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Fw: [illusions] Fw: Before you get the flu shot READ THIS! Cause you migt get something more! see* marked paragraphs

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Friday, December 12, 2003 2:49 PM

[illusions] Fw: Before you get the flu shot READ THIS! Cause you migt get something more! see* marked paragraphs



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Friday, December 12, 2003 2:18 PM

IUFO: Before you get the flu shot READ THIS! Cause you migt get something more! see* marked paragraphs


Testimony of Elizabeth Naugle,Candida and Dysbiosis Information Foundation____________APPENDIX C:ORAL TESTIMONY OF ELIZABETH NAUGLEDirector, Candida and Dysbiosis Information Foundationpresented to CDC & NIHChronic Fatigue Syndrome Coordinating CommitteeJanuary 30, 2001Seattle, WashingtonFirst, allow me to introduce myself. My name will be new to some membersamong the CFIDS community of patient advocates – although I am not reallynew at all to our Common Cause. I have been involved for over 15 yearsas a patient activist, and I have served since 1994 as President of alarge, national lay-support organization, the Candida & DysbiosisInformation Foundation. In this latter capacity, I have had contact viaour telephone hotline with hundreds of chronically-ill patients, many(but not all) of whom fit the accepted criteria for CFIDS. Furthermore,by nature of our group's broader focus, we network with many othersimilar patient groups, including Gulf War Syndrome, Lyme disease,various auto-immune disease groups (such as lupus, MS, etc.) and evenwith AIDS patients. I preface my statement here today with this briefself-introduction so that you will understand better my perspective andmy purpose in being here.Disability issues are certainly a top concern among persons who attendlocal area CFIDS support groups. This is unfortunate, because it shouldnot have to be this way. Disability has become an issue primarilybecause there has been a determined refusal by the CDC and NIH torecognize the true infectious nature and origin of CFIDS.This point became embarrassingly obvious during the recent internationalCFS scientific conference which took place here just this last weekendwhen the research team from Belgium, led by Kenny De Meirleir, MD, Ph.D.,presented their data on the diagnosis of mycoplasma infections in 2/3 oftheir group of approximately 270 patients. Follow-up testing by theBelgian doctors showed measurable objective evidence of improvementbecause the patients' symptoms improved and their previously elevated2-5-A enzyme titers went down following antibiotic treatment. Likewise,the same point was clearly evident again during the Poster Session: (P#94) by the South African researcher, Cecile Jadin, and (P#114) byPhilippe Bottero of France, regarding insect-vectored Rickettsialdiseases with their recommended antibiotic therapies.Indeed, some of these infectious agents were designed by deliberateintent to be disabling. That is to say, they were man-made – i.e.,bio-engineered, modified, weaponized, take your choice – by our own USDepartment of Defense. We have found documentation to support thisaccusation on pages 116-129 of the Congressional Budget Hearings for theDoD which took place on June 9, 1969. What's more, we have discoveredthat the DoD holds the patent (US Patent # 5,242,820) yes, patent(!) --on one of these disabling infectious pathogens!This "wargerm" if-you-will (since it is being found in a significantpercentage of sick Gulf War veterans by the VA) was tested on inmates inour Texas prison system prior to the Gulf War. These unethical humanmedical experiments took place from mid-1983 through 1986. We havewitnesses who can testify to this event, and we have obtained documentsfrom our Texas State Archives and other public records which link theseexperiments to the DoD.**As a consequence of these so-called "flu vaccine" experiments on Texasprison inmates, conducted without their informed and voluntary consent,there was a large and unusual outbreak of "Mystery Illnesses" (CFIDS,fibromyalgia, "lupus-like" and "MS-like" diagnoses, not to mention morethan two dozen deaths from ALS) among the prison guards and theirimmediate family members who live in the area surrounding Huntsville,Texas, where our state prison system is head quartered, just 50 milesfrom my hometown – or the "Huntsville Hot Zone" as some Texans call it.