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FDA Ephedra ban

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I don't use Ephedra, and I don't sell it.

But I damn well want to decide those matters

for myself.


The absurdity of the agencies that are

supposed to protect us is getting more

blatant by the day.


Similar measures happen in Canada.


Meanwhile, Paxil and Aspartame continue

to be sold.

What can we DO????

(this is not a rhetorical question)



12/30/2003MLM Alert #34FDA Bans All Sales of Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra (Ma Huang).The FDA announced today that they have issued a Consumer Alert advisingconsumers to immediately stop buying and using ephedra products. Also,the FDA has begun notifying manufacturers that it intends to publish afinal rule stating that dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloidspresent an unreasonable risk of illness or injury. The rule would have theeffect of banning the sale of these products as soon as it becomeseffective, 60 days after publication. The earliest the ban could takeeffect is March of 2004.To read the entire FDA press release, go to:http://www.fda.gov/oc/initiatives/ephedra/december2003/Commentary:The FDA has tried on several occasions to prove a link between ephedra useand the over 1,600 "adverse effects" reports involving ephedra products.They have failed in every attempt. So now, it seems, they just said Screwit, let's ban it anyway - because we can.Industry estimates of ephedra users range from 20 million to as much as 40million people per year (the FDA's own data suggests 3 BILLION servingsper year). Let's call it 30 million users. When 30 million peopleconsume ANYTHING the odds are several thousand are going to have an"adverse symptom" (which includes anything from mild headache and insomniato heart attack or stroke). In fact, according to the FDA, there havebeen 155 reported deaths by individuals using a ephedra product.According to the US Census Bureau, about .8% (.008) of the US populationsdies each year. That would mean that, based on statistical averages,among a random sampling of any 30 million people, 240 THOUSAND of themwill die of something during the year! In fact, there is still no hardevidence of any cause-and-effect relationship between ephedra use andthese "adverse effects" other than the circumstantial fact that those whohad these adverse effects happen to be taking a ephedra product. Based onthis logic, the FDA should ban water. After all, 99.9% of all those whodied last year were consuming water at the time! (The other .1% died ofdehydration).For a more balanced review of this matter check out the following link:http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/ephedra/whitepaper.htmlLen ClementsMarketWave, Inc.To from this mailing list please go tohttp://www.marketwaveinc.com/cart/.asp



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