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Invisibility News Articles

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Invisibility News Articleshttp://www.cosmicmanuscript.com/links.html-- Three soldiers claimed to be witnesses to the bizarre disappearance ofan entire battalion in 1915. They finally came forward with the strangestory 50 years after the infamous Gallipoli campaign of WWI. The threemembers of a New Zealand field company said they watched from a clearvantage point as a battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment marched up ahillside in Suvla Bay, Turkey. The hill was shrouded in a low-lying cloudthat the English soldiers marched straight into without hesitation. Theynever came out. After the last of the battalion had entered the cloud, itslowly lifted off the hillside to join other clouds in the sky. When the warwas over, figuring the battalion had been captured and held prisoner, theBritish government demanded that Turkey return them. The Turks insisted,however, that it had neither captured not made contact with these Englishsoldiers.-- The Disappearing DiplomatBritish diplomat Benjamin Bathurst vanished into thin air in 1809. Bathurstwas returning to Hamburg with a companion after a mission to the Austriancourt. Along the way, they had stopped for dinner at an inn in the town ofPerelberg. Upon finishing the meal, they returned to their waitinghorse-drawn coach. Bathurst's companion watched as the diplomat stepped overto the front of the coach to examine to horses - and simply vanished withouta trace.-- Owen Parfitt had been paralyzed by a massive stroke. In June, 1763 inShepton Mallet, England, Parfitt sat outside his sister's home, as was oftenhis habit on warm evenings. Virtually unable to move, the 60-year-old mansat quietly is his nightshirt upon his folded greatcoat. Across the road wasa farm where workers were finishing their workday by pooking the hay. Atabout 7 p.m., Parfitt's sister, Susannah, went outside with a neighbor tohelp Parfitt move back into the house, as a storm was approaching. But hewas gone. Only his folded greatcoat upon which he sat remained.Investigations of this mysterious disappearance were carried out as late as1933, but no trace or clues to Parfitt's fate were ever uncovered.-- On December 1, 1949, Mr. Tetford vanished from a crowded bus. Tetford wason his way home to Bennington from a trip to St. Albans, Vermont. Tetford,an ex-soldier who lived in the Soldier's Home in Bennington, was sitting onthe bus with 14 other passengers. They all testified to seeing him there,sleeping in his seat. When the bus reached its destination, however, Tetfordwas gone, although his belongings were still on the luggage rack and a bustimetable lay open on his empty seat. Tetford has never returned or beenfound.-- This famous case allegedly took place in September, 1880 on a farm nearGallatin, Tennessee in full view of several witnesses. The two Langchildren, George and Sarah, were playing in the front yard of the familyhome. Their parents, David and Emma, came out the front door, and Davidheaded off across a pasture toward his horses. At this time, a buggycarrying family friend Judge August Peck was approaching. David turned towalk back to the house, saw the buggy and waved to the judge as he strodeacross the field. A few seconds later, David Lang - in clear view of hiswife, his children and the judge - disappeared in mid-step. Emma screamedand all of the witnesses rushed to the spot where David once was, thinkingperhaps he had fallen into a hole of some kind. There was no hole. Athorough search by the family, friends and neighbors turned up nothing. Afew months after the unexplained disappearance, the Lang children noticedthat the grass on the spot where their father vanished had turned yellow andwilted in a circle measuring about 15 feet in diameter.--The Stonehenge DisappearanceThe mysterious standing stones of Stonehenge in England was the site of anamazing disappearance in August, 1971. At this time Stonehenge was not yetprotected from the public, and on this particular night, a group of"hippies" decided to pitch tents in the center of the circle and spend thenight. They built a campfire, lit several joints of pot and sat aroundsmoking and signing. Their campout was abruptly interrupted at about 2 a.m.by a severe thunder storm that quickly blew in over Salisbury Plain. Brightbolts of lightning crashed down on the area, striking area trees and eventhe standing stones themselves. Two witnesses, a farmer and a policeman,said that the stones of the ancient monument lit up with an eerie blue lightthat was so intense that they had to avert their eyes. They heard screamsfrom the campers and the two witnesses rushed to the scene expecting to findinjured - or even dead - campers. To their surprise, they found no one. Allthat remained within the circle of stones were several smoldering tent pegsand the drowned remains of a campfire. The hippies themselves were gonewithout a trace.