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High Blood Pressure: Essential Minerals

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High Blood Pressure: Essential Minerals in Regards to Sodium Retention What is behind the new guidelines for treatment of high blood pressure? In case you missed it, new classifications of high blood pressure and guidelines for treatment were release by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).The latest report, "The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure" (JNC 7) was deemed necessary based the publication of many new clinical trials since the sixth version was released 6 years ago. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and the chief risk factor for stroke and heart failure, and also can lead to kidney damage. With the new classification of "prehypertension" level another 45 million persons are candidates for drug therapy - but, there is a better way. While I agree 100% with the rationale behind the new classification and the importance of an optimal blood pressure below 120/80, what I am totally against are the practical guidelines that overstress the use of drugs rather than focus on diet, lifestyle, and appropriate supplementation. Giving people drugs to lower blood pressure is not the best first step at all. Diet, lifestyle modification, and proper supplementation should be the very first steps to high blood pressure management.High blood pressure may be the body'sreaction to perceived danger; sympathetic nervous system activity constricts peripheral arteries in order to maintain circulation to the brain. As a short-term response to actual danger, this pattern is not harmful, but if the sympathetic nerves and the arteries they control never relax, damage to the cardiovascular system and kidneys can result, and heart attacks and strokes are likely. Dietary modification is an effective way to manage high blood pressure, which is by far the more common direction of the imbalance. A recent study at six major medical centers found that a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables helped people lower their blood pressure most.People in the study ate 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, which helped increase their intake of potassium, calcium and magnesium, all of which counteract the blood-pressure-elevating effect of sodium. Recently, doctors have linked chronic fatigue in some people to neurally mediated hypotension, in which blood pressure plummets after standing too long,exercising or spending time in a warm environment. In one study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, 75 percent of 23 chronic fatigue patients who were given "sea salt" in their diet reported some improvement. Seasalt's Hidden Powers The following information is an excerpt derived from the book,"Seasalt's Hidden Powers" ."The late French scientist Dr. Alexis Carrel kept a chicken heart alive for over 27 years by having the pulsating heart IN A SOLUTION OF SEA SALT, i.e. isotonic seawater.Dr. Carrel voluntarily ended the experiment after a third of a century, having proven that living cells can havephysical 'immortality'.Professor Kervran links us to the secret of immortality and reveals its prime source is trace minerals from seawater [and used in] remedies. Other physicians continued research and found fermentations of briny salt pickles, salted sour plums, and other salty fermentations to be powerful and effective medicines." Dr. Jacques de Langre, Ph.D., who wrote the book "Seasalt's Hidden Powers", states that naturally and properly sunshine-preserved sea salt is the difference between life and death, health and illness, social sanity and planetary panic and its elements are vital for proper body functions.That natural hand-harvested Celtic ocean salt alone helps to maintain life, neutralizes toxins and detrimental bacteria, and enhances all our organic function. Sea salt contains 92 essential minerals and most all adulterated sea salts contain only 2 elements (Na and Cl. Biologically, 24 of these elements in real sea salt have already been proven necessary and essential to maintain and recover health. See Scientific American, July 1972: "The Chemical Elements of Life," by Earl Friden. When dietary deficiency of trace elements occurs, cells lose the ability to control their ions—with dire consequences for humans. Even a minute loss of ion equilibrium causes cells to burst, nervous disorder, brain damage, or muscle spasms, as well as a breakdown of the cell-regenerating process and growth. In the theory of acid and alkaline balance, chronic disease such as cancer is caused by the acidification of the blood, lymph and all cellular tissues.Real sea salt is one of the basic elements necessary part to correct this problem. Natural sea salt [reconstituted seawater] allows liquids to freely cross body membranes, the kidney's glomerulus's and blood vessels walls. Whenever the sodium chloride concentration rises in the blood, the water in the neighboring tissues is attracted to that salt-rich blood, and the cells then re-absorb the enriched intra-cellular fluid. If they are functioning properly, the kidneys remove the saline fluids easily. "Refined" salt does