Guest guest Posted October 19, 2003 Report Share Posted October 19, 2003 Nutrients for High Blood Pressure Normal blood pressure is vital to the nutrition of our cells. When the blood in the capillary beds becomes concentrated from the loss of plasma, the blood protein (albumin) attracts tissue fluids that carry waste into the blood vessels.Thus, by virtue of the blood pressure, all tissues are constantly bathed in fresh, nutrient-laden fluids. Also, the breakdown products from worn-out cells are removed.However, when larger amounts of oxygen and nutrients are needed, the contraction of tiny muscles in the arterial walls causes the pressure to increase and supplies to be pushed more quickly to the cells.On the other hand, if few nutrients are required, these muscles relax, the pressure decreases, and food is conserved.As the blood pressure goes up, the heart muscle must work harder to push blood throughout the body. Just as with other muscles in the body, the heart can compensate for the extra work by getting bigger and stronger, but over the years, the heart basically gets worn out.Two things usually happen to the heart as a result.First, hypertension accelerates atherosclerosis by stressing and damaging the inside lining of the arteries, promoting plaque formation.Since the heart is working harder, it requires a greater blood supply. Too much plaque can slow or stop the supply to the heart, resulting in a heart attack.Second, hypertension damages the capillaries throughout the body, including the heart muscle. As a result, the muscle cells don't get the oxygen and nutrients they need as easily, and the heart doesn't beat as strongly.Slowly the heart chambers begin to dilate in an attempt to maintain the blood pressure, but eventually this fails.The heart becomes enlarged, floppy and ineffective in pumping blood, and the result is congestive heart failure.Importance of Dietary Potassium against Stroke.A study by Kay-Tee Khaw, M.D. and Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, M.D., found that a high intake of dietary potassium protected people against stroke and stroke-related deaths. In fact, they found that "as little as one extra serving of a potassium-rich food, such as a fruit or vegetable, may reduce the risk of stroke death by up to 40 percent." These researchers based their findings on a study of 850 men and women in an affluent community in southern California. During the twelve years covered by their study, 24 stroke-related deaths occurred. These individuals were all found to have significantly lower potassium intake than survivors and individuals who died from causes other than stroke.They also found the relationship between dietary potassium and stroke mortality was independent of blood pressure, as it also was of obesity, cholesterol level, cigarette smoking, alcohol and blood sugar.They found that a lack of potassium intake was the independent risk factor in these stroke-related deaths. One does not need to take a very big leap of logic to conclude that an increased intake of potassium lowers the risk of stroke, and a decreased intake raises the risk!Sodium to Potassium RATIOA one-year study headed by James C. Smith, Jr. Ph.D., a chemist at the USDA's Agriculture Research service found that the 28 men and women in their study ate too much table salt (sodium chloride) and not enough potassium, exceeding the safe and adequate daily ratio recommended by the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. That ratio is 600 mgs of sodium for 1,000 mg of potassium. The adults in this study were consuming 1,300 mgs of sodium daily for every 1,000 mgs of potassium.Recommended RangeAs a matter of general information, a teaspoon of table salt contains about 2,500 mg of sodium. The recommended range of potassium is between 1,900 mg and 5,600 mg daily.Vitamin and mineral supplements, by FDA regulation, are only allowed to contain 99 mgs of potassium. To take a higher amount you need a prescription. How silly this seems when a medium-sized banana contains approximately 630 mg of potassium.When people consume a high level of potassium in their diets, they excrete more sodium in their urine.But when the opposite is true, they retain excess sodium in fluids surrounding cells in the body, Urinalysis can determine if your potassium and sodium intakes are out of balance, and if either is too high or low.Monitor your potassium levels.If you are using a diuretic (herbal or otherwise), or are on blood pressure medication, you may need a physicians prescription for extra potassium. It would be wise to have your potassium levels monitored regularly. Remember, when potassium is lost by a diuretic, so is magnesium. You may need to supplement this mineral also!Magnesium is Critical and EssentialThe Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that magnesium supplements are essential for helping control the blood pressure in people with hypertension. The exact mechanism is not yet completely understood, but it is thought that magnesium helps drop blood pressure by regulating the entry-exit process of calcium in the smooth muscle cells of the vascular network.In combination, magnesium and calcium appear to help the blood vessels contract and relax properly!The interaction of magnesium and calcium gives the calcium the ability to get where it has to in the cells. Then, magnesium facilitates calcium in getting to the right place where it has a relaxing effect. Hypertensive were shown to have significantly less magnesium in their cells than did