--The Village That DisappearedAn individual that vanishes is one thing, but how about an entire village of2,000 men, women and children? In November, 1930, a fur trapper named JoeLabelle made his way on snow shoes to an Eskimo village on the shores ofLake Anjikuni in northern Canada. Labelle was familiar with the village,which he knew as a thriving fishing community of about 2,000 residents. Whenhe arrived, however, the village was deserted. All of the huts andstorehouses were vacant. He found one smoldering fire on which there was apot of blackened stew. Labelle notified the authorities and an investigationwas begun, and which turned up some bizarre findings: no footprints of anyof the residents were found, if they had vacated the village; all of theEskimos' sled dogs were found buried under a 12-foot-high snow drift - theyhad all starved to death; all of the Eskimos' food and provisions were foundundisturbed in their huts. And there was one last unnerving discovery: theEskimos' ancestral graves had been emptied.For more Information Read Cosmic ManuscriptEmail author--HUMAN SPONTANEOUS INVOLUNTARY INVISIBILITYby Donna Higbee, CHTIn the summer of 1994, I became aware of a very strange phenomenon, humanspontaneous involuntary invisibility, which was apparently happening topeople in the U.S. When I checked with other researchers and discovered thata number of them had also heard of such cases, I decided to place an inquiryletter in several well-known journals, asking other researchers and thegeneral public if they had any experiences of this nature that they wouldlike to share with me. Besides the publication of my inquiry letter, myinquiry was placed on several Internet bulletin boards. The letters beganpouring in, giving me a broader picture of this phenomenon. I want to sharea few stories with you and pass on some of the information I have comeacross during this past year.My inquiry letter told the story of Vera in Ventura, California, who triedto get assistance in a post office, only to be completely ignored by othercustomers and the postal clerk. I have kept in touch with Vera and she hashad other apparent invisibility experiences in stores and other publicplaces. Sheila in Roanoke, Texas, continues to have invisibilityexperiences, some of which have occurred in restaurants and at the airport.Glenda in Fort Worth, Texas, has had these experiences occur in a cafeteriaand a movie theater. Most of the cases that I have researched have been inthe U.S., although I do know of cases in England, Europe, Australia, PuertoRico and Brazil.In every case I have heard about or personally researched, the person isphysically still present, although unable to be seen or heard. From thepoint of view of the invisible person, the world looks normal and they haveno idea that they cannot be seen or heard by people around them. I willaddress how this might occur a little further along in this article, butfirst I want to give a few examples below. The quotes are directly fromexperiencers’ letters to me.Jean in Tucson, Arizona, wrote me of her experiences. She has had them occurin the library when she attempted to check out books and in clothing stores.The following is a quote from her letter, showing the humor with which shedeals with these occurrences. "I've had this happen in stores, inrestaurants, and many places. I remember joking to a friend of mine one timethat I felt like I could walk into a bank, help myself to a pile of billsand no one would ever see me because I was invisible. There is no physicalreason why I should be. I'm taller than average for my sex and age group(I'm fifty-five years old and 5'9"), referred to as good-looking, and I'vealways worn my hair red. You wouldn't think a tall woman with red hair, highheels in a purple dress and dangle earrings would be invisible, would you?"Or the story from a thirty-seven year old man, Peter in Gloucestershire,England, who was at a private party in 1987. He walked upstairs to use thebathroom and was followed by a woman who also wanted to use the bathroom.The woman motioned for him to go first and she stood outside the door towait her turn. Peter used the bathroom, opened the door and walked out intothe hallway, closing the door behind him. He went on down the stairs andwalked over to some friends and started talking to them. They all ignoredhim completely. He though they were playing a joke on him, so he walked awayand found his girlfriend and asked her for a cigarette. She, too, acted likeshe didn't see or hear him. Peter was getting angry by this time and thoughtthe joke had gone too far. He decided to walk back upstairs and catch thewoman coming out of the bathroom and ask her for a cigarette. "...I walkedback up the stairs and, on reaching the bathroom landing, I came across thegirl again who was standing outside the bathroom door, clearly still waitingfor me to come out. When she saw me, her face dropped in surprise forclearly she thought that I was still in the bathroom." Peter returned to theparty downstairs and everything was normal again and he was able to be seenand heard. When he questioned his friends and girlfriend as to why they hadignored him, they all swore that they had never seen or heard him. Obviouslythe woman upstairs had not seen him come out of the bathroom and godownstairs.Then there is the case of Melanie in Ventura, California, who becameinvisible while sitting on her own living room sofa and staring at the wall,lost in her own thoughts. Her husband was walking around the house lookingfor her but could not see her sitting there, only several feet away fromwhere he was walking. This lasted for approximately ten minutes, then shewas suddenly visible again. Her husband was quite upset with her and thoughtshe had been hiding from him. She assured him that she had been sittingthere all along, but to this day, he does not believe her.Or, how about Jannise in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who has had a number ofinvisibility experiences throughout her life. The one reported here lastedlonger than usual. As a teenager, she fell in with a group of friends whodecided to see if they could actually steal something from a departmentstore and not get caught. As luck would have it, the entire group was caughtand taken into custody, including Jannise. They were taken to the policestation and one by one were questioned; all, that is, except Jannise.Although she was standing right there, no one paid the slightest attentionto her; not the police, the guards, or the office personnel. She finallyjust got up and walked out of the police station without ever beingquestioned or anyone attempting to stop her. When she later talked with herfriends about what happened in the police station, "...they didn’t evenrecall me being taken into custody at the department store. Yet I rode inthe police car with everyone else, and they thought I was still at thestore." No one had seen her from the moment the police had arrived on thescene in the store until some time after she had walked out of the policestation unhindered.What actually is happening? Why is this occurring? We don't have answers forthese questions yet. But in trying to learn more about invisibility, I cameacross some information which I want to share with you.Human invisibility has been written about for centuries. Indo-European andpre-Aryan shamanistic beliefs accompanied the peoples who eventuallymigrated into the Indus Valley (approx. 