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Diabetes, Hypoglycaemia, Chronic Fatigue and other Digestive Problems.


Probably the most common complaint regarding health matters that people have these days is chronic fatigue. This article explains a little more how to increase the strength or electrolyte of the bodies individual cells, obtain a sense of general well being and possibly solve the problem, or in any case it will not be overcome without applying these rules. Let us devote a little time to help you understand what happens to a person who has a craving for the wrong food so often, and more often than not it is accompanied by lack of energy and often depression too. ( Chronic Hypoglycaemia, Fatigue Syndrome, Yuppie Flu or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, headaches ) and often high blood pressure.


Your body talks to you. We often do not listen nor understand what the reasons are when these symptoms occur.


The body's sugar levels become low or depleted and there is insufficient energy for the body's cells to function adequately. It is like trying to run a car without petrol. This will happen if you have had a proper meal some time in the past and all the energy in that meal has been used up, or if you have had a junk meal recently but is has passed through your metabolic system too fast and burnt out.


The first recourse that most people take would be to burn themselves out further by pushing their adrenaline levels up with a coffee, chocolate or a coke. This is the worst thing to do because although they may temporally feel better the energy provided is literally "stolen " from other parts of the body where a penalty has to be paid later. The bodies natural chemical levels have been abused and programmed for a short cut junk metabolism. The liver has learnt a new trick to fast metabolism:


"The line of least resistance was always the most difficult line in the long run". Peter Cheyney English author. Following a path of least resistance is what makes men and rivers crooked and the liver too, producing the wrong type of cholesterol's.


Not only does the adrenal gland become exhausted from having to produce an excess and continuous stream of adrenaline but damage is inflicted on the vascular system and nerves in particular with the adrenaline, accounting for a greater degree of "stressed out " feeling later.


Adrenaline is the chemical that the body has been provided with to give that massive squirt of energy to get us out of the way of that lion running down on us, or to give that little old lady with the shaky bandy legs that we sometimes hear about, that extra energy to pull the truck off her husband who is trapped underneath. She then has to go and recuperate for the rest of the week.


Adrenaline goes through your veins like caustic soda would go through a copper pipe. It is extremely detrimental. Caffeine is a stimulant which has been identified in many case studies over many years as being responsible for tumours and cancer as well as spastic bowel syndrome. Coffee also has an effect of causing a build up of bile in the liver.


We activate our autonomic nervous system too, and as a result our blood pressure goes up, our heart rate goes up, our blood glucose goes up, and our blood lipids go up. All of which is a great advantage if you are trying to flee from a threatening situation like a lion chasing you.


But if stress is maintained for longer than a few moments, what results is a change in our metabolism which can permanently result in hyperglycaemia, down-regulation of insulin receptors, deposits of lipids from those high lipids in the bloods into the endothelial cells of the capillaries. And prolonged stress of itself is a major factor in the onset of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular illness, and various problems of modern society.


All these problems can readily be rectified over a period of rehabilitation by eating correctly and providing the body with the correct nutrients. Change the balance of the chemistry in the cells.




A balanced diet is a diet containing all the NECESSARY food constituents in their CORRECT proportion for normal growth and development. They are briefly:1. Proteins obtained from meats, fish, some grains, beans etc. and are used by the body mainly for repairing worn out tissue. Proteins should be about 10 % of the diet. In excess they can be converted to energy resources, but on a less beneficial more acidic reaction putting long term stress on the kidneys.


2. Carbohydrates. These are sugars and starches found in fruits, grains, etc. and provide the body with heat and Energy. They should constitute between 25% and at the most about 40 % of the diet depending on the type of physical activities one does. The "petrol fuel" of the body. The best ones are brown rice, oats, etc. The worst are alcohol, honey sugar, sweets, some biscuits etc. The more processed foods are the worse they are likely to be. They can not be converted into substances for the repair of worn-out tissue or replacement proteins.


3. Fats and Oils. These are necessary mainly for the manufacture of hormones, maintaining warmth, protecting the bodies internal organs from injury and temperature fluctuations, production of synovial fluid between joints etc. and act as a reserve source of energy. Best olive oil and butter. Margarine a dead no no. ! See notes below.


4. Mineral salts. These are found mainly in meats, fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veges should constitute about 50% of our diets. They assist in providing energy and cleansing the body from toxins and in the manufacture of hormones, bone, and cell regeneration etc.


5. Vitamins.


Vitamins are not foods at all. If one were to only eat vitamins death would result. Vitamins act almost like little catalysts. They are attached to the amino-acids and respond like a magnetic address tapes on an envelope, attaching the amino acid molecule to the tissue requiring it as it passes through the vascular system. Taking time- release vitamins is a gimmick as they will irritate tissue and have no possible function without digested food molecules being present. Some have been banned already as being carcinogenic.


Vitamins and mineral salts complement one another and always should be given in a balanced way. Copper, calcium, and phosphorus work together for instance in bone formation. It does no good gobbling up one type of vitamin either without it being balanced with those vitamins that work with it.


