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Magnesium for Asthma

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> Health e-Tips


> December 22, 2003


> **************************************************************


> Dear reader,


> Last week I wrote to you about magnesium supplementation and how

> it can help protect against noise-induced hearing loss. Dr.

> Wright just filled me in on another important study involving

> magnesium. This time it shows that consuming adequate amounts of

> magnesium may reduce the risk of developing asthma and might

> also be helpful as part of the overall treatment of this

> condition.


> Researchers estimated dietary magnesium intake in 2,633 adults

> living in Nottingham, England. Individuals who ingested the most

> magnesium had a lower incidence of wheezing and more efficient

> flow of air through the bronchial passages than did those with

> lower magnesium intakes. The bronchi of people who consumed

> high-magnesium diets were also less likely to go into spasm when

> provoked.


> Unfortunately, the typical American diet, which is high in

> refined sugar, fat, and processed foods, provides only about

> two-thirds of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of magnesium.

> And, ironically, some of the drugs used to treat asthma can

> cause magnesium depletion.


> But if you have asthma, taking magnesium supplements may be able

> to help ease your symptoms. The usual dosage of magnesium in

> supplement form is 200-600 mg/day.



> Don't let toxic waste poison your body


> Q: Everything I eat sits in my bowels three or four days until I

> take a laxative. Sometimes I wait two weeks before I finally

> have to give in and take a laxative. I desperately need any

> advice about how to regain bowel regularity. I have read the

> article about low stomach acid and wonder if that could be my

> problem.


> JVW: Low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria), and likely low

> pancreatic digestive enzymes are indeed the first things to

> check. And you're right about toxicity: If your bowels don't

> empty regularly, then excess waste products are absorbed into

> the body, putting your liver, kidneys, and other " detox organs "

> under excess strain--sometimes more than they can handle. Please

> contact the American College for Advancement in Medicine

> at(800)532-3688 or the American Association of Naturopathic

> Physicians at (703)610-9037 for a referral to a physician

> skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional therapies. He or she

> can easily test you for hypochlorhydria and get you the

> treatment you need.


> **************************************************************



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> http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/650STHC/W650DC70/home.cfm


> **************************************************************


> One last thing...


> If you're interested in reading more about magnesium's many

> health benefits, check out the May 2003 issue of Nutrition &

> Healing. Subscribers can download and view this issue for free

> by visiting www.wrightnewsletter.com and signing on using the

> username and password found on page 8 of your most recent issue.

> If you're not already a r, the website also offers all

> the information you need to become one.


> Yours in good health,

> Amanda Ross

> Managing Editor

> Nutrition & Healing


> Sources:

> Britton J. et al. Dietary magnesium, lung function, wheezing,

> and airway hy Copyright ©2000-2003 by

> www.wrightnewsletter.com, L.L.C. Health e-Tips may not be posted

> on commercial sites withoutwritten permission.


> **************************************************************

> Before you hit reply to send us a question or request, please

> visit here http://www.wrightnewsletter.com/nah/questions.shtml


> **************************************************************

> If you'd like to participate in the Nutrition & Healing

> Forum, search past e-letters and products or you're a N & H

> r and would like to search past articles,

> visit http://www.wrightnewsletter.com


> **************************************************************

> To learn about Nutrition & Healing, call (203)699-3620 or

> visit http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/NAH/WNAHD613/home.cfm.


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