2,500-1,500 BCE). Here, men andwomen of great spiritual attainment, superior knowledge, and extraordinarypowers came to be called rishis. The Vedas, which form the basis ofHinduism, emanated from the teachings of the rishis, starting around 1,000BCE In these texts, we find descriptions of the rituals and techniques ofthe Hindu priests, sounding very much like the magical and shamanisticabilities of the old sorcerers, magicians and shamans. Later in Hinduism,around 700-300 BCE, we find the secret doctrines, called the Upanishads,which were written for students. Within the Upanishads, there is a sectioncalled the "Yogatattva," which gives the rich mystical philosophy of thediscipline and theory of practice for attaining knowledge of the essence ofGod. A serious student of raja yoga was taught that certain supernormalpowers, called siddhas, were a natural outcome of gaining mastery over one'smind and environment, and were used as valuable indications of the student'sspiritual progress. One of these yogic siddhas was human invisibility.Patanjali, author of the Yoga-sutra, which is one of the earliest treatisesamong the early Indian writings, attempts to describe the process wherebyhuman invisibility occurred. He says that concentration and meditation canmake the body imperceptible to other men, and "a direct contact with thelight of the eyes no longer existing, the body disappears." The lightengendered in the eye of the observer no longer comes into contact with thebody that has become invisible, and the observer sees nothing at all. Thereis not a lot written about how this occurs; the explanation of the processwhereby invisibility was brought into being was most likely left up to theteacher to impart to the student directly.We move ahead in time and find that from the thirteenth century on, numeroustexts in Europe refer to similar abilities, performed by sorcerers andmagicians who had the power to make themselves invisible, like the shamans(both ancient and modern), and the yoga masters in India. Some othercultures in which shamanism (and the ability to vanish) has played a majorrole are the Aborigines of Australia, the archaic peoples of North and SouthAmerica, and the peoples in the polar regions.Next we look at Rosicrucianism, which started in Europe in the fifteenthcentury. Among the papers of that time, there are a number of them that talkabout invisibility. A brother in the Rosicrucian fraternity wrote a paper onhow to walk invisible among men, and there is evidence that this was beingtaught in those early days. H. Spencer Lewis, the founder of the Ancient andMystical Order Rosae Crucis in San Jose, California, stated that one cangain invisibility with the use of clouds. He says that clouds or bodies ofmist can be called out of the invisible to surround a person and thus shuthim out of the sight of others. According to Lewis, this secret practice isstill taught in the mystical schools of today. The written literature onthis subject supports the statement that the cloud is the basis of theRosicrucian invisibility secret.Interestingly, a man named John Macky, who was an early Masonic leader (theearly Masons were believed to be an offshoot of the Rosicrucians) taught amethod whereby any man could render himself invisible. Another offshoot ofthe Rosicrucian fraternity, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, leftmanuscripts describing the Ritual of Invisibility. These manuscripts talkabout surrounding yourself with a shroud, which is described as looking like"a cloud." It is said that Madame Blavatsky, of the Theosophical Society,witnessed this invisibility for herself and was actually given the secret,thereafter accomplishing this for herself on several occasions in front ofwitnesses. The literature on the Spiritualists in the U.S. shows that thereis no doubt they, too, knew about the cloud and its creation.So, just what is this cloud? We are looking for something that is betweenempty space and actual physical matter, something unseen by the naked eyebut very much in existence. The Rosicrucian manual tells us that the firstform into which spirit essence concentrates preparatory to materialmanifestation is electrons. When spiritual essence gathers into very minutefocal points of electrical charge (due to certain conditions), we have thecreation of electrons. Science reports that such a cloud of free electronswill absorb all light entering it; it will not reflect nor refract lightwaves, nor are light waves able to pass through a human being. Consequentlythe observer’s eye sees nothing there and the person surrounded by such acloud is invisible. Since light is necessary for human sight, when there areno reflected or refracted light waves bouncing off a person and hitting theobserver’s retina, the person is not able to be seen and is not visibleunder normal circumstances.How is this cloud created intentionally? That is difficult to say. There arereferences to and descriptions of invisibility and its creation in thewritings of secret societies, but most people don’t have access to thesewritings. One could go to India and become an