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Chemtrails / SHFN Newsletter December 2003

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- Lanny Messinger

SHFN Newsletter Dec 2003




SHFN Newsletter December 2003

By Lanny Messinger

Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network


Chemtrail News


As you may have noticed, there is a new “CHEMTRAIL INFO” page on the SHFN web site. For those rs who are new to the chemtrail phenomenon, click on the chemtrail article entitled “Chemtrail Definition”, http://www.healthfreedom.info/HR%202977.htm.

It appears that chemtrail spraying is increasing worldwide. People are reporting more frequent as well as heavier spraying.


I, too, have been observing heavier spraying in the Palouse region of southeast Washington State. Thanksgiving was one of the heaviest spray days I have ever seen. Jets crisscrossed the sky all morning long, leaving chemtrails that spread out and covered the sky with a uniform “chemdome” haze.


On December 9th the sky was completely overcast with thick layers of chemclouds--banks of clouds with unnatural, straight-lined ridges running from horizon to horizon. Up to this time I had only seen the thinly-spread out chemtrails that crisscross the sky--This was total chemweather! Sandwiched in the layers was a horizontal sheet of clouds that looked like corrugated (rippled) metal roofing. It was the perfection of these “clouds” that convinced me it was not natural. The ridges and valleys were perfectly straight and parallel; the height, width and density of the ridges was perfectly uniform. It was both awesome and disturbing to view this man-made weather.


Many people believe that this rippled phenomenon is caused by HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Project). Apparently, the conductive components (toxins) in chemtrails are affected by HAARP frequencies, creating visible electronic standing waves in chemclouds.


Chemtrails & Flu


Influenza strains were recently found in chemtrails sprayed over the Tampa Bay, Florida area. This information was reported by John Stadmiller of the Genesis Radio Network on the Saturday, Dec. 6 edition of “Real Talk Radio”. A microbiologist with a WTO block grant performed the analysis. However, this microbiologist wishes to remain anonymous due to the government’s witness elimination program for microbiologists and other scientists who have worked on top secret projects.


In the six months following the demolition of the World Trade Towers, 14 microbiologists died. Not only were their deaths suspicious, but some had alleged ties to biological warfare programs. Visit http://www.rense.com/general20/mic.htm for details or type in “dead microbiologists” in your search engine.


Dr. Gary Glum recently reported to me that when he was researching his book FULL DISCLOSURE, he spoke with a woman from Chicago who was a member of one of the research teams working on the AIDS virus. The woman said that originally there were 25 members in her research team, but now there were only two members who were still alive. She believed that the other 23 members of her team were assassinated. The woman said that due to compartmentalization, they were not initially aware of the ultimate consequences of their actions. Dr. Glum stated that this conversation took place about 1992. He published FULL DISCLOSURE in 1994.


A very thought-provoking interview with Dr. Glum on the subject of chemtrail substances and symptoms is now available on the SHFN web site. The interview is entitled “CHEMTRAILS: The Sky Is Falling (on you),” http://www.healthfreedom.info/Chemtrails%20Glum%20I.htm. Dr. Glum has stated that the reason so many people are reporting bleeding from the nose and lungs in conjunction with the “flu”, is due to the barium in chemtrails. In the interview Dr. Glum gives the reason why barium causes the bleeding. Indeed, one of the symptoms of a child “flu” death in Bakersfield, California was “nosebleed”. Bakersfield is an area that is hit heavily by chemtrails and many people are ill because of it. Another common chemtrail symptom in that area is a dry, hacking cough and asthma-like symptoms.


It appears that people in different areas are being sprayed with different things that cause various symptoms. However, asthma is a very common one. I am certain the pharmaceutical corporations are benefiting from chemtrails and will continue to profit from chemtrail-caused illne$$.


As can be expected, disinformation on the subject of chemtrails is escalating on the internet. One of the disinformation web sites claims that chemtrails are saving mankind from global warming. This theory has bigger holes in it than the Titanic. And, of course, it does not explain why independent researchers have found red blood cells, bacteria, viruses and fungi in chemtrail fallout. It appears that military/intelligence agents are working overtime concocting transparent disinformation campaigns. Fortunately, their feeble-minded efforts to muddy the waters of truth are no match for the people who are taking responsibility to actively expose the chemtrail conspiracy. Truth is the ultimate weapon!


Let us not forget, too, that it was the Rockefeller/IG Farben cartel that ran the Nazi death camps. It is therefore important to note that Hoechst, one of the original IG Farben corporations, recently changed its name to “Aventis”, a corporation which is providing small pox and flu vaccinations to Americans.


When one starts to connect the chemtrail dots, it appears that part of their plan is to make people sick enough to want to visit a doctor where they will be prescribed pharmaceutical cartel “drugs”, which will in turn create even more medical problems from the side effects of “drugs” obtained from “drug” stores. And what do we tell our children?: “Just say no to _____!” It appears that the IG Farben-style pharmaceutical corporations—owned and run by the global elite--have targeted the human immune system to reap megaprofits from “drugs” while achieving their goal of depopulation.


