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Vitamins and Supplements---The Fuse Is Burning Close To The Bomb

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IAHF.COM <jhamMonday, January 05, 2004 6:54 PMSolemn Warning to Network Marketing Vitamin Distributers- The Fuseis Burning Closer to the Bomb> IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do, Codex, EU FSD, AllCountries>> IAHF List: See my response below to a USANA distributor who doesn't thinkCodex can possibly impact USANA.....>> It could just as easily have been written to a Mannatech distributor, aShaklee distributor, a GNLD distributor, an Herbalife distributor, or adistributor from ANY OTHER network marketing vitamin company.>> It could ALSO just as easily have been written to ANY vitamin company,ANYWHERE in the world, or to any health food store or consumer oralternative medical practitioner

whose patients use dietary supplements.>> Kindly forward this to more people, the fuse is burning closer to thebomb...>> At 08:15 PM 1/3/04 -0800, you wrote:>>> -> lchamber> Judy Saturday, January 03, 2004 7:17 PM> RE: Whether or Not Codex and the EU FSD Pose Threats to USANA andOther Network Marketing Companies>> Hello Judy and Bill>> I don't think "The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods For SpecialDietary Uses" will have a negative effect on USANA products, as they are allpharmaceutical grade, and are in the CPS and the US equivalent. (certifiedin both the US and Canada). There has never been unsupported claim made byUSANA

for their products. USANA will probably be one of the few companiesto survive, and even benefit from the new laws.>> Larry>> Hi Larry:>>> I have been a lobbyist in the dietary supplement industry workinginternationally since 1989, and was the first person in the world to callthe Codex International Threat to health freedom to the public's attentionwith my article in Life Extension Magazine in 1996.>> I wish what you were saying about Codex's likely impact on USANA weretrue, but unfortunately, it is not, and I can prove what I'm saying. Itmakes no difference whatsoever that your products are pharmaceutical grade-when your products ingredients are banned, you won't even be able to keepmanuracturing them. As for making claims, when any substance having anyphysiologic effect in the body is required to be put through controlledclinical trials (drug trials) that no natural product

company can afford,guess what happens next? (They're already experiencing this in Europe wherecompanies are scrambling right now to reformulate products in the face ofthe EU Food Supplements Directive which must be overturned in court, or itsALL OVER for our industry.....)>> There seems to be a lot of network marketing distributors in deepestDENIAL about the nature of the pharma juggernaut arrayed against the ENTIREnatural products industry, so allow me to assist you in connecting the dotswhile you can still DO SOMETHING to try to fight back in defense of yourbusiness interests.>> You don't realize it right now- but you're on the edge of a CLIFF. We haveless than 30 days to generate the donations necessary to sustain theAlliance for Natural Health's lawsuit to overturn the EU Food SupplementDirective. http://www.alliance-natural-health.org ANH

will be in court fororal arguments on January 30th in the British courts. If they prevail, theyget to go on to the European Court of Justice at the Hague. If they winthere, (and WITH ENOUGH FINANCIAL SUPPORT they CAN win because they have thebest lawfirm in the EU in their corner), we can stop the dominoes fromcontinuing to fall which threaten to DEVASTATE the dietary supplementindustry, not only in the EU, but world wide.>> It is critical that every network marketing distributor in the worldimplore their downline and upline to contribute to this lawsuit and lobbyingeffort because Rob Verkerk and David Hinde have been crawling over brokenglass on behalf of all of us and they shouldn't be having to struggle nearlyas hard as they have been to sustain their legal effort.>> I went to England in March of last year to work directly with them so Iknow from first hand experience how hard they're working in all of

ourbehalf- they probably work over 100 hours a week- with zero remuneration fortheir leadership, they're trying to save your business and people's livesand thats no exaggeration.>> See this article of mine about their lawsuithttp://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2003/2003_preprint_eu_01.html (July 2003 LifeExtension Magazine)>> If you are an American or Canadian you probably wonder how the eventsunfolding in Europe threaten to impact not only the international sales ofUSANA but also domestic sales in North America.>> I've been immersed in an in depth study of this situation since 1996 whenI was first a non voting observer on the US Delegation to the UN's CodexAlimentarius Commission's Committee on Nutrition and Foods for SpecialDietary Use at a meeting in Bonn, Germany. I attended this meeting again in1998 in Berlin

Germany where I nearly got thrown in a German jail forvideotaping part of the meeting without permission from the German Chair ofthe meeting, Dr.Grossklaus. I was able to smuggle my videofootage out ofGermany and digitized the part where they forced me to turn my camcorderoff- which proves the total nontransparency of the Codex "process".....which is nothing less than a vast screwing unfolding very incrementallybecause they're trying not to arouse a public backlash.>> That digitized footage is on my website http://www.iahf.com in the MediaSection, along with a lot of audio files from radio shows I and other healthfreedom fighters from various countries have been doing on this issue overthe past several years in an effort to sound an alarm.>>> THOSE WHO FAIL TO LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE OFTEN DOOMED TO _REPEAT_ HISTORY:CODEX- A Modern Day Equivalent to the FLEXNER