apprentice or student of anIndian guru or teacher to learn these techniques, but that probably is notpractical in modern life. To the everyday person, the knowledge of howinvisibility works is a mystery.With this being the case, just how are people having experiences ofspontaneous involuntary invisibility? I wish I had the answers, but we arestill in the midst of our research. If indeed they are forming thelight-absorbing, free-electron cloud around themselves, they are doing itunknowingly and without knowledge of the method. Since some kind of focusedmental thought process must be employed to make the cloud form aroundoneself, then it might be that these people are doing this unconsciously.At the start of my research, I was interested to see if there was acorrelation between human invisibility and people who report havingexperiences with non-human entities. It is known that invisibility is one ofthe components making up the abduction phenomenon. The first several peoplewho came to me with invisibility experiences were abductees, and I hoped toshow a link between abduction and human invisibility. But as I continued toget letters from people having experienced invisibility, I could see nodirect link between the two. It seems that just as many non-abductees arehaving these experiences as are abductees. There is the possibility thatthose reporting to be non-abductees simply haven't remembered theirexperiences and are, indeed, actually abductees. If this is the case, itwill be difficult to give accurate findings. At this point, I am simplycalling for more data and hoping that some patterns become obvious.I find it interesting that the people having these invisibility experiencesseem to be people with higher than average psychic abilities. Possibly theyare able to traverse other dimensions and command natural forces, knowinglyor unknowingly. Researchers of the paranormal are having a field day aspeople are reporting experiences with what they term ghosts, angels,extraterrestrials, and interdimensional beings. Spontaneous involuntaryinvisibility is just another mystery to add to the lot.In our culture, we have sayings such as "she looked right through me,theyacted like I wasn't even there," etc. There are several reasons why someonemight use that kind of phraseology. There has been the supposition thatminorities, and to some extent women, are somehow less in our society.Thankfully, this attitude has been undergoing a change in recent years. Buta person who falls into a category that society has traditionally consideredless in importance might take on the stereotyped role and believe it to betrue to the extent he feels so unimportant that, to him, people don't evennotice him. He feels invisible. Another reason could be the mental health ofthe person involved. Severely depressed people can experience what is termednihilism or the feeling of such uselessness and worthlessness that they feelinvisible to people around them. A person with extremely low self-esteemmight feel he is unworthy of being noticed, therefore he feels invisible. Inthese cases, the feeling of invisibility is a subjective one on the part ofthe experiencer and is not necessarily based in fact. And I think we haveall had the experience of a person simply not paying attention to us and notseeing us or what we were doing. But if we were to go up to them, standdirectly in front of them and speak to them, their attention would be drawnto us and they would interact with us.The phenomenon of human spontaneous involuntary invisibility is quitedifferent. My research has shown the people to be well adjusted, welleducated and taken totally by surprise at the occurrence of invisibility.Often it takes several such occurrences before they realize that they aretruly invisible during certain times to other people. They attempt tointeract with those around them and simply can't be seen or heard. Thisproduces frustration and, in many cases, a sense of fear at something whichthey don't understand. There is a big difference between a person purposelynot interacting with you because of some cultural or personal reason versusa person not interacting with you because he can neither see nor hear you. Acase in point: I recently had a phone call from Joe L. in Fullerton,California who was very bewildered and needed to talk about what washappening to him. He had just returned from a restaurant where he was seatedat a table by himself drinking his tea after having finished his dinner. Joewas sitting forward in his chair and intent upon something happening out thewindow and did not notice a man pass behind his table and take his jacketfrom the back of his chair. When he finished his tea, he stood up to get hisjacket and found it missing. He reported this to the maitre d' and was toldthat the man who turned it in had said no one was sitting at the table andhe assumed that the party had left, so he turned in the jacket. Joe had hadseveral such invisibility occurrences within the past three months and wasquite disturbed over them. As I continue to get letters and phone calls, Irealize that there is much more to be learned about this fascinatingphenomenon.I welcome any comments and personal experiences you may care to share withme regarding invisibility. Also, I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist,working with people who feel they have had non-human abduction experiences.I would be happy to receive any comments or answer any questions you mayhave regarding the abduction phenomenon. I can be reached by email throughAmerica Online. My address is:Goodhigbee

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I had shared this article with another group that I am in . They came back and said that they cannot open the link. I had not tried it at the time and now I cannot open it either. is there an error or is there another link.