If this agenda is not real to you yet, by all means read FULL DISCLOSURE: The Truth About the AIDS Epidemic by Dr. Gary Glum. Dr. Glum provides the documentation which reveals the ultimate agenda of population control by the “Olympians”. This is the book that describes the AIDS antidote that is also effective against chemtrails. Dr. Glum will be making this antidote available to individuals who have read FULL DISCLOSURE. I was so impressed with the results I got after testing the antidote for ten days that I created a separate page in the Chemtrail Info section at http://www.healthfreedom.info/chemtrail_antidote_report.htm.


Flu Jabs


Contrary to popular propaganda, flu vaccinations do not prevent the flu. Only your immune system can prevent you from getting influenza. Some of the people who recently died from “the flu” had received the flu vaccine prior to dying. One of the twin boys from Pueblo, Colorado died from “the flu” and his twin brother was hospitalized for the flu. Both had gotten a flu shot. The flu vaccine currently being administered does not even cover the current strain of influenza going around. It is worse than a placebo because it contains Thimerosal, a compound that is fifty percent mercury, a carcinogen. Mercury is a toxic metal that at high exposure levels can suppress the immune system and cause sensory, neurological, motor and behavioral disorders, especially in fetuses and infants whose brains are still developing. In the last few years, many parents have been filing law suits because their babies suddenly exhibited signs of autism after vaccination. Although it appears that Eli Lilly’s Thimerosal causes autism, the powers that be are running an aggressive propaganda campaign to convince people otherwise.


The CDC recently released a study alleging mercury in vaccines was not a problem. What they don’t want us to know is that the author of the study works for one of the vaccine corporations involved in the autism lawsuits, GlaxoSmithKline. Ironically, both the CDC and FDA are warning against eating too much mercury-containing fish, but at the same time alleging it is perfectly safe to pump mercury directly into the bloodstreams of small children via vaccines.


A Dallas-based law firm received documents from Eli Lilly, as a result of the discovery process, that revealed Eli Lilly knew Thimerosal was dangerous way back in 1930. However, the pharmaceutical giant has powerful friends in the White House and in Congress. George Bush Sr sat on Eli Lilly's board of directors in the 1970s, and White House Budget Director Mitch Daniels was a Lilly executive. George Bush Jr appointed Lilly CEO Sidney Taurel to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. In November 2002, Congress passed a provision, tucked into a spending measure for homeland security, to indemnify Eli Lilly from lawsuits and require families to seek compensation through the taxpayer-funded Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. It was repealed in February 2003 after public outcry. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) still hopes to pass a similar bill.

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, (www.sarsscam.com) George Bush Jr’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, joined John D. Rockefeller and the British Royal Family in sponsoring the eugenics initiatives that gave rise to Hitler’s racial hygiene programs. Prescott Bush was found guilty of trading with the enemy (the Nazis) during WWII. According to court records, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company supported Hitler more than they did the allies during WWII.


Allegedly, there is a shortage of flu vaccine, but not to worry--FluMist is coming to the rescue. FluMist is a live virus vaccine that contains MSG (monosodium glutamate). It appears that people who get this virus blasted up their nose may risk getting encephalitis. According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, “Intranasal injection of certain viruses has resulted in a serious brain infection called encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of the olfactory neurons that carried the viruses to the brain.”


Also, the individuals receiving this vaccine pose a very high risk of exposing others to this live virus. The FluMist package insert warns that the recipients should avoid contact with immunocompromised people for 21 days after receiving the vaccine. The FluMist warning does not specify how this should be accomplished, especially considering it is administered in public places of business during the busy Christmas shopping season and especially considering that this live virus can be spread by coughing and sneezing. Ironically, the common side effects for FluMist are coughing, runny nose, nasal congestion, irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and fever—in other words, flu symptoms. Thankfully, the wonderful folks at the FDA have approved FluMist to insure that We the People will not miss out on the wonderful experience of flu symptoms this winter.

Jason v. FDA


Jason Vale, who is being persecuted by the FDA and the corrupt federal judicial system for promoting and selling apricot pits, will not be sentenced on December 19th, as announced in last month’s newsletter. His sentencing has been rescheduled for March 2004. For more info on Jason Vale visit http://www.HealthFreedom.info and click on “Freedom Info”.


Shark Bytes


It is no accident that lawyer jokes have surpassed ethnic, blonde and light bulb jokes in popularity. Like “military intelligence” and “holy wars”, the oxymoronic “lawyer ethics” has led to the comparison of lawyers to sharks, inciting a feeding frenzy of laughter.


It is no secret that lawyers have taken over Washington D.C. Therefore, the following announcement comes as no surprise:


The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. this Christmas. This isn't for any religious or constitutional reason.They simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the Nation's capitol.


However, there was no problem finding enough asses to fill the stable.


Laughter is the least expensive and the most palatable medicine


The therapeutic benefits of laughter cannot be denied. Here is a flash animation web site on organically-grown, free range meats that is both informative, entertaining and sure to make you smile (especially if you’ve seen the “The Matrix” movie): http://www.themeatrix.com.


Yours in Health & Liberty,

Lanny Messinger

Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network




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