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IAHF Responds to NY Times' Call to Repeal DSHEA

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Misty L. Trepke






IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do, USA and all

Countries, Harm-onization


IAHF List: Yesterday the NY Times Newspaper published the following

editorial calling for the repealment of the Dietary Supplement

Health and Education Act of 1994. Please read their editorial and my

response, below which was posted on the NY Times Website.


Many Americans, including well meaning people in the health freedom

movement are already jumping up and down all excited about this

editorial, despite the fact that neither Durbin's Senate bill

(S.722) The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2003, or Davis's House

Bill (HR 3377) have any support in Congress, and aren't likely to

pick up any appreciable support, this editorial notwithstanding.


The FDA's ban on ephedra can easily be overturned in court. It is

illegal under the Administrative Procedures Act, but no one can file

a lawsuit until the FDA publishes their Final Rule, which they

haven't done yet (it will be out soon.) Under the Administrative

Procedures Act it is illegal for the FDA to act in an inconsistent

way. It is not legal for them to ban epehdra as a dietary

supplement, while leaving pseudoephedrine, which objective data

proves is FAR more dangerous than ephedra, in a slew of OTC cold

preparations sold by a slew of multinational drug companies.


The double standard here is a classic, and its outrageous. There is

no way the Cartel will succeed in repealing DSHEA via this sort of

angle on US soil, but there is a VERY REAL danger of repealing DSHEA

indirectly via HARM-ONIZATION, which is why he FDA and Cartel have

set us up to lose in a future WTO Trade Dispute.


The Cartel WHITEWASHED the Oversight Hearing on Codex that I pushed

for for 5 years on March 20, 2001. I witnessed CRIMES committed by

Dr.Beth Yetley of the FDA at Codex meetings in Germany. What Yetley

is doing (in total violation of US law) is that she and the pharma

dominated National Academy of Science are creating FALSE DEFINITIONS

of supplement safety in order to set us up to lose in a WTO Trade

Dispute via which our domestic law can be forcibly HARM-onized to a

grossly restrictive emerging INTERNATIONAL VITAMIN STANDARD.


The ONLY WAY we can stop what is unfolding is to support the

Alliance for Natural Health's lawsuit against the EU Food Supplement

Directive, and ANH will be in court AT THE END OF JANUARY (JANUARY

30th) in the British Courts. They BADLY need donations, not only for

this lawsuit, but also to be able to continue their emergency

lobbying in the EU Parliament against the EU Traditional Herbal

Medicinal Products Directive, and against the Pharmaceuticals

Directive. This last, the " PD " is the worst of the 3- and we won't

be able to kill it unless we FIRST OVERTURN the FSD in court.


The PD turns any substance that squeaks through the first two

Directives into a " drug " . It turns any substance with ANY


into a " DRUG " .


Keep in mind that at NEXT YEARS CODEX MEETING in Bonn Germany they

can FINALIZE a Vitamin Standard which can be imposed GLOBALLY via a

new international court- the " Dispute Settlement Body " of the WTO-

which is a mickey mouse court that does not follow our rules of



It was created to enable multinational corporate interests to strike

down any national law that interferes with multinational corporate

PROFIT$$$ and thats exactly what its been doing.


Every single decision made by the WTO's " DSB " has gone against the

environment, against the public health, against human rights,

against labor rights, against every intantible that goes into the

shaping of any democratic nation's laws.


We are, quite LITERALLY, being forced into a PRISON PLANET in which

all the laws are being " harmonized " (made the same). Our would be

rulers intend to create a CARBON COPY of the EU Dictatorship in our

hemisphere called the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) via

which they intend to harmonize the laws between Canada, the USA,

Mexico, Central and South America. Unless we oppose them with EVERY

FIBER OF OUR BEINGS, these greed driven Machivellian BASTARDS FROM

HELL will succeed.


Food control = PEOPLE control.


Codex is all about culling our numbers. They don't want us to be

healthy, they don't make $$$$ when we stay clear of their doctors,

their hospitals, and their DRUGS, so they're trying to raise the

hurdles via a ton of red tape so that they can CRUSH the supplement

industry, all in the name of " safety " in the name of " protecting us

from harm. "


Well these hypocritical pieces of dog waste can stick it where the

sun don't shine, and its up to everyone in America to do the

following things to monkeywrench their plans:


1) Call your members of Congress today via the US Capital

Switchboard at 202-225-3121 (ask for your Senators and Congressmen,

if you don't know their names tell the switchboard operator your

zipcode and they'll tell you, then connect you.


USE my response below to the NY Times as a script, and EDUCATE THEM

so that they can see the BIG PICTURE which is that this attack on


the entire supplement industry which is not only occurring in the

USA, but world wide!!! Explain to them about the whitewashed

oversight hearing on Codex in 2001 and tell them that if they

cosponsor Durbin's and Davis's bill (the so called Dietary

Supplement Safety Act of 2003) that you will move heaven and earth

to destroy them politically.


2) You MUST donate IMMEDIATELY to the Alliance for Natural Health's

lawsuit to OVERTURN the EU Food Supplement Directive. Donate via

their secure server at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org or via

the address on their website. (You must send an international money

order if you donate via snail mail or they can't deposit your check

in an English bank.)


If ANH fails in court, or in their lobbying campaign, we're done

for, but they have the best lawfirm in Europe working with them and

they're VERY CAPABLE people who are totally WORTHY of our support!!!

We CAN WIN in court!! We CAN STOP the cartel's genocide agenda, we

HAVE TO, or we're going to witness GENOCIDE.