Cheers, Doug.



Myra Merrill

*§ @y ; § Paranormal_Research@y

Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:40 AM

Invisibility News Articles


Invisibility News Articleshttp://www.cosmicmanuscript.com/links.html-- Three soldiers claimed to be witnesses to the bizarre disappearance ofan entire battalion in 1915. They finally came forward with the strangestory 50 years after the infamous Gallipoli campaign of WWI. The threemembers of a New Zealand field company said they watched from a clearvantage point as a battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment marched up ahillside in Suvla Bay, Turkey. The hill was shrouded in a low-lying cloudthat the English soldiers marched straight into without hesitation. Theynever came out. After the last of the battalion had entered the cloud, itslowly lifted off the hillside to join other clouds in the sky. When the warwas over, figuring the battalion had been captured and held prisoner, theBritish government demanded that Turkey return them. The Turks insisted,however, that it had neither captured not made contact with these Englishsoldiers.-- The Disappearing DiplomatBritish diplomat Benjamin Bathurst vanished into thin air in 1809. Bathurstwas returning to Hamburg with a companion after a mission to the Austriancourt. Along the way, they had stopped for dinner at an inn in the town ofPerelberg. Upon finishing the meal, they returned to their waitinghorse-drawn coach. Bathurst's companion watched as the diplomat stepped overto the front of the coach to examine to horses - and simply vanished withouta trace.-- Owen Parfitt had been paralyzed by a massive stroke. In June, 1763 inShepton Mallet, England, Parfitt sat outside his sister's home, as was oftenhis habit on warm evenings. Virtually unable to move, the 60-year-old mansat quietly is his nightshirt upon his folded greatcoat. Across the road wasa farm where workers were finishing their workday by pooking the hay. Atabout 7 p.m., Parfitt's sister, Susannah, went outside with a neighbor tohelp Parfitt move back into the house, as a storm was approaching. But hewas gone. Only his folded greatcoat upon which he sat remained.Investigations of this mysterious disappearance were carried out as late as1933, but no trace or clues to Parfitt's fate were ever uncovered.-- On December 1, 1949, Mr. Tetford vanished from a crowded bus. Tetford wason his way home to Bennington from a trip to St. Albans, Vermont. Tetford,an ex-soldier who lived in the Soldier's Home in Bennington, was sitting onthe bus with 14 other passengers. They all testified to seeing him there,sleeping in his seat. When the bus reached its destination, however, Tetfordwas gone, although his belongings were still on the luggage rack and a bustimetable lay open on his empty seat. Tetford has never returned or beenfound.-- This famous case allegedly took place in September, 1880 on a farm nearGallatin, Tennessee in full view of several witnesses. The two Langchildren, George and Sarah, were playing in the front yard of the familyhome. Their parents, David and Emma, came out the front door, and Davidheaded off across a pasture toward his horses. At this time, a buggycarrying family friend Judge August Peck was approaching. David turned towalk back to the house, saw the buggy and waved to the judge as he strodeacross the field. A few seconds later, David Lang - in clear view of hiswife, his children and the judge - disappeared in mid-step. Emma screamedand all of the witnesses rushed to the spot where David once was, thinkingperhaps he had fallen into a hole of some kind. There was no hole. Athorough search by the family, friends and neighbors turned up nothing. Afew months after the unexplained disappearance, the Lang children noticedthat the grass on the spot where their father vanished had turned yellow andwilted in a circle measuring about 15 feet in diameter.--The Stonehenge DisappearanceThe mysterious standing stones of Stonehenge in England was the site of anamazing disappearance in August, 1971. At this time Stonehenge was not yetprotected from the public, and on this particular night, a group of"hippies" decided to pitch tents in the center of the circle and spend thenight. They built a campfire, lit several joints of pot and sat aroundsmoking and signing. Their campout was abruptly interrupted at about 2 a.m.by a severe thunder storm that quickly blew in over Salisbury Plain. Brightbolts of lightning crashed down on the area, striking area trees and eventhe standing stones themselves. Two witnesses, a farmer and a policeman,said that the stones of the ancient monument lit up with an eerie blue lightthat was so intense that they had to avert their eyes. They heard screamsfrom the campers and the two witnesses rushed to the scene expecting to findinjured - or even dead - campers. To their surprise, they found no one. Allthat remained within the circle of stones were several smoldering tent pegsand the drowned remains of a campfire. The hippies themselves were gonewithout a trace.