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Wednesday, December 24, 2003 2:01 PM

[Mycoplasmaforum] Chemtrails Delivery System For Dept Of Deaths Toxic Cocktails.

CHEMTRAILS: Deliver System for Dept. of Death's Toxic CocktailsBy Amy Worthington[From the July 2001 issue of The Idaho Observer]To ignore chemtrails is to pretend that the DOD would never test itschemical and biological weapons on unsuspecting people. Most people livingon earth want only life, liberty, peace and the pursuit of happiness. Ingrisly contrast, America's military-industrial complex harbors anintroverted and pathological fixation with war games and death technology.In its inexorable quest for absolute power -- that evolutionary state ofdecay warned about by President Eisenhower so many years ago* -- the complexhas unleashed a terrifying array of secretive and dangerous experiments.These include weather modification, earthquake induction and numerouschemical-biological tests on unwitting subjects.Every aspect of our physical environment is now being manipulated for wargames. Discolored skies are continuously polluted by jets spraying chemicalaerosols. Bizarre and unpredictable weather is often military-made.Electromagnetic abnormalities -- including artificial lightning -- aregenerated by HAARP-like installations in sundry places. People are becomingincreasingly ill and immuno-compromised from such ecological tampering.In an expose on Henry Kissinger's momentous war crimes, author ChristopherHitchens writes in Harper's magazine that during the Vietnam War, a U.S.helicopter unit posted the slogan, "Death is our business and business isgood." This arrogant paradigm is perfect for the grotesque network of over100 laboratories on campuses and industrial parks across the nation wheremilitary and contract personnel develop new technologies and strategies forkilling human beings in the name of national security.From the military's own abstract of a workshop on "Chemical LethalityPredictions" we learn that when planes spray deadly chemicals in the form ofrain or mist, it is possible to calculate how much of those killer agentscan be deposited on each person on the ground. The calculations are soprecise that "...ten large VX drops that fall over a populated area have thechance to kill up to 9 out of 10 people."What business has the military to be spraying "populated areas" with lethaltoxins? This is not defense at all. This is genocide.Many Americans have reported seeing or feeling chemical mists fall from thesky during chemtrail spray episodes. Chemtrail investigator Will Thomasreports that people hit by these mists usually become gravely ill within 48hours. Thomas tells of hiker Joe Burton in Tennessee who, in 1998, wassprayed by a plane leaving a heavy toxic fog at tree-top level. Burtoncontracted symptoms similar to Gulf War Illness. Strange chemicals hadentered his lungs, attacking his liver, gallbladder and kidneys. He was alsofound to have a very rare flu-like virus that was tracked to Geneva,Switzerland, home of the World Health Organization.Congressional hearings of 1975, 1977 and 1994 confirm in nauseating detailthat our illustrious Department of Death has used the American population ashapless guinea pigs since WWII. Rutgers professor Leonard Cole collectedfrom U.S. military records a horrifying list of biological and chemicalagents furtively tested on American and Canadian civilian populations. In1999, Jonathan Moreno of Clinton's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments,also confirmed in his book Undue Risk decades of murderousmilitary-intelligence experimentation on civilians without their knowledgeor consent.In 1953, an odious series of 36 tests was conducted on citizens of Winnipegin Canada. Our government lied to the Winnipeg mayor, assuring him that thetests were non-toxic and defense-necessary. The actual purpose of theseCIA-designed tests was to see how large a percentage of the population couldbe given chemical-induced cancer.Our spray planes and spray trucks saturated the people of Winnipeg with thecarcinogen zinc cadmium sulfide, the same chemical sprayed on many Americancities. By calculating the number of people who subsequently came intomedical clinics complaining of sore throats, bronchial problems and ringingears, the test-masters determined that had the chemical not been watereddown, they could have induced cancer in one-third of the Winnipegpopulation.In 1994, Dr. Cole testified before a Senate committee that he feared themilitary might develop new and genetically engineered pathogens. He couldnot have known then that our government had been working on such heinouspathogens since the 1960s, when it initiated a special virus cancer programin order to create contagious cancers for biowarfare.By 1996, Dr. Leonard Horowitz confirmed in his book Emerging Viruses thatboth AIDS and the Marburg-Ebola complex were man-made monstrosities hatchedout of America's biowarfare labs.Still today the military continues with open air testing in populated areasacross the United States, using dangerous live simulants to test biowarfaredetection gadgets. These open-air tests involve the spraying of dangerousgerms from backpack canisters and vehicles. Because these germs can causeeverything from meningitis to heart disease, the personnel who conduct thetests are always protected with gas masks and body suits. People in thecommunities being sprayed are given no protection at all.Captain Joyce Riley stood before a group of government officials last yearin Louisiana where the military was determined to conduct open air germtests, against the vociferous will of the people. She boldly told them thatthe only acts of terrorism ever conducted on American soil have beenperpetrated by our own government. Never were truer words spoken!Our government's hypocritical warnings about domestic terrorism areludicrous since a criminal element of the Clinton administrationmaster-minded the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.Former Oklahoma Congressman Charles Key and his fact-finding committee havedocumented fedgov's prior knowledge of the bombing, its complicity in wiringcolumns inside the building with explosives and its heinous coverup of thefacts. The Oklahoma bombing, which killed 180 people including children indaycare, qualifies the fedgov itself as a premier terrorist organization.Meantime, U.S. officials deliberately exaggerate the threat of terrorismfrom Third World malcontents. Even the General Accounting Office admitsforeign terrorists would not likely use bio-weapons because they would haveto overcome "significant technical and operational challenges."Yet, as the mainstream media reported two years ago, the terrorist racket isa huge growth industry for hungry corporations that interface with theDepartment of Death and lust for $10 billion set aside for terrorismprevention.In 1994, after Dr. Cole testified before the Senate, the RockefellerCommittee issued a report confirming 50 years of secret government testingon both civilians and military personnel. Perversely -- while all of thislip service was going on -- the military was simultaneously