See the NY Times Article Calling For the Repealment of DSHEA Below,

and Below it see IAHF's RESPONSE. Please get on the NY Times website

yourself http://www.newyorktimes.com and put your OWN comments to

them on their website and also email them to the editor, and copy

them to your Senators and Congressmen.


This is WAR people: GLOBAL WAR:



The Ephedra Ban Is Not Enough


Published: January 5, 2004



It took an unconscionably long time, but the federal government has

finally managed to ban an unsafe dietary supplement before it can

harm or kill any more unwary users. The Bush administration's health

regulators announced last week that they would soon ban ephedra, an

herbal supplement used to promote weight loss and increase energy,

on the grounds that it poses " an unreasonable risk of illness or

injury. " That was the only sensible response to mounting evidence

that ephedra has been harming thousands of Americans. Yet the

tortuous course of this regulatory crackdown underscores the

dangerous weakness of a 1994 law that allows the supplement industry

to market products whose safety and effectiveness have never been

proved while making it extremely hard for health regulators to take

them off the market if evidence of harm subsequently emerges.


Ephedra is an adrenaline-like stimulant, derived from plants, that

excites the central nervous system, speeds metabolism and increases

the rate at which a person burns calories. But it can also drive up

blood pressure and stress the circulatory system. Ephedra has

generated far more reports of adverse effects than any other

supplement and has been linked to cases of heart attack, stroke and

sudden death. Ephedra has been banned by three states, including New

York, and by some athletic leagues though not others.


Some critics blame the Food and Drug Administration, which has been

worried about ephedra for many years now, for moving too cautiously.

There is some merit in that complaint, but the major culprit is

clearly the 1994 dietary supplement law that requires the F.D.A. to

prove that a supplement poses a significant or unreasonable risk of

harm instead of requiring the manufacturer to prove that it is safe

and effective, the standard used for prescription drugs. The law

does not even require manufacturers to report adverse effects to the



This is a formula for covering up problems and ensuring regulatory

inaction. It is no accident that ephedra will be the first

supplement ever banned for safety reasons under the 1994 law. That

sluggish response was precisely what the supplement industry and its

more zealous customers wanted when they pressed Congress for

protection against strict regulation.


When Congress returns for its next session, it needs to revise the

ill-conceived 1994 legislation. At a minimum, Congress must require

the industry to pass on any adverse health reports to the F.D.A.

promptly. Even better, it should require the manufacturers to prove

the safety and efficacy of their products before those products are

allowed on the market. Under the current lax system, there is no

guarantee that the substitutes for ephedra will be any safer.








Re: " The Ephedra Ban is Not Enough "

The ephedra ban is illegal under the Administrative Procedures Act

which requires that the FDA act consistently, and not in a biased

way as they regulate (OSTENSIBLY to " protect the public. " )


If the FDA were GENUINELY interested in " protecting the public " they

would not only yank the safe herb ma huang (ephedra) off the market,

but they would SIMULTANEOUSLY ALSO yank pseudoephedrine off the

market, but they're NOT GOING TO.


The REASON they're not going to yank pseudoephedrine off the market

is that it is contained in a SLEW of OTC Cold Preparations marketed

by a SLEW of multinational drug companies which OWN the FDA via

the " good ol' boy " syndrome of revolving doors between the Agency

and the companies who they serve in the capacity of a Trade



Objective Data collected via the American Association of Poison

Control Centers clearly indicates that pseudoephedrine kills, but

the FDA has a double standard. What they're doing is protecting the

sales of prescription weight loss drugs that are far more dangerous

than ephedra, and the public knows it.


S.722 and HR 3377 aren't moving in Congress, and your editorial

won't cause either bill to move. Vitamin consumers aren't stupid.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to go to

http://thomas.loc.gov and read the language of these witch hunt

bills. The word " ephedra " isn't used ANYWHERE in either one.


The language would demonize any dietary supplement that happens to

be used concurrently with one or more Rx drugs, if there is a

reaction, regardless of causality, without a shred of evidence that

the supplement caused the adverse reaction. This is a naked Big

Pharma effort to try to repeal DSHEA, and its consistent with a

Global push to destroy the dietary supplement industry world wide.


On June 18th, 2003 the Canadian Government illegally harmonized

Canada's dietary supplement laws to Australia's draconian drug based

laws, in total violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and

Freedoms. In Australia in the past year 1600 safe dietary

supplements were yanked from the shelves under false pretenses.


On January 30 the Alliance for Natural Health http://www.alliance-

natural-health.org will be striving to overturn the corrupt EU Food

Supplement Directive. Donations for the lawsuit are badly needed and

can be made via the secure server on the site.


In October 2004 at the UN Codex Alimentarius Commission's Committee

on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use Australia will be

bringing a junk science pharma generated supposed " white paper " on

supposed " scientific risk assessment " for vitamins and minerals,

just at the moment the EU goes from Observer status at Codex to

having FULL Status. As they go to full status the SIZE of the EU

will have ALSO increased from 15- to 25 nations.


The FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) is intended to be a

carbon copy of the EU Dictatorship in our hemisphere. It is intended

to " harm " onize us to the EU. The Dietary Supplement Working Group of

the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue http://www.tabd.org is trying

to harmonize the US to the EU. This group is dominated by

pharmaceutical interests.


The growing number of vitamin consumers on the email distribution

list of International Advocates for Health Freedom

http://www.iahf.com can stay abreast of these issues by signing up

at no charge on my website. Donations are much appreciated and can

be made via paypal on my website or send to me at -John C. Hammell,

President, International Advocates for Health Freedom 556 Boundary

Bay Rd. Point Roberts, WA 98281 USA 800-333-2553 N.America, 360-945-


For Health Freedom,

John C. Hammell, President

International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road

Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA



800-333-2553 N.America

360-945-0352 World

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