--The Village That DisappearedAn individual that vanishes is one thing, but how about an entire village of2,000 men, women and children? In November, 1930, a fur trapper named JoeLabelle made his way on snow shoes to an Eskimo village on the shores ofLake Anjikuni in northern Canada. Labelle was familiar with the village,which he knew as a thriving fishing community of about 2,000 residents. Whenhe arrived, however, the village was deserted. All of the huts andstorehouses were vacant. He found one smoldering fire on which there was apot of blackened stew. Labelle notified the authorities and an investigationwas begun, and which turned up some bizarre findings: no footprints of anyof the residents were found, if they had vacated the village; all of theEskimos' sled dogs were found buried under a 12-foot-high snow drift - theyhad all starved to death; all of the Eskimos' food and provisions were foundundisturbed in their huts. And there was one last unnerving discovery: theEskimos' ancestral graves had been emptied.For more Information Read Cosmic ManuscriptEmail author--HUMAN SPONTANEOUS INVOLUNTARY INVISIBILITYby Donna Higbee, CHTIn the summer of 1994, I became aware of a very strange phenomenon, humanspontaneous involuntary invisibility, which was apparently happening topeople in the U.S. When I checked with other researchers and discovered thata number of them had also heard of such cases, I decided to place an inquiryletter in several well-known journals, asking other researchers and thegeneral public if they had any experiences of this nature that they wouldlike to share with me. Besides the publication of my inquiry letter, myinquiry was placed on several Internet bulletin boards. The letters beganpouring in, giving me a broader picture of this phenomenon. I want to sharea few stories with you and pass on some of the information I have comeacross during this past year.My inquiry letter told the story of Vera in Ventura, California, who triedto get assistance in a post office, only to be completely ignored by othercustomers and the postal clerk. I have kept in touch with Vera and she hashad other apparent invisibility experiences in stores and other publicplaces. Sheila in Roanoke, Texas, continues to have invisibilityexperiences, some of which have occurred in restaurants and at the airport.Glenda in Fort Worth, Texas, has had these experiences occur in a cafeteriaand a movie theater. Most of the cases that I have researched have been inthe U.S., although I do know of cases in England, Europe, Australia, PuertoRico and Brazil.In every case I have heard about or personally researched, the person isphysically still present, although unable to be seen or heard. From thepoint of view of the invisible person, the world looks normal and they haveno idea that they cannot be seen or heard by people around them. I willaddress how this might occur a little further along in this article, butfirst I want to give a few examples below. The quotes are directly fromexperiencers’ letters to me.Jean in Tucson, Arizona, wrote me of her experiences. She has had them occurin the library when she attempted to check out books and in clothing stores.The following is a quote from her letter, showing the humor with which shedeals with these occurrences. "I've had this happen in stores, inrestaurants, and many places. I remember joking to a friend of mine one timethat I felt like I could walk into a bank, help myself to a pile of billsand no one would ever see me because I was invisible. There is no physicalreason why I should be. I'm taller than average for my sex and age group(I'm fifty-five years old and 5'9"), referred to as good-looking, and I'vealways worn my hair red. You wouldn't think a tall woman with red hair, highheels in a purple dress and dangle earrings would be invisible, would you?"Or the story from a thirty-seven year old man, Peter in Gloucestershire,England, who was at a private party in 1987. He walked upstairs to use thebathroom and was followed by a woman who also wanted to use the bathroom.The woman motioned for him to go first and she stood outside the door towait her turn. Peter used the bathroom, opened the door and walked out intothe hallway, closing the door behind him. He went on down the stairs andwalked over to some friends and started talking to them. They all ignoredhim completely. He though they were playing a joke on him, so he walked awayand found his girlfriend and asked her for a cigarette. She, too, acted likeshe didn't see or hear him. Peter was getting angry by this time and thoughtthe joke had gone too far. He decided to walk back upstairs and catch thewoman coming out of the bathroom and ask her for a cigarette. "...I walkedback up the stairs and, on reaching the bathroom landing, I came across thegirl again who was standing outside the bathroom door, clearly still waitingfor me to come out. When she saw me, her face dropped in surprise forclearly she thought that I was still in the bathroom." Peter returned to theparty downstairs and everything was normal again and he was able to be seenand heard. When he questioned his friends and girlfriend as to why they hadignored him, they all swore that they had never seen or heard him. Obviouslythe woman upstairs had not seen him come out of the bathroom and godownstairs.Then there is the case of Melanie in Ventura, California, who becameinvisible while sitting on her own living room sofa and staring at the wall,lost in her own thoughts. Her husband was walking around the house lookingfor her but could not see her sitting there, only several feet away fromwhere he was walking. This lasted for approximately ten minutes, then shewas suddenly visible again. Her husband was quite upset with her and thoughtshe had been hiding from him. She assured him that she had been sittingthere all along, but to this day, he does not believe her.Or, how about Jannise in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who has had a number ofinvisibility experiences throughout her life. The one reported here lastedlonger than usual. As a teenager, she fell in with a group of friends whodecided to see if they could actually steal something from a departmentstore and not get caught. As luck would have it, the entire group was caughtand taken into custody, including Jannise. They were taken to the policestation and one by one were questioned; all, that is, except Jannise.Although she was standing right there, no one paid the slightest attentionto her; not the police, the guards, or the office personnel. She finallyjust got up and walked out of the police station without ever beingquestioned or anyone attempting to stop her. When she later talked with herfriends about what happened in the police station, "...they didn’t evenrecall me being taken into custody at the department store. Yet I rode inthe police car with everyone else, and they thought I was still at thestore." No one had seen her from the moment the police had arrived on thescene in the store until some time after she had walked out of the policestation unhindered.What actually is happening? Why is this occurring? We don't have answers forthese questions yet. But in trying to learn more about invisibility, I cameacross some information which I want to share with you.Human invisibility has been written about for centuries. Indo-European andpre-Aryan shamanistic beliefs accompanied the peoples who eventuallymigrated into the Indus Valley (approx. 