normal people!The British researchers reported their findings in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.," They noted that previous studies had shown magnesium supplementation to be an effective hypotensive (lowering) agent in various types of blood pressure.Intakes of potassium and vitamins A and C were also lower in people with higher blood pressures, while cholesterol intake was not consistently different. These researchers, who reported their study in "Science", concluded that diets that restrict the intake of calories, sodium or cholesterol may also reduce the intake of calcium and other nutrients which may be protective against hypertension.Calcium should be balanced with approximately half as much magnesium. (Note: Some researchers say the ratio should be equal. Watch for further studies related to this.) And of course, potassium must be taken for additional benefits.You should include a complete mineral formula which provides:Selenium, zinc, copper, chromium, iodine, boron, manganese, potassium and vitamin E. It would also be important to include a complete "stress" vitamin B-complex. You should check the potencies of your vitamin and mineral formulas to see if they are adequate.Coenzyme Q10CoQ10 is an essential component of the metabolic process involved in energy (ATP) production. In addition, CoQ10 has been linked to protection of the brain.Researchers believe it is important for protecting the cells mitochondria, which may result in helping prevent degenerative diseases. Unfortunately, the body's production of CoQ10 begins to decline around age twenty, often leaving people seriously deficient by middle age, when the body needs to fight off aging diseases.The recommendation is usually 30 to 60 mgs a day for generally healthy people. Some suggest 90 to 120 mgs for those who want to prevent signs of aging or have high blood pressure problems. One of the best aspects of CoQ10 appears to be that it has virtually no side effects. It is one of the safest substances ever tested, even at very high doses. No significant toxicity in animal or long-term human studies have ever been recorded.Glutathione is manufactured in the liver by three naturally occurring amino acids, cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Glutathione is a powerhouse antioxidant. A lack of it is considered by some researchers to be the foremost cause of premature aging. It protects every cell, tissue and organ in the body. In one study, those with 20 percent higher blood levels of glutathione had only one third the rates of arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, circulatory problems, diabetes, stomach symptoms, and urinary tract infections when compared to those with lower glutathione levels. Dr. Mara Julius, the author of this finding at the University of Michigan, said, "even in very old age, people with the highest levels of glutathione bounce back from diseases and accidents the same way much younger people do. They are just much more vigorous!The Anti-Aging Benefits of GlutathioneProtects from cancerRejuvenates immunityBlocks damage to the cells by breaking down free-radicalsRejuvenates old and weak immune systemsPrevents lung injury from free-radicalsFights against the free-radicals produced by rancid fatKeeps blood cholesterol from oxidizing and becoming toxicCures some forms of Type II diabetesHelps prevent macular degenerationGlutathione can deactivate at least thirty cancer-causing substances. It helps the liver detoxify poisonous chemicals and even helps protect the integrity of red blood cells. It helps prevent macular degeneration, and age-related eye disease. It is also a neurotransmitter.Glutathione works synergistically with vitamin C and selenium.Garlic has been known for years to stabilize blood pressure.This conclusion was reported in the prestigious British medical journal the "Lancet". Dr. G. Piotrowski of the University of Geneva showed that garlic may dilate or open up the blood vessels and promote a free-flowing circulation that is the answer to hypertension. The equivalency of three to four cloves of garlic every day is recommended to lower blood pressure.New studies have reported that populations with high intakes of seafood, especially mackerel, Alaskan salmon and other cold-water fish have a very low incidence of cardiovascular disease and hypertension.It is believed that the Omega-3 fatty acids, or EPA, can reduce not only blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), but also helps drop serum triglycerides and cholesterol.In one study, the addition of only 3 tablespoons of cod liver oil a day to the normal diet was enough to lower blood pressure. Omega-3 fatty acids are also available in supplements without the added vitamin A and D which is found in cod liver oil. It's a great idea to start eating fish several times a week, thereby getting more essential oils in your diet.Hawthorn BerryThe very active flavonoid components found in the leaves, berries and blossoms of the Hawthorne plant, have an ability to increase intracellular vitamin C levels and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.It is widely used in Europe for blood pressure lowering and cardiotonic activity.Hawthorn's effect appears to be the result of dilating the larger blood vessels. The complete "Whole Body" Health line consists of the "AIM GARDEN TRIO" Ask About Health Professional Support Series: AIM Barleygreen "Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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