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Humans Eating Downer Cows

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KD Weber <wvadreaminUndisclosed-Recipient:; <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>Saturday, 27 December 2003 7:08Humans Eating Downer Cows


From Dec. 23, 2003 First Suspected U.S. Mad Cow Case Found http://apnews.myway.com//article/20031224/D7VKF6O00.html


" She [ Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman] said tests are made of all downed cows - old cows that are not mobile - that are sent to slaughterhouses. "

liar liar pants on fire ....


Humans Eating Downer Cows

http://www.organicconsumers.org/madcow/downer122303.cfmDecember 23, 2003 PR Watch.org Spin of the Day

Humans Eating Downer CowsAfter Seattle, Washington TV station KIRO-TV aired an investigation last year into the cattle industry's continuing sale of downer cows for human consumption , the station came under attack from the industry as well as state and national government regulators. According to KIRO reporter Chris Halsne, " The USDA public relations folks in Washington DC are spinning 'pure' fantasy to imply KIRO-TV played 'gotcha journalism.' Perhaps, the USDA didn't want proof that their meat inspectors failed repeatedly to perform a proper inspection of downer cows outside a slaughterhouse in Chehalis. ... Big-money beef and dairy promoters are out to protect themselves, their industry, their profits and their political interests by silencing future journalists who dare question them. " KIRO's investigative team found that " meat from dying, sick or diseased cows " is " getting into your food. " After the report aired, a " host of state agencies " spent " tax money in a campaign to discredit our findings. " KIRO stands by its story, even though " The Washington Beef and Dairy Commissions have been conducting a public relations campaign, criticizing KIRO-TV for broadcasting the stories of downer cows you just saw. You may not know, but you're paying for this government agency to attack our investigation. "


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