Guest guest Posted October 22, 2003 Report Share Posted October 22, 2003 - Newsletter [CureZone] Vaccines Part II Cry of the HeartThe Medical Terrorof Vaccinations VACCINES IIPart II Part IEducating Instead of MedicatingFree CureZone Newsletter Copy, reproduce and forward freely! Jan. 21st 2004 20,453rs. To click here Hepatitis B Vaccine: I am a mother of 3 boys, 6, 4, and almost 7 months, but the problem with my family is, we no longer have our 7 month old baby. We lost our dear son. And to make matters worse, he passed away 5 days after receiving just one shot -- the HEPATITIS B SHOT! Thimerosal Content in Some US Licensed Vaccines complete table of vaccines and content of Thimerosal. A leaked British Army medical report has provided the first official backing that vaccines given to British soldiers before the 1991 Gulf War caused illnesses associated with Gulf War Syndrome, the Times reported on Monday. Mystery Illness Causing Major U.S. Casualties in Iraq The overwhelming majority of soldiers sent home for recovery from the current Persian Gulf War were not injured in combat but probably by a doctor’s needle. Were some “shot to death†by vaccinations? The screaming started four hours after 8-month-old Chaise Irons received a vaccination against rotavirus, recommended in June 1998 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for every infant to prevent serious diarrhea. Within a day he was vomiting and eliminating blood. Doctors performed emergency surgery, saving him by repairing his intestines, which were folding in on one another. A doctor later figured out the vaccine caused Chaise's problem.In October 1999, after 15 reports of such incidents, the CDC withdrew its recommendation for the vaccination -- not because of the problem, the agency claims, but because bad publicity might give vaccines in general a bad name. Lawmakers Call For Bush Autism Conference Recent reports suggest as many as 1 out of every 150 American kids may have the disease - up from 1 in 10,000 just a decade ago - in an epidemic laying siege to American families that could cost the American economy between $200 and $400 billion by 2010, according to autism supportgroups. Lyn Redwood’s son Will was a healthy, happy baby who met all the normal developmental standard. He was walking and talking by one year. About three months later, however, he began to regress, losing speech, avoiding eye contact and appearing miserable. He didn’t seem happy anymore, Redwood said in a recent interview. He just wanted to sit in his infant seat and watch videos over and over again. Doctors initially blamed hearing problems for Will’s decline. Neurologists told the parents that their son had global and receptive speech delay. Contrary to popular propaganda, flu vaccinations do not prevent the flu. Only your immune system can prevent you from getting influenza. Some of the people who recently died from "the flu" had received the flu vaccine prior to dying. One of the twin boys from Pueblo, Colorado died from "the flu" and his twin brother was hospitalized for the flu. Both had gotten a flu shot. The flu vaccine currently being administered does not even cover the current strain of influenza going around. I could not imagine a more difficult task than describing how my son was before the shot. With every word I feel that bright, curious, considerate, beautiful little boy getting farther away. My son is still here, but he’s not the same. He changed literally overnight. He had a thorough physical exam and our doctor said he was in great shape. A few minutes later the nurse gave him his first "mandatory " Hepatitis B vaccine. The following morning he was different. Different looking, different acting. I keep explaining this difference to all the doctors. The doctor told her it wasn’t necessary for him to meet her at the emergency room. The doctor didn’t seem worried. Within minutes, Richie died in his mother's arms as his father and six year old brother watched. It had been 33 hours since a doctor had injected him with his first DPT shot. DPT shot killed Nathan? “When I first called the pediatrician after the ambulance arrived, he said Nathan probably was just having a reaction to his DPT shot,†Miriam recalls. “But when Nathan died, the doctor did an "about-face" and said it had nothing to do with the vaccine.