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Hi Tamika,


You are correct, there is nothing wrong with a totally raw diet. Live food has all the necessary enzymes, needed for its proper digestion. If you can get certified organic fruits and vegetables then they will have the other nutrients needed as well, minerals and vitamins. Good luck to you both and let your hubby know that it is okay and not to worry what other people think. It is your choice.





Tamika r. Polk

herbal remedies

Thursday, September 26, 2002 3:53 AM

[herbal remedies] choices

My husband and I are considering going totally raw. We don't have very muchmoney, so we are going to buy cases of carrots, oranges and apples. We willeat them until we can add other healthy things to our diet. He is worriedthat people will find out. I told him that their is nothing wrong withthat diet, at least for a while. I have been slowly going raw for a while,and one of my best friends criticizes my decision. I think that he doesn'twant people to do him the same way.>Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 8 months later...
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Dear Erin,


I certainly don't think Don was intending to offend you wth his statement.


It may appear to you that having a "choice" as to whether or not you have cancer is ridiculous, but I can assure you that it is not. I have seen and helped to handle way too many cancer cases and after thorough investigation with my patients have found that certain "choices" were involved 100% of the time.


Agreed, there may be many factors involved here, and sometimes it is difficult to isolate certain of these factors, but "choices" or as I prefer to call them, "Decisions, Postulates, and Considerations", have played an important part in every case without exception.


Some people "decide" to get sick in order to make another "wrong" or to explain away an inability. For example: "I didn't win the race, because I had a headache", or "I can't go to school today, because I have a headache" - Mom of course wanted you to go to school, but that headache does make her "wrong". The next thing you know, you really do have a headache. I've seen this waaaaaaaaaay tooooo many times not to realize that this "Choice" or "Postulate" is a primary factor in people getting ill. As we consider ourselves to be, so we are. Another way of putting it would be, "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours".


The proof of the pudding here, is that every time, I've seen a person take "Full Responsibility" for their disease, and admit (if only to themselves) that they "caused" it, there was a complete healing. Those who adopt a "poor me" or "victim" viewpoint, just never seem to get well. Everything just seems to "happen to them". I know this is a toughie, but once you get used to thinking along this path, it becomes easier and easier. You get tougher and tougher yourself, and you get well. I've got a 10 oz, 2" thick, 4" wide, 6" long breast tumor sitting in a jar of formaldehyde on my desk from a woman who "had" breast cancer, and who got rid of it simply by "Changing her Mind" and taking "Full Responsibility" for her condition. It was a "Causative" choice on her part.


I hope this helps.


Much love,




Doc Shillington505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington



Erin E.Balassone

herbal remedies

Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:50 AM

[herbal remedies] choices

Ok. I was diagnosed with cancer at age 18. My doctor said the cancer had been in my body for 5 years. I've been through more treatments etc than I can count.Is this a choice? Did I choose to get cancer? Thats ridiculous and offensive that youd say that.

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Dear Kwan,


I certainly agree with your opinion on "labelling". The medical profession certainly has a ball dreaming up "new names". :o)


However, I firmly believe you can get rid of your "cancers" permanently if you so "choose" or "decide". Educating yourself as you are now doing is the first step.






Doc Shillington505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington



Kwan Hung Lo

herbal remedies

Saturday, May 31, 2003 1:08 PM

Re: [herbal remedies] choices


When I had depression, I took St John's Wort extract (my doctor wanted me to try effexor) and it helped me a lot. I also take mushroom extract (reishi, turkey tail, maitake) supplements regularly. There are many types of alternative cancer treatments, the most popular one is herbal medicine (it can be Western, traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic), others are homeopathy, oxygen therapy, magnetic therapy, etc. You can read some books about alternative cancer treatments as a start. Many sites also claim they have stuff that can cure cancer but be cautious when you read things on the internet, try to read the pros and cons and both sides of the story. Diet change and change of lifestyle can also work. Emotional swing may be the result of physical problems (e.g. stagnation). I learn a lot by reading books about cancer and I am taking a correspondence course in herbal medicine. I think something positive should come out of bad experience. I don't consider myself a cancer patient or a cancer survivor. I have cancer, that's all, like other people have diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity..........and I don't hear them calling themselves obesity patients or obesity survivors.


I don't know how long I want to stay on this list, but if you have questions, you can email me privately.


Kwan Hung

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  • 7 months later...

What a fool does in the end, the wise man does in the beginning. -- Ben Franklin

More on Choices Soft drinks are hard on our teeth and gums. We’ve been saying that for a long time. Knowing this, why are they so popular? Look at this:

Individuals may think that a caffeinated soft drink can reduce fatigue and be mildly stimulating, but studies done in England suggest the drink is being used to prevent development of unpleasant and complicated withdrawal symptoms. The research was reported on in the Jour.of Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav.

See what John Diamond, M.D. suggests about life-style choices we make and our health:

Holistic Healing always starts with the activation of the Spirit, the Healing Power Within.

Only with its activation can there be full appreciation and joyful acceptance of the beauty and wonder of life.

This, and nothing less than this, is true Health.

We’re back to choices!


Reply with your street or po box addressto get a sample copy ofThe Holistic Dental Digest PLUS jmittelman What they're not likely to teach in dental schools.

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