A difference exists between some artificial vitamins and mineral salts, and natural ones. Most natural vitamins have a left handed lock at the end of the molecular structure whereas generally the artificial ones have right handed locks, and consequently break down in metabolism forming free radical compounds entirely different to the natural organic ones. Many of the artificial mineral salts marketed do not metabolise readily either. This can be observed for instance in patients who have unmetabolised black iron deposits for years afterwards under the skin on the site of earlier injections.


6. Roughage. Husks etc. and other indigestible matter found in natural foods. Not absorbed by the body. Necessary for mechanical cleansing of the digestive tract. Provides no heat or energy but rather consumes energy.


7. Water. Necessary for the lubrication and function of every cell in the body.




Sugar is a good conductor and fuel for the production of electricity in the body. The brain functions on electricity.


A person having just written an exam or had a bad shock has an automatic strong craving for something sweet to replace the loss of energy due to the stress one has just experienced. Sugar is rapidly converted into electricity in the brain, which cannot function without sugars.


Sugar comes in two forms. Long molecular shapes which burn slowly and do not put the body under stress because they pass through slowly and constantly, and SHORT molecular sugars such as honey, which is four times sweeter than cane sugar, cane sugar, fruit sugars, alcohol, chocolates, refined white grains, white breads and most commercialised foods.


The two examples that I use to illustrate this is by putting a little test to you. Imagine a thin plastic tube hanging down from the ceiling to the floor. Jumbo. the elephant in Mickey Mouse cartoons jumps into the top of the tube and slides down. Everything is stretched to extreme, and he hits the floor with a bang.


That is an example of what happens in the pancreas when short molecular sugars are ingested. The poor old pancreas is over stimulated and has to exert itself to the extreme by over producing insulin which continues to rise even after all the sugar in the blood has been burnt up, . When insulin levels climb like that in excess they cause further disorientation in the brain and a comatose state results. It can be quite an unpleasant experience.


Another example is if you were offered a gram of coal and also a gram of petrol and asked to quickly heat a little pot of water with either one of these substances, which one would you choose.?


The petrol would be no good because when you lit it, it would whiff up and be gone before it heated anything. Put a light to the coal and it would slowly heat probably two cups of water over a relatively long period. This will illustrate the difference between long molecular sugars and short ones in the body.


Herbs and spices all have strong STIMULATING effects not only on the pancreas but all have affinity for particular and different organs. They should never be ingested casually because of this fact and the highly stimulating and irritating nature of their effect. We are all over stimulated generally and are already exhausted even before we have them, so adding more fuel to the fire only irritates and makes matters worse, hence the great proliferation of cancers and other diseases due to the constant irritation of the areas of the body to which each one has an affinity with. They are very beneficial when used wisely but always consult a professional herbalist before self medicating. If a person only ate herbs and spices they would die, as these substances generally have NO food value at all.


We are all too acidic too. The above mentioned sugars and spices all stimulate the excessive production of acid in the body. If I could put my finger down your throat and just touch your stomach it would be like a light switch being turning on. Within minutes your stomach would produce a pint of hydrochloric acid, and my finger would be rapidly eaten up by the acid. That is the job of the stomach.


When food falls down into it, hydrochloric acid with a pH of about 2.0 is produced which becomes weaker and rises to about pH 7.0 or neutral by the time the digestion in that organ is completed. The stomach then tips its contents in to the top end of the intestines known as the duodenum, where the gall bladder squirts in some bile with a pH of about 9.0 This continues the digestion further attacking in particular the fats and oils, breaking them down to make them easily absorbed through the walls of the intestine.


Now what happens when a meal is eaten with strong spicy stimulants and hydrochloric acid is over- produced, or I drink coffee or some sweet fruit juice or coke.? My stomach produces acid in excess which has no work to do and is washed down the duodenum and the poor old liver and gall bladder have to immediately produce three times more bile, one to do the original digestion job of the stomach properly, one to neutralise the excess acid and an extra one for normal liver function.


We know that when we mix acids and alkalis three things happen. One, we make hydrogen ion gas, (wind), two produce excess heat or pain, and three produce useless inert salts, all requiring energy which is lost to the body, hence one reason for the chronic fatigue syndrome that so many people complain about. Our liver becomes fatigued, and we can not expect to feel healthier than our liver. When it is in this condition it often is unable to produce high grade cholesterol, and we then have the problem so common today of (inferior )cholesterol build up in the arteries.


If you drink sweet juices including vegetable juices, always sip them, or better still drink them with their pulp mashed in as well, to give the acid in the stomach some work to do and prevent burning the duodenum and nausea if they wash through too fast.. This also decreases the shock and load on the pancreas when short molecular sugars pass through.






Nearly everyone is confused about fats. Fats have been targeted as the culprits in heart disease, stroke and high cholesterol. Yet people crave fats, and in fact, they are one of the three main nutrient groups that supply calories in food, along with protein and carbohydrates.