REPORT>> Few things are more dangerous than a wounded Grizzly Bear in a corner, butthat is what the dietary supplement industry is up against when it comes toCodex and the global harmonization of laws pertaining to dietarysupplements. In the late 1800s a populist health movement ensued in the USAagainst allopathic medicine as it existed at that time, and a huge number ofpeople voted with their feet against blood letting, against the use of harshpurgatives such as colomel (mercury), abandoning mainstream medicine indroves in favor of turning to Naturopaths, Homeopaths, and other alternativepractitioners of that era.>> In 1910 the AMA was really feeling the pinch, and they and the drugcompanies decided to intercede. The result was the Flexner Report which shutdown all the alternative medical schools, which set back our health movementfor the ensuing 50 years. It has only been since the 1960s that our

movementhas started regaining lost ground to arrive at the place where we are today,so now the Cartel is running scared and taking very serious, very methodicalcountermeasures.>> Those who do not learn from history, are often doomed to REPEAT history,what happened before can and WILL happen again unless a lot more peopleconnect the dots and come to understand the political reality faced by thedietary supplement industry in 2004.>> The Pharma Cartel is not stupid. They have learned from the mistakes theymade in the USA in the early 90s which resulted in passage of DSHEA in theface of a harsh FDA rulemaking effort which would have imposed theequivalent to the EU Food Supplement Directive on the USA at that time. Asone of the movers and shakers in the campaign to pass DSHEA, I am intimatelyacquainted with that as well as every previous battle this industry hasfaced going back to the Proxmire Act in 1976, and

I've also been very activein Canadian health freedom circles for many years- ineed, I have been doingmy work all over the world.>> Here are just a handful of the health freedom organizations world wideI've been networking with for years:>> PHARMAPACT: (South Africa)http://www.angelfire.com/biz/pharmapact/MAIN.html> (People's Health Alliance Rejecting Medical Authoritarianism Prejudice andConspiratorial Tyranny>> La Leva di Archimede (Italy) http://www.laleva.org/ (The Lever ofArchimedes) Italian health freedom website translated into English-- seeglobal petition against Codex.>> Citizens for Health Choices (New Zealand)http://www.choices.org.nz/background.asp>> Campaign for Truth

in Medicine (Australia) http://www.paradigm-changes.com>> Canadian Alliance of Health Retailershttp://www.canadianallianceofhealthretailers.ca/CAHR.html> (formed due to massive pharma penetration of the Canadian Health FoodAssociation which can no longer be trusted by ANYONE)>> Canadian Health Freedom Legislation in Dire Need of Support to RepelAustralian Harmonization> http://www.taxtyranny.ca/images/HTML/BillC-240/>> National Health Federation- (USA) http://www.thenhf.com/> (See Scott Tips, JD, article re the most recent Codex meeting, it totallycontradicts the spin being disseminated by pharma dominated CRN> http://www.thenhf.com/al04_26e.pdf (Official Report from Codex- 2003meeting in Bonn)> http://www.thenhf.com/codex_09.htm Rearranging the Deck Chairs on theTitanic------- Report from the 2003 Codex Meeting by Scott Tips> http://www.thenhf.com/codex_08.htm Codex 2003- The EU Tightens Its Grip-by Paul Anthony Taylor>> The Alliance for Natural Health (UK and Pan European)http://www.alliance-natural-health.org>>> THEY BOIL THE FROG SLOWLY>> We are facing a deliberately incremental pharmaceutical takeover of thenatural products industry. It was designed to be slow, gradual andmethodical so as not to arouse a public backlash. (The Cartel learned

alesson in the USA in '94 when the sudden charge they tried on us backfired,so now they're trying a DIFFERENT approach to try to achieve what they triedto via Gary J. Dykstra's rulemaking effort following passage of the NLEA(Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990) The cartel is attempting tosneak in under our radar using the EU, Codex Commission and WTO as theirprimary weapons, and with you they have most definitely been succeeding, butnot for any fault of yours- its not easy to see what is going on, and theonly reason I do is because I've been immersed in the political arenaglobally pertaining to this issue since I first called it to globalattention in 1996.>> All dietary supplement companies globally have been targetted for takeoverand destruction by the Pharma Cartel.>> The WTO's Dispute Settlement Body is a new international court, a mickeymouse court that doesn't follow our rules of evidence.