†Thousands of families have reported their normally-developing children changed after receiving mercury containing vaccines and began displaying symptoms that lead to a diagnosis of autism. The symptoms of autism not only mimic those of mercury poisoning, but children with autism have been found to have 500% the amount of mercury in their bodies compared to typically-developing children. THE FLU & THE FLU VACCINE FLU SHOTS...DO THEY REALLY WORK? TIME FOR THE FLU VACCINE...THINK AGAIN 1,000 Canadians suffered adverse reactions in the past two months Flu Vaccine Adverse Reactions To newsletter, click here, it is free! "Health Care and the Internet" survey by The University of Iowa (10 - 15 min) "Our beautiful daughter was born in February and died in April.What was unusual was that on the day that she died, I had taken her to the military base hospital for her two-month checkup. The doctor told me that she was just perfect. Then the doctor said that she needed four shots. I replied Four! She assured me that it was completely normal and that it was better to give her all at such an early age. That evening after feeding her, we laid her down to sleep and checked on her 45 minutes later. She was dead. After three weeks we finally got an answer from the autopsy that it was indeed SIDS. To this day I believe that it was the shots and no one can convince me otherwise." “I recently took my two month old baby to have her first DPT, oral polio, and Hib shots. When we returned home from the clinic her crying became a high-pitched kind of screaming. She became inconsolable and I became desperate. She finally screamed herself into exhaustion a few hours later. The next morning I woke up hearing my husband screaming our baby is dead.†Cry of the Heart The Medical Terror of Vaccinations "I have run against so many histories of little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn’t put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren’t strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were vaccinated. They have never been well since."William Howard Hay, M.D. "My dearest little daughter died 10 hours after receiving her 3th dose of DPT, HIB, and oral polio vaccines. She was only 16 months old. There is no way I can ever express the intensity of my suffering, my hurt, pain, anger and rage. I really did not know that a human being was capable of such suffering until my little baby died in my arms. I cried and cried and cried until the tears would no longer come.I feel as if my life has been destroyed, completely destroyed. I have now promised myself that I will channel all of my anger into trying to stop this living nightmare from happening to others. No one should have to live through what I did.†By the end of 1996 dozens of scientists had reported finding SV40 in bone and brain cancers, whose rate had increased 30% over the previous 20 years. Since it has also been found in semen and blood samples and in 61% of all new cancer patients tested, people who hadn’t received the original polio vaccine, it has apparently spread partner to partner and generation to generation. Vaccines in The Military Vaccination The vaccine conflict US Government Asks Court to Seal Vaccine Records Vaccines expert warns studies are useless Finally! Agreement that Mercury is BAD! MY OWN STORY Vaccination as a cause of "health" induced illness Tyler's seizure lasted for about 15-20 minutes Testimony My dughter & my husband In the May 24, 1996, New Zealand Medical Journal, J. Barthelow Classen, MD, a former researcher at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported that juvenile diabetes increased 60 per cent following a massive hepatitis B vaccination campaign for babies six weeks or older in New Zealand from 1988 to 1991. In the October 22, 1997, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Classen showed that Finland’s incidence of diabetes increased 147 per cent in children under five after three new vaccines were introduced in the 1970s, and that diabetes increased 40 per cent in children aged 5 to 9 after the addition of the MMR and Hib vaccines in the 1980s. He concluded, “the rise in IDDM [juvenile onset diabetes] in the different age groups correlated with the number of vaccines given.†My data indicates that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. John B.Classen, M.D. It is apparent that critical medical decisions for an entire generation of American children are being made by small committees whose members have incestuous ties with agencies that stand to gain power, or manufacturers that stand to gain enormous profits, from the policy that is made. Jane Orient, M.D.Testimony given to the U.S. House of Representatives Most infants have been receiving up to 15 doses of mercury-containing vaccines by the time they are 6 months old. It is almost inconceivable that these heavy burdens of foreign immunologic materials, introduced into the immature systems of children, could fail to bring about disruptions and adverse reactions in these in these systems.Harold Buttram MD Approximately one-half of the hundreds of parents who call our office each month report that their child became autistic shortly after receiving a vaccination. Portia IversonCure Autism Now foundation in Los Angeles Approximately 12 out of the 18 vaccine doses the average child receives before the age of two contain Thimerosal. Cumulatively, that's more than 200 micrograms of mercury, which would fit on the head of a pin. According to the EPA, dropping that pin-head of mercury into 23 gallons of water would make it unsafe for human consumption. 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