Guest guest Posted December 20, 2003 Report Share Posted December 20, 2003 Stop Chemtrails Worldwide --- In The Beginning, Tell The Truth. And At The End, Tell The Truth. --- Hopi Indian Teaching Myself, World-Action, and Stop-Chemtrails are now completely bankrupt. The New World Order's tactic of harassing me continually since October 2000 with various, over-lapping forms of 'frequency' and ultrasound radiation have paid off. During that time I have been too ill to work and have used up, now, all the of the inheritance money which came to me in 1998 on helping the world, and on doing my best to stay alive, and to keep fighting to wake the world up. You can read about the covert weaponry used to 'take me out' over the past 38 months in Dennis Kucinich's House of Representatives Bill -- HR 2977 -- when the Bill was revised, I believe the only main thing to be taken out was the reference to 'Chemtrails'): Unless a miracle happens, World-Action and Stop-Chemtrails, and all the efforts and initiatives that I undertake to try and move the world away from complete disaster, will cease sometime in the fairly near future. I will be ejected from the house I am renting. A house I could pretty well have bought if I had not spent approx £150,000 on the world over the past six years. Some will call me stupid for doing that; but I am certain I did the right thing. I just don't see many people - yet - putting full effort into helping the world. So people putting full effort in are often rather left on their own. I wonder if a miracle will happen? Or do miracles only happen in Hollywood? I think if people really took a proper look at the world, and realised the difficult situation we are all in, they would want to keep World-Action and Stop-Chemtrails going. In the past 10 weeks, by mass mailing, and posting at Indymedia websites all around the world, etc., etc., Stop-Chemtrails has helped several hundred thousand people around the world to link the two words 'STOP' and 'CHEMTRAILS' together. In the past 40+ months of continuous publication and mailing of information on Chemtrails (and separately on other key crimes and key cover ups), World-Action has provided information and warnings on this criminal 'Chemtrail Spraying' to several million people around the world. And I can't even be paid by my government one half of what a local doctor is paid! It is a mad and schizophrenic world ----- and we must change it. Michael Irving, World-Action and Stop-Chemtrails, Isle of Man, British Isles, 20th December, 2003 ------------------------ Stop Chemtrails Worldwide -- Posting Open To Members GLOBAL Plans & Ideas To Get Chemtrails STOPPED Post Your Plans & Ideas & Efforts Here --- GLOBAL Reports of Chemtrail Spraying and Sickness Post Your Reports From Around The World Here --- ----------------------- STOP CHEMTRAILS The Aim Of Many Millions Of People Is That No Planes Take Off From Runways Anywhere In The World With The Intention Of Dropping Unhealthy Substances Onto The Various Life-Forms Below --- STOP CHEMTRAILS --- stop-chemtrails-news ----------------------------- WEST COAST UNITED STATES: All of us know many people. If we told all our friends, and even people we interact with throughout the day, we would increase the public awareness of Chemtrails dramatically! Keep it simple and stick with the basic facts, no speculations or theories, and refer them to our local website: ----------------------------- Cracking Information on the Criminal and Lethal Worldwide Spraying of Toxic Chemicals: DOWNLOAD POSTERS AND STICKERS TO STICK AND GIVE EVERYWHERE....... ----------------------------- ----- STOP CHEMTRAILS WORLDWIDE ----- There is a very strange mental blank out that is happening with many people on probably the greatest world crime that is on-going at this moment. And that pervasive blank out is very telling. It shows that most of humanity in the 'Western World' are in various forms of denial, from extreme denial to very extreme denial. The 'Powers That Be'... 'The Establishment'... 'Secret World Government'... any name you like.... they have massively pulled the wool over people's eyes for a very long time. The world has been in a deep sleep, but it is beginning to wake up quickly. Early 2004 may very well be the break through point. I wrote this reply post two days ago to Digests I received from several Internet 'discussion groups' who believe they are very alert and very forward looking, because there were NO posts on the 'Greatest On-going World Crime: CHEMTRAILS' among the twenty or two dozen posts in their Digests....... " It is strange that 100s of planes flying over us dropping very serious chemicals on us doesn't get more coverage. I don't see one mail in this digest on possibly the greatest crime that is happening today.... the poisoning of the whole world. " THERE IS A BIG WORLDWIDE BLANK OUT HAPPENING.... PEOPLE ARE NOT LOOKING UP AND NEITHER ARE THEY LOOKING AT THE REAL WORLD.... THE WAKE UP HAS STARTED.... BUT A FEW MILLION PEOPLE BELIEVE THERE IS IMMENSE SICKNESS ( & PROBABLY IMMENSE FATALITY)CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THIS HEINOUS CRIME OF RELEASING HUGE AMOUNTS OF (AT LEAST) TOXIC CHEMICAL 'POLLUTANTS' INTO THE SKY AND AIR I wrote this to a 'Chemtrail' activist broadcaster a few days ago: <<< I think people are beginning to look up. My friend in the south of England said two months ago that just about everyone knew there was something strange going on in the sky. This is an ideal time to tell people because a lot of people are wondering why there is an unusual amount of illness around. I have noticed new types of harassment and diversion away from the subject of 'Chemtrails', so this seems to indicate that those who are doing the spraying are getting concerned that people en masse are starting to catch on to this massive, overt crime. Therefore what we need to do is keep on doing what we are doing. I am not sure population control is their main aim of the operation at the moment. I think their main concern right now is to keep people drugged up and numbed out and ill and low in energy because so many people are starting to catch on to the fact criminals and liars have control of our governments. They may go for a release of more devastating substances next Autumn / Fall. Because in 12 months time people will be semi used to very big illness outbreaks. Therefore, I think we should hope for and go for a big wake up as soon as possible. I always feel 'as soon as possible' is the right time. If not 'yesterday'. I think encouraging people to phone into huge office blocks and if the person who answers is coughing pretty badly, to advise them to look up 'Chemtrails' on the Net is a very good idea, because if there's 500 people in that office block, and most of them are coughing and feeling strangely ill, the word on Chemtrails could travel around the whole building within a day or two. Perhaps you could recommend this avenue of spreading the word to those you can. It is possible we are heading towards a break through. >>> ----------------------- If you can't have an outcry over planes flying over spraying near-poison on you, what can you have an outcry on? STOP CHEMTRAILS The Aim Of Many Millions Of People Is That No Planes Take Off From Runways Anywhere In The World With The Intention Of Dropping Unhealthy Substances Onto The Various Life-Forms Below --- STOP CHEMTRAILS --- stop-chemtrails-news Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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