conducting aseries of hideous biological warfare tests on the people of Oakville,Washington.During the summer of 1994, U.S. military aircraft began dropping a gelsubstance on the tiny town of Oakville near the Pacific coast. Everybody intown came down with flu and pneumonia-like symptoms. Some people werehospitalized and remained ill for months. Pets and barnyard animals died.The police chief was patrolling the town one morning at 3 a.m. when a delugeof sticky stuff coated the windshield of his patrol car. He cleaned the goowith rubber gloves but just breathing it made him deathly ill. By afternoonhe had major trouble breathing.The gel material was tested by a number of government and private labs whichfound human blood cells and nasty bacteria, including a modified version ofpseudonomas fluorescens, cited in over 160 military papers as anexperimental biowarfare bacteria. Unsolved Mysteries aired the story onnational television in May, 1997. Several Oakville citizens reported bizarreencounters with FEMA officials and intelligence personnel from Fort HoodTexas -- home of the Black Hawk unit. These spooks made repeated visits toOakville, probing people about their health and reportedly intimidatingthose who had been interviewed on television.Also in 1997, rancher William Wallace was plowing his fields near KettleFalls Washington when a U.S. Navy Intruder swooped down and sprayed him witha fine mist. He became so deathly sick he could not lift his arm above hishead for days. He lost his job because of his illness. His cat's face becameparalyzed and actually began to dissolve until it died.Wallace went to the CBS affiliate in Spokane with his story. Two days later,a turbo prop aircraft dived over his house spraying something that made himand his family ill again. Wallace told chemtrail investigator Will Thomas hefelt this was a warning to "shut up." The CBS affiliate in Spokane finallydid a two-part news interview with Wallace in the spring of 1999.Again in 1997, in Southern Idaho near the town of Caldwell, seven healthypeople died in their sleep when their lungs collapsed. All were in perfecthealth. An article in the Arizona Republic noted that people had suspicionsthat officials might be covering something up. Two years later aneye-witness report was filed about a dark fibrous material falling onCaldwell homes, cars and lawns shortly before the mysterious deathsoccurred. Residents said the material looked like feces.Medical journalist Ermina Cassani has investigated nation-wide reports ofsuch biological waste being dropped on neighborhoods from low-flying planes.Cassani investigated over 30 different yuk drops during the years 1998 and1999. In 1998, she obtained a sample that looked like dried blood from aMichigan house. Examining this material, a University of Michigan lab foundpseudonomas fluorescens, the same bug used on Oakville. It can causehorrible human infections including fatal shock, and because of its glowingproperties, it allows the military to track its path.There were also other ugly pathogens, including staph and several fungiwhich can cause lung disease. Consider the high fungi content of this samplein the context of the mysterious fungus that infected Kentucky horses lastspring. Could not furtive aerial drops provide a convenient mode of economicsabotage?Cassani also reported 29 biological "drops" in the state of Utah. HAZMATteams in biochemical hazard gear cleaned up the feces with chlorine. Utah ishome to the infamous Dugway Proving Grounds, a chemical-biological testcenter where hundreds of former workers have contracted Gulf-War likesymptoms, according to a 1997 testimony before a government committee.During numerous chemtrail spray episodes, the small town of Sallisaw inEastern Oklahoma area was saturated with a web-like material in which labtechs discovered an unusually large enterobacteria. The critter was a mutantof E. coli, salmonella and anthrax; undoubtedly one of the military'sdesigner bugs. Sallisaw resident Patrick Edgar has reported on the internetthat the entire town was made extremely ill by the spraying and that thetown now has epidemic rates of both lupus and cancer.Biological weapons encapsulated in protective coatings like syntheticwebbing would explain why so many people who see web-like filaments driftingdown from the skies report illness after touching the webs. When the webbingis closely examined, it is proven to be man-made filaments of the typedeveloped by both industrial and military entities. Last year, SouthAfricans reported web-like filaments falling from aircraft that formed ablanket-like appearance across vegetation, telephone poles and fences. Whenthe cattle ate it they developed large bumps on their hides, became listlessand went blind. Informed people everywhere are now wary of "web looking"materials.This year, using both electrostatic precipitation devices and HEPA airfilters to collect outdoor atmospheric samples, chemtrail researcherClifford Carnicom and his associates have documented desiccated blood cellsfloating in the atmosphere in both New Mexico and Colorado. With so manyatmospheric samples containing biological components, Carnicom has concludedthat "crimes of the highest order are being perpetrated against citizenswithout their knowledge or consent."Who besides the Department of Death would have the money and inclination tokeep our atmosphere besmirched with such biological materials? There is muchaccumulated evidence that gels, webs, fecal matter, powders and blood cellsmay be used to harbor viruses, mycoplasma and/or other bio-engineered toxinsuntil they can reach their intended hosts. No big surprise. Anything ispossible from a military-industrial complex which has ruthlessly unleashedebola and AIDS upon the world.* The following excerpts were taken from President Dwight D. Eisenhower'sfarewell address in 1961 (referred to in the introductory paragraph above):"Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armamentsindustry....We annually spend on military security more than the net incomeof all United States corporations."This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large armsindustry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperativeneed for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its graveimplications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is thevery structure of our society."In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition ofunwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by themilitary-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise ofmisplaced power exists and will persist."We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties ordemocratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alertand knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the hugeindustrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods andgoals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."[The article above is posted on the Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network bypermission of the author, Amy Worthington, and The Idaho Observer.]



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