**I'm confident that our problem in Texas was not an isolated event. Whydo I say so? I say so because we possess a copy of the federal lawshowing that it has been legal for the DoD to test biological warfareagents on civilian populations for the last two decades. That law isstill on the books today(!) -- in spite of protests for repeal by GulfWar veterans -- in its newly "revised" form. [A copy of PL 1520 (Title50, USC) is available on the Internet at HYPERLINKhttp://www.gulfwarvets.com www.gulfwarvets.com. Please pay specialattention to Paragraph B, entitled "Exceptions" to see all the loopholeswhich permit this practice to continue.]Yes, these illnesses are all very disabling. Furthermore, it is very"disabling" to our Common CFIDS Cause that our First Amendment rightshave been abridged by virtue of the fact that "disability" is the onlypermitted topic for public testimony at today's hearing. Thus, theintent of the Congressional mandate authorizing this CFS CoordinatingCommittee has been thwarted by this committee chairman's clever maneuverto try to limit our testimony to only one topic, namely the topic ofdisability issues, in order to silence public input regarding the trulydisabling and infectious nature of CFS.I regret that the strict 5-minute time limit does not permit me toprovide more convincing details in support of my remarks; however, I willgladly provide supplemental documentation, upon request from anycommittee member(s). Furthermore, I am willing to work cooperativelywith any government official(s) or other committee member(s) who have agenuine interest in helping patients to recover– because I am convincedthat there are certainly other better, more cost-effective treatmentsavailable than the anti-depressants, painkillers and other addictiveprescription drugs recommended by the CDC, which contribute so heavily toCFS patients' long-term disability due to their "legalized drugdependency" – even more so than does the illness itself. (And I'm hopingto receive a question about therapy aimed at recovery during my allotted5-minutes for discussion.)My oral testimony linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to germ warfareexperiments by the US Department of Defense perpetrated on unsuspectingAmerican citizens will undoubtedly shock the members of the CFSCC panel.Please believe me, though, when I say that ordinary citizens are not atall shocked to hear such revelations. The typical response from myfellow citizens is, "I don't doubt it at all," or "I've suspectedsomething like this all along." We simply cannot afford the luxury ofliving in denial or of playing ostrich and burying our heads in the sandabout this matter. The God of Truth must be served, no matter howpainful that awful Truth may be.We must be willing as a nation to admit our past mistakes and to trustthat ultimately we will be forgiven – but only if we are willing toacknowledge our errors of the past and seek to make amends in the future.In spite of the fact that our own daughter has been a CFIDS victimherself for many years, we have been able to find forgiveness in ourhearts because we know and understand the long history of events (sincethe end of World War II) that led up to this terrible sin againsthumanity. [Read: The US & Biological Warfare by Stephen Endicott andThe Biology of Doom by Ed Regis; also Plague Times by Paul Ewald.] Itrust that other patients will quickly find the same capacity to forgive,also, because I know that their many long years of suffering haveprepared them spiritually and strengthened them so that they will beready to move forward. In fact, I predict that the patients themselveswill be the first citizens to forgive and that they will be able to leadthe way for other Americans to follow their example by accepting thisugly Truth.What concerns me most, however, is that our elected and appointedofficials will be too frightened to deal appropriately with the horror ofthis situation and that they will over-react with panic and will thenattempt to cover this up. I worry that you yourselves will be incapableof responsible leadership. I have already discovered firsthand that ourso-called Free Press is not really free at all when it comes to mattersof this nature, and that the media will meekly follow the lead of ourleaders. Please remember, however, that the "crime of covering-up" isalways considered to be a far worse offense than the original criminalact itself is ever judged to be.So, members of the CFSCC, it is up to each one of you, acting bothindividually and collectively, to examine the issue that I present to youtoday. You serve here as the Grand Jury. You can choose to impedeprogress through denial and by acts of deliberate deception, or you canchoose to lead with honesty. I pray that each and every one of you willfind the courage to choose to stand on the side of Truth.Respectfully submitted,Elizabeth NaugleDirector,Candida and Dysbiosis Information FoundationCollege Station, Texas

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