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Pivotal Legal Battle To Make Or Break Future Ability To Access Dietary Supplements

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IAHF.COM <jhamSunday, January 18, 2004 10:33 AM> IAHF LIST: Its "Do or DIE" Time. ANH needs $20,000 in donations, and I'mpulling out all the stops to get that money to them for the pivotal legalbattle that will MAKE OR BREAK our future access to dietary supplementsWORLD WIDE.>> I'm going to be in court on January 30 in the High Court of Justice,London England to witness the WAR IN THE COURTROOM!!>> This promises to be a HISTORIC BATTLE between the monolitic cretins fromthe Pharma Cartel and the forces of good in the world.>> The Alliance For Natural Health NEEDS YOUR URGENT DONATIONS via theirsecure server at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org>> Someone from the midwest emailed me to express her supreme frustrationwith sleeping people who fail to grasp how the American supplement industryhas been set up for destruction from within via the pharmaceuticallydominated vitamin trade associations.>> She wanted me to send her a ton of information that I have already beenproviding for the past several years- which is well summed up in theinterview which Greg Ciola did with me in this months cover story on TheHealth Crusader Magazine.>> I urge you all to print out copies and give it to the owners and managersof every health food store within driving distance of your homes. Downloadthis information fromhttp://www.thehealthcrusader.com/pgs/CrusadorNewsletterJan04.pdf and fromthe article in the July

issue of Life Extension Magazine about the ANHLawsuit which you can download fromhttp://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2003/2003_preprint_eu_01.html>> To help fill in the gaps I'm doing as many radio shows as humanlypossible, see below and pass it on- not sure what else to say folks- this isfor ALL the marbles:>> http://wwfar.com/ is the corrected url for First Amendment Radio.>> Yesterday I sent out a message with an incorrect url. It had been told tome wrong on the phone by the show host, but someone on the IAHF list justpointed out the correct url, and I thank Will H. for that.>> Also, if you want to listen by satellite it can be heard on the Satellitethat's taken the place of Galaxy 9----Galaxy 13 Transponder 16 Audio 7.70>> I will be on the air later today

on Liberty Forum with host John Bryant onFirst Amendment Radio at 4PM - 5 PM west coast US Time; 5PM-6PM Mountain,7PM-8PM Central; 8PM-9PM Eastern; 1AM-2AM UK Time; 3AM-4AM European Time.Rest of the world please calculate accordingly or listen to the archivedprogram on the web.>> FOR MONDAYS SHOW- I'll be the guest of Joyce Riley on The Power Hourhttp://www.thepowerhour.com from 7am-8am west coast time; 8am-9am mountaintime, 9am-10am central time; 10am-11 am eastern time; 3PM-4PM UK Time;4PM-5PM European Time- rest of the world please figure accordingly, or hearthe archived program.>> FOR RADIO LISTENERS- The Power Hour can be heard via satellite and alsoshort wave- as well as LOCAL STATIONS:>> Satellite: Satellite:> G1, T17,> 5.58 narrow band> or> G9, T2, 7.3 narrow band>> Short Wave Live: These Frequencies:

WHRI 9.840 and 9.495 megahertz> And 13.595 megahertz>> Local Stations:>> Rochester: WASB, WRSB, WMJQ> Dade City, Florida, WDCF> Alcoa, TN WBCR> Delhi, LA. KGGM> Adrian, MI 99.3, Radio Free Lenaway> Independence, MO KCXL> Arizona Free Radio Tucson 90.9 FM> Florida WTCL-AM 1580, Chattahoochee> Georgia WYKC-AM 1270, Cartersville> Illinois WINI-AM 1420, Murphysboro/Carbondale> Rochelle, WRHL- AM 1060> Louisiana KMBS-AM 1310, Monroe> Massachusetts WPEP-AM 1570, Taunton> WNSH-AM 1570, Beverly> Missouri KDJR-FM 100.1, St. Louis> New Hampshire WMVU-AM 900, Nashua> North Carolina WDLX-AM 930 "NewsTalk", Washington> WBZB-AM 1090, Raleigh> WADA-AM 1390, Shelby> Nevada KXTO-AM 1550, Reno> Pennsylvania WLYC-AM 1050, Williamsport> WQXA-AM 1250, York> South Carolina WABV-AM 1590, Abbeville> For

Health Freedom,> John C. Hammell, President> International Advocates for Health Freedom> 556 Boundary Bay Road> Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA> http://www.iahf.com> jham 800-333-2553 N.America> 360-945-0352 World


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