not allow this free-crossing of liquids and minerals, and causes 'accumulated' fluids to 'stagnate' in joint, producing 'edema' and chronic kidney problems. Salt is the single element required for the proper breakdown of plant carbohydrates into useable and assimiable human food. Only when sea salt is added to fruits and vegetables can saliva and gastric secretions readily break down the "fibrous" store of carbohydrates, etc. Once the sea salt is dissolved and ionized, the salt possesses a definite reactivity, has full electromagnetic capabilities, and passes more easily into the large colon where it will have a sanitizing effect. Refined Table Salt (mortons): To further prevent any moisture from being reabsorbed, the salt refiners add 'aluminosilicate' of sodium or yellow prussiate of soda as desiccants plus different 'bleaches' to the final salt formula. After these processes, the table salt will no longer "combine" with human body fluids, and invariably causes severe problems of "edema" (water retention) and several other health disturbances. In ancient Celts times, sea salt was used to treat major physical and mental disturbances, severe burns, and other ailments. Today biologists attest that seawater (also called 'mother liquor') restores hydro-electrolytic imbalances, a disorder that causes loss of immune response, creates allergies, and causes many health problems. Also the therapeutic effect of seawater is recognized and used by the best European medical professionals because of its effectiveness in so many situations. The use of real sea salt-free diets are showing up in the reality of our modern world as society is coming apart. It is basically a starvation of macro- and trace minerals and biological deficiencies which cannot be corrected by refined 'sodium chloride' alone. Celtic salt is a good product because it is naturally extracted by the use of sunshine. If one redissolved salt in water in the proper ratio or combine it in the moisture of foods, its properties re-create the amazing powers of the "ocean" and bears an astonishing likeness to human blood and body fluids. During World War II, Navy doctors would use sea salt water for blood transfusions when blood supplies ran out and many lives were saved. 80 Elements dicovered in Sea Water: People who eat Refined salt develop cravings for salt, because, the salt that they eat is not satisfying their needs. Than they use more and more salt, in the desperate try to get what they need. big amounts of refined salt (chemical) burden kidneys and adrenal glands that are very important for calcium utilization. Modern physiology has demonstrated that an excess of refined salt interferes with the absorption of nutrients and depletes calcium, while if used in moderate doses, salt enhances calcium absorption and nutrient utilization in general. It is known that 'absorption' of calcium depends on the health of the kidney-adrenal function and that calcium metabolism is of essential importance for the health of the nerves, muscles, heart, vascular system, and bones.Importance of "Dietary Potassium* against Stroke. Potassium is essential for maintaining the fluid balance in our cells, and is required for the enzymatic reactions taking place within them. Potassium is used to convert Glucose into Glycogen for storage and later release. It is also used for nerve transmission, muscle contraction, hormone secretion and other functions. Our cells contain more potassium than any other mineral. A total of approximately 250 mgs of this nutrient can be found in the adult body. A growing body of evidence indicates that low levels of potassium are associated with high blood pressure and deserve much more attention! Researchers feel that in some cases, low potassium may play a more significant role in hypertension than high sodium does. A study by Kay-Tee Khaw, M.D. and Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, M.D., found that a high intake of dietary potassium protected people against stroke and stroke-related deaths. In fact, they found that "as little as one extra serving of a potassium-rich food, such as a fruit or vegetable, may reduce the risk of stroke death by up to 40 percent." In another animal study,potassium supplementation was able to protect against the kidney damage resulting from hypertension. Sodium to Potassium RATIO A one-year study headed by James C. Smith, Jr. Ph.D., a chemist at the USDA's Agriculture Research service found that the 28 men and women in their study ate too much refined table salt (sodium chloride) and not enough potassium, exceeding the safe and adequate daily ratio recommended by the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. That ratio is 600 mgs of sodium for 1,000 mg of potassium. The adults in this study were consuming 1,300 mgs of sodium daily for every 1,000 mgs of potassium. As a matter of general information, a teaspoon of refined table salt contains about 2,500 mg of sodium. The recommended range of potassium is between 1,900 mg and 5,600 mg daily. Vitamin and mineral supplements, by FDA regulation, are only allowed to contain 99 mgs of potassium. To take a higher amount you may need to include more potassium rich foods and/or need a prescription. How