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Fw: Fw: Woooow! Read this! I was correct after all.

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- "walt" <kortron<mycoplasmaforum >Monday, December 08, 2003 9:29 AMFw: Woooow! Read this! I was correct after all.>>>>>> Naked Empress or The Great Medical Fraud>> http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/reviews1.html#world> by Hans Ruesch>>> Following up his sensational SLAUGHTER OF THE> INNOCENT, this new exposé of Hans Ruesch shows> how with the help of press agentry and the venality> of most of the mass media the public has been> brainwashed into equating MEDICAL CARE with HEALTH, whereas in> fact exactly the opposite applies:> modern medicine has become the principal cause of> disease today.>> So in one year 1.5 million Americans had to be> hospitalised as a consequence of the intake of drugs that> were supposed to "cure" them of one thing or other.> Another case in point is cancer. The ably exploited fear> of this dread disease, caused for the most part by> products issuing from chemical, industrial and> pharmaceutical laboratories, has become a solid gold> source for researchers, drug manufacturers and> doctors, who keep foisting their deleteriou cut-burn-poison> therapies on the frightened patients, most of> whom die from the treatment before the cancer can> kill them.>> Since the cause of most cancers is well-known, they> could be avoided through prevention, which early> education should provide. And yet, practically no> public funds go into prevention because there is no money> to be gained with it - only health. The big money is> all in the pseudo "Research," done on millions of> animals, which can only give fallacious answers, and> in the treatment of the patients with violent,> destructive, but immensely lucrative therapies> imposed by official medicine.>> Certified reports of cancers completely cured by> "soft", drugless treatments, usually based on natural diets,> mostly various raw foods, have been piling up both in> Europe and the USA. But all the competent and> honest doctors who threaten the profits of the> lucrative medical trade with inexpensive therapies are being> viciously attacked, vilified as "quacks and> charlatans," sometimes even barred from the profession, by the> quacks and charlatans who make up the profit-oriented> Medical Power.>> Animal experimentation, inevitably misleading, is of> course the alibi that has been devised by this> organisation for extorting huge grants for a phoney> Research, and to safeguard the drug manufacturers from> criminal prosecution whenever the deleterious effects> of one more of their noxious products can no longer be> concealed. Then they can always say "all the> prescribed tests" (on animals) had been conscientiously> undertaken. But not saying that they themselves, in> collusion with the Health agencies and corrupt or> misled politicos, have imposed those tests.>> Not more chemicals, but fewer chemicals, not an> increase of drugs, but a drastic reduction of drugs, and not> a multiplication of animal experiments, but a total> abolition of all such "alibi" experiments, are the> inescapable premise for a betterment of living> conditions and an improvement of public health. The present> book brings ample proof of this, besides unearthing> some information that many powerful individuals in> America and abroad would prefer to keep buried> forever.>> The above reprinted from NAKED EMPRESS.>>>>IUFO Home Page:IUFO/



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