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] Illegal Aerial-Aerosol 'Vaccines' Coming

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Illegal Aerial-Aerosol 'Vaccines' Coming.


Tuesday December 30

from the MichaelKane dept


Michael Kane continues with his series about the latest BioDrills and

possible connections with Bio-Weather Modification Weapons


Read between the lines, and keep your eyes on the sky


Scarlet Cloud drills point to illegal aerosol " solution "

Aerosol based " vaccines " already contracted to Maxygen

Maxygen working on AIDS 'vaccine' via Rockefeller Foundation


Test run of " vaccine " delivery during 411-east coast blackout?


Many vaccines proven to promote disease

by Michael Kane


December 30th, 2003


Judith Miller broke the story of a secret cabinet level experiment named

" Scarlet Cloud " , in the NY Times on Dec. 28th. Miller writes that officials

stated the exercise " .showed that antibiotics in some cities could not be

distributed and administered quickly enough and that a widespread attack

could kill thousands " - she referred to anthrax.


So what is the solution? Judith doesn't go into this in her piece, but if

you read her epic book " Germs " and pay close attention, you clearly see what

the " solution " is in the minds of DARPA.


Aerial-Aerosol Vaccination


" Perhaps someday the military would have a detergent that could be sprayed

over people and neutralize an anthrax attack " (J. Miller: " Germs " , pg. 307).


DARPA - the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, gave Maxygen a $3.8

million contract in 1998, and a $7.7 million contract in 1999. (Maxygen

reports the contract as $6.7 million)


Maxygen says this is a three year grant to use it's proprietary

MolecularBreeding T directed evolution technology to protect against a broad

spectrum of Pathogens. Maxygen is involved in what they themselves call

" gene-shuffling " .


The military asked Maxygen to develop aerosol-based vaccines that could be

inhaled to safeguard people against a broad range of pathogens. Shaun Jones,

the first director of DARPA's Unconventional Countermeasures program has

said the value of many of their programs will not be known till they are

tested on people (J. Miller: " Germs " , pg 308)


On May 11th, 2000, Clifford Carnicom posted the findings of strange red

blood cells in a ground sample believed to be part of an aerosol operation.

Could this have been part of the testing Jones contends is necessary for one

of DARPA's projects? That is unknown, and what makes it a harder nut to

crack is that the EPA has refused to test the sample in question (which was

sent to Carol M. Browner, former head of the EPA).


411 blackout - testing ground for aerosol " vaccinations " ?


I myself witnessed an aerial-aerosol spray operation at 8pm on August 14th,

2003 during the east coast blackout. I believe, just like 911, the 411

blackout was a war game. Part of that war game scenario involved aerosol

spray operations, but what for?


I am convinced the spin for this, when the government is forced to fess-up

to portions of what really happened during the 411 blackout, will be that

they were running " drills " for mass aerosol vaccination of the public. Of

course, the claim will be that they did not spray " live " vaccine, but rather

they were testing the effectiveness of the delivery method via placebo. Who

knows what the rank of the lie will be; but they will be forced to recognize

what they were doing, and why, at some point, and this is the spin they will



Is it true?


Possibly, but to get a more accurate picture of truth we must delve deeper

into this. Many top doctors and medical experts feel most vaccines have

never been proven to prevent disease, quite to the contrary. Many vaccines

directly weaken the immune system, and often times, can cause the disease

they are meant to " vaccinate " you from.


Might there be a hidden agenda behind " vaccines " ? The leading research on

the dangers surrounding vaccines has been compiled by Gary Null. Well worth

reading - vaccines are not what they seem. Here is one of the best summaries

I've ever heard about vaccines, in laymen terms, from Verney-Elliot.


" The vaccine scam works like this. Identify and magnify an 'epidemic'

disease, whip up world panic, and devise a vaccine against the supposed

causative agent. Administer the vaccine, preferably just before the epidemic

starts to wane naturally, and then, when the cases of the disease start to

diminish, claim the vaccine has worked and the pharmaceutical company who

manufacturers it will get the credit for saving mankind. There will be

bouquets and Nobel prizes all round and every one makes a lot of money. One

has only to look at the cases of the anti-polio and anti-smallpox vaccine

campaigns to see the classic modus operandi in taking credit for ending the

epidemics, which in the manner of all self-limiting phenomena, were already

dying out before the vaccine was introduced.


Are vaccines scams? The answer is usually: Yes, at least a scam, often



Forcing Illegal Vaccines on Soldiers


The military was ordered by the courts to stop using it's soldiers as guinea

pigs for experimental, likely dangerous, anthrax vaccines.


But back in October, the government gave an $80.3 million contract to Vax

Gen Inc. to develop yet another experimental anthrax vaccine. That is a

serious contract. Obviously there must be those in the military-industrial

complex who are not pleased with that court decision.




Even President Clinton (not one of my favorite people) banned experimental

vaccines on military personnel with a Presidential Executive Order, in

September of 1999. It seems every few years they bring back mandatory

military anthrax experimentation.


Oops! Did I say " experimentation " ? - I meant to say " vaccination "


Maxygen & AIDS


In September of 2000, Maxygen announced a collaboration with the Scripps

Research Institute to identify potential vaccine candidates for an HIV



In February of 2001 Maxygen announced collaboration with the IAVI -

International Aids Vaccine Initiative, and DBLV, LLC, an entity established

and funded by the Rockefeller foundation, to work on an AIDS vaccine.



" Vaccines " in the Air?


Can we really trust the military to vaccinate our air? These are the same

people who put Gulf War I veterans through hell from depleted uranium - and

guess what else? You guessed it, anthrax vaccines.


Of course we can't trust them to " vaccinate " our air! One only need

reference " Clouds of Secrecy " , written by Leonard A. Cole, which documents

clandestine American military aerosol operations unleashed in the subways of

New York and sprayed in San Francisco. Cole details the case of Edward J.

Nevin, who died of a mysterious infection in a Standford hospital. His

grandson filed suit in 1981 against the government, claiming the aerosol

operation in San Francisco was responsible for his Grandfather's death. The

judge in the case barred a scientist from testifying on the plaintiff's

behalf (J. Miller: " Germs " , 347 note 42). The entire escapade reeked of



Then there is Project Shad, which Judith Miller leaves out of her book

" Germs " . The book is 400+ pages and I have not read all of it, but Project

Shad is not listed in the book's extensive index. Let us not forget, this is

the same Judith Miller who used Ahmed Chalabi as an unidentified source for

her spectacular (and now completely discredited) weapons of mass destruction

claims before Gulf War II in Iraq.


Project Shad was the despicable U.S.G. experimentation - spraying aerosol

clouds over tugboats filled with Americans. VX Nerve agent and Sarin gas

were used, but the military never said exactly when this was done. To admit

the exact date of such an illegal experiment leaves those who were

responsible wide open for prosecution.






More, more, more


DARPA, the government agency supporting many of Maxygen's experimental

vaccination programs (from our tax dollars), has seen budget increases from

$59 million in 1998 to $162 million in 2001, and estimated to rise to $205

million by 2005 (Miller, Germs; pg 308). DARPA has also brought us Total

Information Awareness (TIA) - the big brother system created by convicted

criminal John Poindexter designed to rape any- & -all concept of privacy



Keep your eyes on the sky and your ear to the ground


peace eternal




Michael Kane was organizer of the 9/11 Investigative Film Exhibition and

Panel in New York at Riverside Church, September 2003.


He is staff member of SGTV and GFP since 2003.

In early 2004, his group Kane + Salem will release a 9/11 album which will

also cover other dark secrets of the U.S. Government.


See Photos:





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