive

pressure upon he autonomic ganglia and related systems and thus

improve circulation.

Herbal remedies to promote healing of these lesions were nearly

always prescibed. Yellow safron, chamomile and mullein teas. Ground

elm bark mixed with water or the chewing of slippery elm bark was

advised to stimulate the digestive secretions.

Very little attention is given to the treating of the skin lesions at

all, since these only reflect what is wrong with the general system.

Stimulating the circulation was also advised, hydrotherapy,

physiotherapy including massage with a combination of olive oil and

peanut oil, the violet ray was also advised. Also Sunlight to build

up a good perspiration would be good for the body.

Palliatives such as resinol and cuticura ointment were mentioned –

apply one following the other and apply these over the areas over the


One final comment made by Cayce when asked if there was an absolute

cure was. Most of the answers lie in the diet these is a cure it

requires patience, persistence and right thinking.

Suggested diet

At least three mornings each week have rolled crushed or cracked

wheat –not cooked to long which destroys the vitamin content, this

will add the iron, silicon, vitamins etc- to build the blood supply.

At other times have citrus fruits – juices, the yolk of eggs but not

the white portion of them. Brown bread with butter. Ovaltine coffee

[without milk of cream] or milk alone. Occasionally stewed fruits

like prunes, raisons, figs, apricots. But do not eat citrus fruits

with cereals or gruel's or any of the breakfast foods.

During the morning have a malted milk preferably with the raw egg in

same or a taste of the spirits frumenti.

Noon raw fresh vegetables- none cooked at this meal, like tomatoes,

lettuce, celery, spinach, carrots beet tops, mustard, onions or the

like [not cucumbers]. No quantities of broths or soups at this time.

Evenings- broths, soups may be taken in small measure .Let the meal

consist of vegetables that are well cooked and a little of the light

meats if you must. No fried foods at all were advised.

There is a supplementary commentary in the files by john Pagano D.C,

a cooperating physician about the use of Lecithin.

He highly advises all psoriasis sufferers should include this.

Lecithin is a fat emulsifier; it seemingly keeps fat from

accumulating in the arteries by keeping it in suspension. Which

should be great news for those who have a tendency for clogging

arteries. He quotes in Adele Davis book when 254 patients who had

psoriasis were given 4-8 tablespoons of lecithin daily no new

eruptions occurred after the first week and even the most severe

cases recovered within 5 months. John advises the granular form of

the product as this should be most effective 3-4 tablespoons of the

stuff each day until the condition has cleared then 1-2 daily

thereafter as a preventative.Take this any way you can, just get it

down, because of the phosphoric acid content it should be very good

for brain and nerve tissue and for all patients with any type of

degenerative diseases such scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, MS

Muscular dystrophy or even Myasthenia gravis. There were cases where

he had found this beneficial.

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