Guest guest Posted January 18, 2004 Report Share Posted January 18, 2004 HI WALT~ BOY! ARE YOU EVER RIGHT ON !!! DARN SCARY, ISN'T IT.....BUT OH! SO TRUE....... HAVE YOU DONE A LOT OF STUDYING ON THIS WHOLE "GRAND DESIGN" THAT HAS BEEN ENCOMPASSING US LIKE AN GIANT OCTOPUS FOR YEARS......GRADUALLY..........SO NO ONE REALLY SUSPECTS......BUT NOW IT IS MOVING SO FAST, IT IS BECOMING EVIDENT EVEN TO TO THE "UNENLIGHTENED"...... WE, IN WASHINGTON STATE HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FLUORIDE FOR YEARS.(AS WELL AS THE COUNTRY), THERE IS A BIG CASE GOING ON WHERE IF THE PRO F'S WIN, IT WILL SET A PRECEDENT IN THE NATION.....(YUK!) WE IN KENNEWICK GOT OUR CITY COUNCIL TO VOTE IT DOWN.....YIPPIEEEEEEEEEE.......!!! WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED AND HAVE YOU HAD THE SAME PROBLEM.........??? WOULD LIKE TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU...... JEAN WILLIAMS KENNEWICK, WA. - walt Monday, January 12, 2004 6:07 AM Toxic Waste in Fertilizer and food! Hi Folks: Having read one article on this just do a search on www.Google.comuse the words fertilizer, toxic waste. You'll be amazed at the results.Poision above raining down on us. But Argri-business represents the petrolchemical fertilizer poisioning from below, effecting the land, the water andfood has been poisioning us since the fifties! In destroying the land, ithas destroyed the food chain, the food and eventually it will kill you andme. The biggest business is food, water, energy, desease, and death. Noneof it created by you and me the people!Big Government has created it at, local, state, federal, Industrial,Academic, and Military, and secret private concerns all under the secretOctopus in the iron fist held over you the people created a world where allare now slaves of the twenty first century earth under the One World Order.Walt Toxic Waste Being Put Into Fertilizer Winding Up in Your Food-------- DR. MERCOLA'S COMMENT: One of my nutrition friends in Seattle, David Vaughan, describes thisstory as one of the most devastating health problems of the century. Thehealth implications of this story are astounding. I agree. The potential health implications of this story are indeedastounding. This is one amazing story. I have included an Amazon review that describe the problem.-------- From Publishers Weekly Patty Martin, a housewife, mother of four and mayor of the smallfarming town of Quincy, Wash., began to notice a pattern of failing crops,infertile topsoil and rare diseases in her community in the early 1990s. When she asked tough questions about the pattern, she receivedevasions and resistance from some local businesses and farmers, which onlymade her dig deeper. Martin found that a product manufactured with sludgefrom a waste pond in town, sold as fertilizer and spread on local farms,stunted crops, destroyed quality topsoil and left high concentrations ofsuch heavy metals as cadmium, chromium and beryllium not usually present infertilizers. As Martin pursued links between fertilizers, hazardous waste andpublic health risks, she became increasingly unpopular in the town she wastrying to protect. Growing beyond the conflict in Quincy, Wilson's investigation (whichled to a 1997 series of articles that were nominated for Pulitzer Prizeconsideration) revealed that under prevailing state and federal laws,polluting industries throughout the U.S. saved millions of dollars bysending hazardous waste to fertilizer makers who in turn recycled the toxicchemicals into a product sold to farmers and consumers without disclosingwhat was in it. In the resulting outcry, Washington State became the first to insistthat fertilizer companies provide detailed chemical analyses of theirproducts. Wilson's copious reporting and Patty Wilson's example make aconvincing case for a national policy on hazardous materials recycling. Agent, Elizabeth Wales. (Sept. 13) Forecast: This lucid presentationof the facts will stir the passions of readers already concerned aboutenvironmental issues, but those accustomed to more gut-wrenching accounts ofsimilar transgressions, like A Civil Action and the film Erin Brockovich,won't be drawn in as easily.-------- About the Author Duff Wilson has worked as an investigative reporter for theSeattle Times since 1989. He has been nominated five times for a PulitzerPrize and has won more than thirty other journalism awards. Wilson livesnear Seattle with his wife and two children. Fateful Harvest«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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