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Contaminated Vaccines delayed reactions

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Contaminated Vaccines delayed reactions



Subj: Important for Physicians and parents! -- CDC Study Raises Level of




CC: rep.paul

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To All Physicians, Microbiologist, and Friends:



In addition to Autism, many children and now young adults are dying, as a

result of Polio vaccines which contains the 40th simian virus named simian


40 (SV40). This virus is showing up in these specific tumors and are in


organs, but especially the brain. (See attached report).


My parents did their duty to make sure my siblings and I received the Polio

vaccine, because they were good parents, loved us, and wanted to protect us.

My husband and I did the same with my daughter, for the same reasons.


John Rappoport was on C2C with George Noory and has taken the diabolical

pharmaceutical companies to task. http://www.nomorefakenews.com


A caller discussed John's visit to C2C on WLW Bill Boshears program last

Saturday night, and is on every Saturday and Sunday 8 pm -11 pm CST, unless

pre-empted or delayed by Sports. His show may delayed with a substitute

host this

week only. Bill gives very informative news and the unabashed truth



This years Flu vaccine also has mercury, and inefficacious against the

recombinant and more virulent new flu from the 1918 Spanish Flu strain H1N1


caused 40 millions deaths. It's now called the Fuji strain causing all the

deaths, some with SARS type symptoms, perhaps mutating? Children c/o

stomach pain

and die 7 hours later. This virus has now appeared on the windshield after

heavy Chemtrail spraying in FL by a microbiologist who analyzed it, but


to remain nameless, understandably due to the death of several

microbiologists, and his creditability has been confirmed. One doctor on TV


50,000-100,000 could die, and perhaps millions in years to come. This flu


international and has also been reported in Europe and Russia. Of course

they have

Chemtrails there too. Can anyone say Global Genocide? They invaded Iraq on


mere suspicion and false evidence of WMD -- Who has the WMD?


Can anyone say Martial Law and/or mandatory confinement, just as happened in

Nazi Germany?

" If SARS Hits U.S., Quarantine Could Too " http://tinyurl.com/yj03


According to some researchers " Autism " is up 2000% in some areas. Rep. Dan

Burton lead the " Congressional Thimerosal Hearings, " causing many of his


to squirm, since many are investors in the medical stocks, calling for

criminal penalties for any agency knowing the dangers, but now has become a




Of course Sen. Bill Frist, MD gave cart blanche to the big Pharma and exempt

them from any liability (the real reason he replaced Sen. Lott), so they

continue to injure our children with immunity and impunity. One of the most

offensive things that Senator Frist

(http://www.senate.gov/~frist/Contact/contact.html) has in his vaccine bill

which shields the drug companies from all liability

when a vaccine injures or kills someone is that he is proposing that the

federal government increase the amount of money that a parent receives from


government compensation program when their child is killed by a vaccine.


would think as a physician he would want to put those harming others out of

business, unless proven they provide the public with safe products.


Bush is holding all suits (in abatement) filed against his buddies in the

pharmaceutical industry, held harmless and protected under Homeland


which provides for mandatory vaccination, if so ordered by him or Tommy.

" US Government Asks Court to Seal Vaccine Records " Tue Nov 26,10:47 AM





Big Pharma is conducting research at all the Autism Centers at government

expense and taxpayer dollars, which is analogous to the Fox watching the Hen

House. They have changed data, or eliminated it altogether from reports to


FDA. Many FDA people work on the boards of the pharmaceutical companies --


conflict of interest here.


Dr. Rebecca Carley, MD is a board certified physician and court approved

expert witness, was demonized and vilified, declared crazy (even though she

had a

psyche eval from her physician); lost her medical license for 6 months, in a

set up by NY Gov. Pataki, when she provide a treatment to reverse the


of " Acquired Autism " from vaccines, even though her treatment help hundreds


she injured no one. They have to label you, one of the 3-Cs: Con artist,

Crazy person, or Criminal if you oppose Big Pharma, while children are


and die. http://www.drcarley.com/

Results of Autism http://www.drcarley.com/Results%20Autism.htm

(Physicians Note -- This is scary! ) Vaccine Contents



Tragically, this parent was imprisoned for life (six years in jail so far)

for Shaken Baby Syndrome, ALAN YURKO is now supported by an armada of


experts and vaccine safety advocates who agree that his infant son was

killed by

an adverse reaction to vaccinations and by subsequent iatrogenic

complications in the hospital. Alan's wife, FRANCINE YURKO will provide

updates and action

items to their nightmarish ordeal. http://www.FreeYurko.Bizland.com



The CDC denies keeping records on Autism, but that's a flat out lie, and in

contradiction to other statements they made.


Kudos to Kelly Omeara!!! I'm so glad to see her expose this. It's one more

nail in the coffin of the elitists who wish to exterminate 90% of the world

population according to the UN's edict under " Agenda 21 -- Sustainable

Development. "


" The Population Control Agenda Stanley K. Monteith, M.D. "


" The Georgia Guide Stones (in Elbert Co. GA) "



It's not conspiracy theory - It's conspiracy fact!


Faxed to: Rep. Dave Weldon, MD Fax: (202) 225-3516

BCC: Friends


PS: Other Sources:


" Autism Increased in Illinois from 5 to 2,435 to 48,600 "



" Autism has increased by 1,115 % between 1994 and 2002 in Rhode Island

schools. " F. Edward Yazbak MD FAAP




Link Between Autism Increase And Vaccination " California is 300% greater


year " by Dr. Mercola






" SARS and the Coming Terrible Flus: Are These More than Great Global Scams? "


If you are still processing shock in the wake of the virtually unanimous

passage of the Bush administration’s Homeland Security Bill with its

“license to

kill†from vaccine injuries without liabilities, you have likely yourself to

blame most.

We explained Machiavellian theory in the common political practice of

administering “managed chaos†-- creating public frights for which expensive

solutions had previously been prepared. As an example we solved the anthrax


mystery and identified its sole beneficiaries, particularly the British

oligarchy-controlled anthrax vaccine maker, Bioport. We provided reams of


proving vaccines deliver biotoxic ingredients leaving recipients chronically


and virtually enslaved to drug companies and their “life-saving†formulas.


you said this was “inconceivable,†and asked “Don’t you trust any


-- Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

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