Fats are an important nutrient for human health. A totally fat-free diet actually accelerates ageing of the skin, nerves and brain cells. Without adequate quantity and quality of fats in the diet, the body cannot adequately replace cells or reproduce hormones and other essential body functions.


The important thing is to choose the right fats. The key is eating a good quality of fat that your body can easily utilise for health. Ghee (clarified butter) actually aids these processes, while providing a perfect source of essential fatty acids.




Pure ghee, which protects against free radicals and is resistant to free radical damage, is an ideal source of essential fatty acids.


Ghee is the traditional Sanskrit word for clarified butter. Ghee is simply the butter oil, without the lactose and other milk solids (which makes it suitable for people who are lactose intolerant). Ghee is made by boiling butter and removing the solids. It is considered the supreme cooking oil because of its health- giving qualities, such as promoting digestion and elimination making the complexion clear and bright.


Even though ghee is technically a saturated fat, its molecular structure differs from other animal fats, because it is a short- chain fatty acid (easily assimilated by the body) rather than a long-chain fatty acid (not metabolised by the body and leading to cancer and blood clots). It is much more nourishing and, if used in moderation, does not raise cholesterol, according to research.


Ghee has many remarkable qualities. It contains:


Eight percent lower saturated fatty acids than any other edible oil or fat, making it the easiest fat to digest.


Has no protein casein, which raises cholesterol levels and is removed during its preparation.


Contains antioxidant Vitamin E, and is the only edible vegetarian fat that contains Vitamin A. These antioxidants help prevent the formation of lipid peroxides, which trigger the process of arteriosclerosis and cause damage to DNA in the cells. .


It contains four to five percent linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that promotes growth and development of the body's tissues and organs. "Essential fatty acid" means that the body cannot produce the fat itself, and must ingest linoleic acid in foods in order to function properly.


Remains fresh for three or four months when stored at room temperature, removing the risk of rancidity and oxidation.


It does not undergo a radical chemical change or "burn" when used to cook or fry vegetables. This is important, because burned oil or butter becomes carcinogenic, creates free radicals, and is hard to digest.




Olive oil unlike most other vegetable oils is a monounsaturated fat that is recommended in recent years by the American Heart Association.


Virgin olive oil or extra-virgin olive oil are the only types recommended, because these have not been heated. Heating destroys nutrients and increases free radical content. For this reason, it's better to use olive oil for baking and for cooking only low temperatures only. You can steam the vegetables first, then add the olive oil at low heat.


Extra-virgin olive oil is especially good because it is lighter and less fattening than other oils and fats. It is a monounsaturated fat, which means that it protects against free radicals and promotes the good kind of HDL cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats also help decrease heart attacks and strokes by preventing platelets from clumping together in clots.




One of the most confusing issues concerning fats is their relationship to cholesterol. Recent research shows that lipid peroxides (fats that have been oxidised by free radicals) are the ones that damage the artery walls and lead to arteriosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.


Cholesterol in the blood stream actually serves many important functions that are crucial to health. It is only when cholesterol is damaged by harmful free radicals that it becomes dangerous to the heart.


To combat the effects of free radicals and to stop the production of lipid peroxides, it is recommended avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are vegetable oils that have had an extra hydrogen molecule artificially added in order to make the oil into a solid substance such as margarine's. Manufacturers of processed foods love these hydrogenated fats, because they have a longer shelf-life and make baked goods such as breads, cookies and crackers more tasty.


Unfortunately, these artificial fats are virtually indigestible by the human body, and create the lipid peroxides that lead to the harmful type of cholesterol and many diseases. You should take care to avoid them.


Polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower, safflower, corn and soy oil should also be avoided because they create free radicals and lipid peroxides, and because their good qualities are destroyed in the high- heat, chemicalized methods used to process them.


Also, saturated fats from animal meat, lard, poultry, butter, whole milk, coconut, palm and palm kernel oils raise levels of cholesterol because of their saturated hydrogen content. Canola oil, which is a monounsaturated oil like olive oil, is genetically engineered in most cases, and therefore is not recommended unless organically grown.


Hope you understand a bit more as to how your body works. You must listen to it and by doing so will learn a lot about nature. Kindest regards Kiwi Joe


"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."--Chinese proverb


Modern medicine does not cure anything, it alleviates symptoms. Using it is like borrowing money from a bank and having to pay back later when you can least afford to do so. You will have to pay back for sure ! Putting things right the natural way is a challenge well worth the effort.


The "Kiwi Joe" news letter is provided as a free service to promote the benefits of natural medicine and healing as opposed to drug therapy. All information obtained is from reputable, professional and renowned correspondents throughout the world, leaders in their particular fields.


Website addresses of four of the new generation honest professionals


www.duffyslaw.com Dr D Duffy http://www.doctoryourself.com Dr Andrew Saul www. mercola. cola Dr Mercola


www.psrg.org.nz or Dr Robert Anderson roberta for information re: Genetic Engineering. Visit the sites for a new awareness of how medicine should be conducted.



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