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Enzymes What controls them

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What controls the 'enzyme cascade'? How are they capable of 'firing/changing

thousands of times a second? Enzymes are merely catalyst = ENZYME Any of

various proteins or conjugated proteins (compound of a protein and a

nonprotein) produced by living cells, that serves as a catalyst for specific

biochemical reactions at body temperatures.


Definition http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/Annotated%20Glossary.htm


" BIOPHOTON A quantum of angular momentum, each containing " a piece of energy

welded to a piece of time, with no seam in the middle, " emitted by

biomolecules in living organisms. The difference between a biophoton and a

normal photon is that the " infolded EM structuring " (ST curvature engine

sets) carried by the biophoton carries the dynamics and templates of the

living cell or tissue or body emitting the radiation. "


The Biophoton is the controller, even though Budwig never used the word

Biophoton, after reading her presentation you will see that is what she was

talking about.


Another good read is Bioenergetics and Biocommunication



Also the idea of genetic engineering will fail unless they fully understand

the Biophotons. The Germans are on the cutting edge of Biophoton research.




& text=http%3a//www.plebs.ch/magazin/2003/oktober/wissen3.html & lp=de_en


" The conventional opinion to the genetic engineering will have itself to

change, if these realizations of Russian scientists are considered for the

function of the DNA in the different research programs. "


Even cancer expert from Germany Lothar Hirneise places genetics in seventh

of eighth place in the 'evolution' of cancer cells.

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