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Write a Letter to the Editor Defending DSHEA (Nutritional Foods)

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Write a Letter to the Editor Defending DSHEA





















National Nutritional Foods Association1220 19th Street NW, Suite 400Washginton, DC 20036

3931 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 101Newport Beach, CA 92660

ph: (800) 966-6632e-mail: nnfa



Action Alert

Write a Letter to the Editor Defending DSHEA

You are receiving this alert because you are an NNFA member or have previously taken action to support access to dietary supplements.

The recent announcement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it plans to ban ephedra has prompted a spate of commentary by consumer news media and others about the effectiveness of the law governing dietary supplements. Ironically, although the FDA exercised its authority under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 to remove unsafe products from the marketplace, many in the press are still saying the law needs to be changed.

Nearly every story in the press contains factual inaccuracies and mischaracterizations of how DSHEA works and why it was enacted. While calling or meeting with your Senators and Representatives is the most important thing you can do to ensure that DSHEA is not amended or repealed, you can also help by writing letters to the editor of your local paper to set the record straight.

It's as Easy as 1-2-3 (and 4)!

Writing a letter to the editor is easy! Using the tips provided, you can help spread the message that dietary supplements are a safe, affordable and effective way to maintain and improve health.


Step 1: Review Letter Writing Tips Newspapers and other media outlets receive hundreds if not thousands of letters to the editor each week. To make sure yours makes the cut, follow these steps for writing an effective letter. Go to NNFA 's Advocacy Action Center at http://capwiz.com/nnfa/dbq/media/ and click on "Guidelines for Writing a Letter to the Editor."

Step 2: Choose Your Newspaper After reading the letter writing tips, return to the main Media menu and find your local newspapers by entering your ZIP code. This will take you to a list of newspapers magazines, and radio TV stations near you. There is even a listing of national publications distributed in your area.

Step 3: Compose Your MessageWe've provided some Key Concepts about Dietary Supplement Regulation and Safety to help you craft your letter. However, the more original you can make it, and the more specific it is to the article you're responding to, the greater the likelihood it will be published. Customize the text provided or simply write your own letter and send it immediately by selecting the e-mail option. You can also print a letter and send it via regular mail.

Step 4: Tell a Friend to Send a Letter, TooOnce you've completed the steps above, simply click on the “Tell a Friend” link to let friends, family and colleagues know how easy it is to send a letter to the media about the importance of keeping our health freedoms intact.

Thank you for your time and support! Should you have any questions, please call NNFA at (800) 966-6632, ext. 248 or e-mail nnfa.


Tell a FriendKnow someone who'd be interested in receiving Action Alerts? Please forward them this e-mail or encourage them to sign up by visiting NNFA's Web site at http://capwiz.com/nnfa/mlm/.









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