2,500-1,500 BCE). Here, men andwomen of great spiritual attainment, superior knowledge, and extraordinarypowers came to be called rishis. The Vedas, which form the basis ofHinduism, emanated from the teachings of the rishis, starting around 1,000BCE In these texts, we find descriptions of the rituals and techniques ofthe Hindu priests, sounding very much like the magical and shamanisticabilities of the old sorcerers, magicians and shamans. Later in Hinduism,around 700-300 BCE, we find the secret doctrines, called the Upanishads,which were written for students. Within the Upanishads, there is a sectioncalled the "Yogatattva," which gives the rich mystical philosophy of thediscipline and theory of practice for attaining knowledge of the essence ofGod. A serious student of raja yoga was taught that certain supernormalpowers, called siddhas, were a natural outcome of gaining mastery over one'smind and environment, and were used as valuable indications of the student'sspiritual progress. One of these yogic siddhas was human invisibility.Patanjali, author of the Yoga-sutra, which is one of the earliest treatisesamong the early Indian writings, attempts to describe the process wherebyhuman invisibility occurred. He says that concentration and meditation canmake the body imperceptible to other men, and "a direct contact with thelight of the eyes no longer existing, the body disappears." The lightengendered in the eye of the observer no longer comes into contact with thebody that has become invisible, and the observer sees nothing at all. Thereis not a lot written about how this occurs; the explanation of the processwhereby invisibility was brought into being was most likely left up to theteacher to impart to the student directly.We move ahead in time and find that from the thirteenth century on, numeroustexts in Europe refer to similar abilities, performed by sorcerers andmagicians who had the power to make themselves invisible, like the shamans(both ancient and modern), and the yoga masters in India. Some othercultures in which shamanism (and the ability to vanish) has played a majorrole are the Aborigines of Australia, the archaic peoples of North and SouthAmerica, and the peoples in the polar regions.Next we look at Rosicrucianism, which started in Europe in the fifteenthcentury. Among the papers of that time, there are a number of them that talkabout invisibility. A brother in the Rosicrucian fraternity wrote a paper onhow to walk invisible among men, and there is evidence that this was beingtaught in those early days. H. Spencer Lewis, the founder of the Ancient andMystical Order Rosae Crucis in San Jose, California, stated that one cangain invisibility with the use of clouds. He says that clouds or bodies ofmist can be called out of the invisible to surround a person and thus shuthim out of the sight of others. According to Lewis, this secret practice isstill taught in the mystical schools of today. The written literature onthis subject supports the statement that the cloud is the basis of theRosicrucian invisibility secret.Interestingly, a man named John Macky, who was an early Masonic leader (theearly Masons were believed to be an offshoot of the Rosicrucians) taught amethod whereby any man could render himself invisible. Another offshoot ofthe Rosicrucian fraternity, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, leftmanuscripts describing the Ritual of Invisibility. These manuscripts talkabout surrounding yourself with a shroud, which is described as looking like"a cloud." It is said that Madame Blavatsky, of the Theosophical Society,witnessed this invisibility for herself and was actually given the secret,thereafter accomplishing this for herself on several occasions in front ofwitnesses. The literature on the Spiritualists in the U.S. shows that thereis no doubt they, too, knew about the cloud and its creation.So, just what is this cloud? We are looking for something that is betweenempty space and actual physical matter, something unseen by the naked eyebut very much in existence. The Rosicrucian manual tells us that the firstform into which spirit essence concentrates preparatory to materialmanifestation is electrons. When spiritual essence gathers into very minutefocal points of electrical charge (due to certain conditions), we have thecreation of electrons. Science reports that such a cloud of free electronswill absorb all light entering it; it will not reflect nor refract lightwaves, nor are light waves able to pass through a human being. Consequentlythe observer’s eye sees nothing there and the person surrounded by such acloud is invisible. Since light is necessary for human sight, when there areno reflected or refracted light waves bouncing off a person and hitting theobserver’s retina, the person is not able to be seen and is not visibleunder normal circumstances.How is this cloud created intentionally? That is difficult to say. There arereferences to and descriptions of invisibility and