silly this seems when a medium-sized banana contains approximately 630 mg of potassium. When people consume a *high level* of potassium in their diets, they *excrete* more "sodium" in their urine. But when the opposite is true, they retain excess sodium in fluids surrounding cells in the body. Urinalysis can determine if your potassium and sodium intakes are out of balance, and if either is too high or low. Monitor your potassium levels- If you are using a diuretic (herbal or otherwise), or are on blood pressure medication, you may need a physicians prescription for extra potassium. It would be wise to have your potassium levels monitored regularly. Potassium may be depleted following severe tissue injury due to surgery, or burns, and during prolonged fevers. The excessive use of steroids, laxatives, and some diuretics also encourages potassium loss. If a person already has heart disease, low potassium can worsen the picture! In the body potassium must exist in balance with sodium.So when considering potassium levels, we must consider sodium levels as well and watch out for high sodium foods, i.e., canned goods, luncheon meats, sausages, and frozen foods. Food Sources: Potassium is found in a wide range of foods. Organic and free range meats and cold-water fish are good sources. Legumes,beans, fruits, vegetables,and organic whole grains are also respectable sources. People who are taking diuretics for the treatment of high blood pressure are frequently advised to eat fruits such as bananas, oranges and organic tomatoes for their potassium content.However, the amount of potassium in these foods is minimal compared with the amount excreted in urine as a result of diuretic use! It would take an enormous amount of bananas per day to provide the recommended amount of potassium for a patient taking diuretics! Many physicians often prescribe high-dose potassium supplements for these patients. However it is doubtful that the potassium is sufficiently replaced even then, considering the amounts that are flushed on out of the body with these powerful drugs! Bear in mind, too, that potassium is lost through cooking, although the amount of potassium lost varies according to the cooking method used. A boiled potato may have lost up to 50 percent of its original potassium content. A steamed potato, only 3 to 6 percent. TOXICITY AND ADVERSE EFFECTS Potassium toxicity is seen when daily intakes exceed 18 grams, an amount that is unlikely to be ingested through foods. Toxicity usually occurs only through the uneducated use of supplements, or when an individual has kidney failure. Magnesium:Remember, when potassium is *lost* by a "diuretic" drug, so is magnesium!! You may need to supplement this mineral also! Magnesium is critical and Essential. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that magnesium suppelements are essential for helping control the blood pressure in people with hypertension. The exact mechanism for this is not yet completely understood, but it is thought that magnesium helps drop blood pressure by regulating the *entry-exit* "process" of *calcium* into the smooth muscle cells of the vascular network. In combination, magnesium and calcium appear to help the blood vessels contract and relax properly! The interaction of magnesium and calcium gives the calcium the ability to get where it has to in the cells. Then, magnesium facilitates calcium in getting to the right place where it has a relaxing effect. Hypertensives were shown to have significantly *less* magnesium in their cells than did normal people! The British researchers reported their findings in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.," They noted that previous studies had shown magnesium supplementation to be an effective hypotensive (lowering) agent in various types of blood pressure. Intakes of vitamins A and C were also lower in people with higher blood pressures.Calcium should be balanced with magnesium. (Note: Some researchers say the ratio should be equal. Watch for further studies related to this). A complete mineral formula is essentialThis should provide: Selenium, zinc, copper, chromium, iodine, boron, manganese, potassium and vitamin E.It would also be important to include a complete "stress" vitamin B-complex. You should check the potencies of your vitamin and mineral formulas to see if they are adequate. Some Additional Tips for High Blood Pressure: David Edelberg, M.D. an internist and medical director of the American Holistic Center of Chicago, has suggested the following as a nutritional therapy for lowering high blood pressure: 1) Cut back on refined sugar, refined salt and sodium, caffeine and alcohol 2) Reduce or eliminate Dairy and red meat in the diet, (substitute non-gmo Organic brands such as Laura's Lean Beef & Horizon Dairy) 3) 400 mgs of magnesium, two or three times each day 4) one tablespoon of Udo's (www.udoerasmus.com) oil once a day or more 5) 75 mgs of coenzyme Q10, three times a day 6) two hawthorn berry capsules, at least twice a day Remember: If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician before taking supplements. http://www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/

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