Every decisionthey've made has gone against the environment, against the public health,against human rights, against labor rights, against all the intangibles thatgo into the shaping of any democratic nation's laws as their one and onlygoal is to assist multinational corporate interests in increasing theirprofits.>> Don't make the mistake of thinking I am referring to ANY network marketingcompany when I refer to multinational corporate interests, even thoughUSANA, Mannatech, Shaklee, and other network marketing vitamin companies aretechnically multinational corporations. All vitamin companies globally havebeen targetted for destruction- they're actively banning all the INGREDIENTSthat go into formulating our products...they're banning all high potencyvitamins in an effort to render our products worthless. seehttp://www.alliance-natural-health.org>> Their primary weapon is near total ignorance of international law and themechanisms of globalization. You really better spend some time reading up onthis. A good place to start is the Global Trade Watch division of PublicCitizen http://www.citizen.org/trade/ and read the book W.T.O. Whose TradeAssociation? Corporate Globalization and the Erosion of Democracy By LoriWallach, JD http://www.citizen.org/publications/release.cfm?ID=7081>> Most people have no awareness of the implications of a nation joining theWTO (World Trade Organization), and have next to no awareness of the forcesthat are pushing the harmonization of the laws world wide. I demonstrated inthe anti WTO protest in Seattle in '99 where we faced off against

armoredpersonnel carriers in the streets. Martial law was declared. Many protestorswere seriously injured by police who hammered us with teargas and hardplastic bullets which can kill if they hit you in the temple.>> Identical protests occurred in Quebec City in 2001 against the Free TradeArea of the Americas. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police erected a 10 sq.kilometer chain link fence around the perimeter of the area where the FTAASummit meeting took place, and rimmed it with thousands of goons resemblingDarth Vader in an effort to try to keep out demonstrators. The fence wasripped down. Teargas and hard plastic bullets filled the air. Onedemonstrator was shot in the trachea with a hard plastic bullet, and hislarynx was crushed. He will never speak again, he has been permanentlysilenced by the New World Order.>> If you think USANA is going to survive whats happening with the EU FSD andCodex with you not

lifting a finger to help ANH and IAHF and allied groupsfight back, you're seriously mistaken. Your business, the business ofeveryone in your up and downlines are on the line. You have less than amonth to protect your business. If we don't overturn the EU FSD in court,and help ANH sustain their legal and lobbying efforts, we'll be witnessingliteral GENOCIDE, because this industry of ours is living on borrowed timeotherwise.>> Want to discuss any aspect of what I'm saying?>> Give me a call at 800-333-2553 home and work. I live herehttp://www.pointrobertsusa.com so I can work simultaneously in the USA andCanada. Point Roberts Washington is uniquely situated for that purpose,being disconnected from the rest of the state of Washington and attached tothe BC Canada mainland. See the map on the website and you'll see what Imean. I am literally living

simultaneously in two countries, but not forlong unless we kill the bastards plans to force the Free Trade Area of theAmericas down our throats. If THAT happens, the USA will be harmonized toCanada, which on June 18th was harmonized to Australia....... at next year'sCodex meeting Australia will be bringing a bogus "white paper" on supposed"scientific risk assessment" in order to lay upon us unecessary supposed"safe upper limits" (like 35 mg for niacin for example.)>> You can call that anything you want, but I call it BULLSHIT.>> CRN is disseminating spin that would have people believe we have won a"victory" at this year's Codex meeting. Their pharma spin can be seen here:http://www.crnusa.org/shellnr110403.html Any vitamin company member of CRNwho buys into this garbage fails to understand the Hegelian Dialectic.>> Compare and Contrast

CRN's garbage with Scott Tips ACCURATE and HONESTreport from the SAME MEETING- (Scott is an attorney, and he's the legaldirector of the National Health Federation, the oldest health freedom groupin the world. See Scott's Report titled "Rearranging the Deck Chairs on theTitanic" here http://www.thenhf.com/codex_09.htm (This article waspublished in the January 2004 issue of Whole Foods Magazine)>> Want MORE PROOF? See Paul Anthony Taylors article "Codex 2003- The EUTightens Its Grip" from the same meeting athttp://www.thenhf.com/codex_08.htm>> Hopefully by now you've read some of the articles and information I'vereferenced for you in this email and hopefully you're beginning to connectthe dots.>> If you don't, I can guarantee you'll witness first hand what the people

inAustralia, and Europe are already experiencing- the pain of having toreformulate their products as more and more ingredients get banned.>> If you're still asleep after reading all of this, I'm not sure what else Ican really say except that PT Barnum told us years ago that a fool is bornevery minute.>> Kindly wake up! Kindly defend your interests and pitch in with your mostgenerous donation, and get your up and downlines to do the same:> http://www.alliance-natural-health.org>> Value my effort to alert you? I'm barely making a living doing this work.Checks and money orders can be made out to IAHF, and sent to me at:> IAHF- 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts, Washington 98281 USA or sentelectronically via paypal at http://www.iahf.com>> Please call me if you need to

discuss any aspect of what I'm saying.Please forward this message widely, the fuse is burning closer to the BOMB.>> Kind Regards,> John C. Hammell, President> International Advocates for Health Freedom> 556 Boundary Bay Rd.> Point Roberts WA 98281 USA> http://www.iahf.com> 800-333-2553 N.America> 360-945-0352> For Health Freedom,> John C. Hammell, President> International Advocates for Health Freedom> 556 Boundary Bay Road> Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA> http://www.iahf.com> jham 800-333-2553 N.America> 360-945-0352 World>


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