its creation in thewritings of secret societies, but most people don’t have access to thesewritings. One could go to India and become an apprentice or student of anIndian guru or teacher to learn these techniques, but that probably is notpractical in modern life. To the everyday person, the knowledge of howinvisibility works is a mystery.With this being the case, just how are people having experiences ofspontaneous involuntary invisibility? I wish I had the answers, but we arestill in the midst of our research. If indeed they are forming thelight-absorbing, free-electron cloud around themselves, they are doing itunknowingly and without knowledge of the method. Since some kind of focusedmental thought process must be employed to make the cloud form aroundoneself, then it might be that these people are doing this unconsciously.At the start of my research, I was interested to see if there was acorrelation between human invisibility and people who report havingexperiences with non-human entities. It is known that invisibility is one ofthe components making up the abduction phenomenon. The first several peoplewho came to me with invisibility experiences were abductees, and I hoped toshow a link between abduction and human invisibility. But as I continued toget letters from people having experienced invisibility, I could see nodirect link between the two. It seems that just as many non-abductees arehaving these experiences as are abductees. There is the possibility thatthose reporting to be non-abductees simply haven't remembered theirexperiences and are, indeed, actually abductees. If this is the case, itwill be difficult to give accurate findings. At this point, I am simplycalling for more data and hoping that some patterns become obvious.I find it interesting that the people having these invisibility experiencesseem to be people with higher than average psychic abilities. Possibly theyare able to traverse other dimensions and command natural forces, knowinglyor unknowingly. Researchers of the paranormal are having a field day aspeople are reporting experiences with what they term ghosts, angels,extraterrestrials, and interdimensional beings. Spontaneous involuntaryinvisibility is just another mystery to add to the lot.In our culture, we have sayings such as "she looked right through me,theyacted like I wasn't even there," etc. There are several reasons why someonemight use that kind of phraseology. There has been the supposition thatminorities, and to some extent women, are somehow less in our society.Thankfully, this attitude has been undergoing a change in recent years. Buta person who falls into a category that society has traditionally consideredless in importance might take on the stereotyped role and believe it to betrue to the extent he feels so unimportant that, to him, people don't evennotice him. He feels invisible. Another reason could be the mental health ofthe person involved. Severely depressed people can experience what is termednihilism or the feeling of such uselessness and worthlessness that they feelinvisible to people around them. A person with extremely low self-esteemmight feel he is unworthy of being noticed, therefore he feels invisible. Inthese cases, the feeling of invisibility is a subjective one on the part ofthe experiencer and is not necessarily based in fact. And I think we haveall had the experience of a person simply not paying attention to us and notseeing us or what we were doing. But if we were to go up to them, standdirectly in front of them and speak to them, their attention would be drawnto us and they would interact with us.The phenomenon of human spontaneous involuntary invisibility is quitedifferent. My research has shown the people to be well adjusted, welleducated and taken totally by surprise at the occurrence of invisibility.Often it takes several such occurrences before they realize that they aretruly invisible during certain times to other people. They attempt tointeract with those around them and simply can't be seen or heard. Thisproduces frustration and, in many cases, a sense of fear at something whichthey don't understand. There is a big difference between a person purposelynot interacting with you because of some cultural or personal reason versusa person not interacting with you because he can neither see nor hear you. Acase in point: I recently had a phone call from Joe L. in Fullerton,California who was very bewildered and needed to talk about what washappening to him. He had just returned from a restaurant where he was seatedat a table by himself drinking his tea after having finished his dinner. Joewas sitting forward in his chair and intent upon something happening out thewindow and did not notice a man pass behind his table and take his jacketfrom the back of his chair. When he finished his tea, he stood up to get hisjacket and found it missing. He reported this to the maitre d' and was toldthat the man who turned it in had said no one was sitting at the table andhe assumed that the party had left, so he turned in the jacket. Joe had hadseveral such invisibility occurrences within the past three months and wasquite disturbed over them. As I continue to get letters and phone calls, Irealize that there is much more to be learned about this fascinatingphenomenon.I welcome any comments and personal experiences you may care to share withme regarding invisibility. Also, I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist,working with people who feel they have had non-human abduction experiences.I would be happy to receive any comments or answer any questions you mayhave regarding the abduction phenomenon. I can be reached by email throughAmerica Online. My address is:Goodhigbee«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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