Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 - Lanny SHFN Newsletter -- Jan 2004 SHFN Newsletter – Jan 2004 by Lanny Messinger Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR HEALTH FREEDOM RIGHTS? In the late 1800s an old Indian medicine man diagnosed and prescribed a natural treatment that cured an English woman of breast cancer. About thirty years later this woman gave the formula for this natural treatment to a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse. Rene Caisse then used this treatment to cure people of cancer until her clinic was eventually shut down by the Canadian government that threatened to imprison her. Today in America the FDA, FTC and other alphabet agencies imprison people for doing what that old Indian medicine man did as a natural Right. For example, Jason Vale, an American citizen, is still sitting in prison awaiting sentencing for selling apricot pits to people and using his Freedom of Speech and Press to tell people how he used apricot pits to cure to his cancer. What happened to our natural, God-given Rights to proclaim the healing powers of herbs or to diagnose, prescribe and treat people for an illness? The “government” and the international banking families that continue to unlawfully manipulate our government have “dumbed down” the American people on the subject of their Rights and Freedoms. This phenomenon began not long after our country was founded. Our health freedom and medical freedom Rights do not come from government. Our Founding Fathers set forth in writing the true source of all our Rights and Freedoms in the “Declaration of Independence”. That document stated very clearly and succinctly the source of our Rights and Liberties in the first three sentences: “When, in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government….” It is “self-evident” that our Rights and Freedoms are natural and God-given; they do not devolve from government. On the contrary, it is the very purpose of Government to secure our natural, God-given Rights, not usurp them! Yet today we are led to believe that we must obtain a “license” from government to do what the original, native Americans did as a natural Right—that is, to diagnose, prescribe and treat disease with herbs. Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence, declared that "Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship....To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic....The Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.” Well, guess what?—Medical freedom is a part of the united States’ Constitution. You will find it in the Bill of Rights in Article 9: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” It is important to understand that the American Bill of Rights does not give us our Rights—Instead, it is a restriction on government not to take away our natural Rights and Freedoms. This is stated in the preamble to the Bill of Rights, which is posted at The power to take away our Right to diagnose, prescribe and treat disease or to regulate or ban the sale of medicinal herbs was never delegated to the United States by the Constitution! That’s right, folks, the federal government has absolutely no constitutional authority or power whatsoever to tell you what you may or may not put in your body or what you may suggest to others to put in their bodies. Watch out for politicians, lawyers and judges who say that it is for our “general Welfare” to regulate these activities. James Madison, the father of the Constitution, made it very clear in the Federalist Papers that the term “general Welfare” was not carte blanche for Congress to make any law they want to make. The term “general Welfare” was specifically limited to the powers enumerated in Article I, Section 8. This article gave Congress the power to “coin Money”, establish Post Offices, declare War, etc., but stated nothing about medical or health regulations. Now I know some people are going to say: Yes, but who will protect us from Snake Oil salesmen? This is a very good question. The term “snake oil salesmen” does not merely refer to people who sell snake oil. After all, we still milk poisonous snakes for venom to treat snake bites. This term specifically and only applies to people who employ fraud in selling alternative or mainstream medicines. This is a crime already covered in the common law. We do not need more statutes “to protect us”. The true snake oil salesmen of today are the pharmaceutical cartel owners and their partners in crime, the FDA, FTC, AMA, etc. This is the “underground dictatorship” that Dr. Benjamin Rush warned us about. These people have been foisting their unnatural, patented poisons and lucrative medical procedures to sheer the American sheeple, implement their global depopulation agenda and oppress health freedom Rights. Their own stats reveal the truth. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 284, 483-485, there are: 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery 7,000 deaths per year due to medical errors in hospitals 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals 80,000 deaths per year due to infections from hospitals 106,000 deaths per year due to FDA/FTC-approved “drugs” 225,000 Total Deaths per year by “modern medicine” Remember that this number only pertains to the number of people who actually drop dead from government-approved medicine every year. There are no reliable statistics which show how many people were maimed, debilitated, poisoned, or otherwise injured without the immediate outcome of death. However, it is a foregone conclusion that that number would be in the millions. I, for one, was poisoned by FDA-approved medications for six years and would be most happy to testify to this fact, under Oath. Of course, this is perfectly “legal” because the medical doctors who prescribed these poisons that wreaked havoc on my body had a “license” to do so. “Licensing” does not protect anyone—it only serves the “underground dictatorship”. Dr. Herbert Ley, former head of the FDA, exposed the FDA as being nothing more than a “protection racket” for the pharmaceutical cartels. (Please read the FDA fraud article on the Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network web site for details.) In other words, not only is the FDA itself unconstitutional, it has been perpetrating fraud on the American people for many years. In the December SHFN newsletter I cited an example of how the Bush family plays a key role in this protection racket. Currently, the Bush administration is seeking to ban a God-given herb, ephedra, which has done little, if any, harm in comparison to the many legal-but-lethal FDA-approved pharmaceutical cartel poisons, which killed over one million people in the past decade! However, since sovereignty is vested in We the People, we can individually consent to be governed by the FDA and other government agencies through “licensing”, and other nefarious schemes. Remember what the Declaration of Independence states: “Governments derive their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed.” Yes, you can consent to give up your Rights and Freedoms because it is your Right to do so. What we have today in America is two governments: one is visible and the other is not so visible. We have our lawful or “de jure” government which is limited by the Constitution and then we have a “de facto” government. Black’s Law Dictionary (4th ed.) defines “de facto government” as: “A government of fact. A government actually exercising power and control in the state, as opposed to the true and lawful government; a government not established according to the constitution of the state, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy, but which has nevertheless supplanted or displaced the government de jure [of law]. A government deemed unlawful, or deemed wrongful or unjust, which, nevertheless, receives presently habitual obedience from the bulk of the community.” A de facto government must use fraud, fear and imprisonment to keep people in “habitual obedience”. The de facto government is controlled by the international banking families who own and control the Federal Reserve Bank and pharmaceutical cartels. There is a familiar expression you may have heard: “Fraud vitiates a contract.” In other words, whenever fraud is involved, you cannot lawfully be held to a contract nor can you be lawfully imprisoned by a fraudulent government agency, even if you signed a contract with such an agency. Nevertheless, the criminals at the FDA and FTC who have usurped our lawful government are fraudulently imprisoning people everyday for exercising their natural, God-given, constitutional Rights and Freedoms. You might wonder: How can this be happening? Why aren’t they following the Constitution? The answer might surprise you. To understand what has happened in our history and what is going on today, please visit the Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network web site at and read the following articles in the order given below. You will find these articles by clicking on the FREEDOM INFO link: “What is a Sovereign?” “The Federal Reserve Fraud” “The FDA Protection Racket” “American Bar Association” “Washington State Bar Association” After reading these articles and the links provided in these articles you will understand the situation much better. You will also learn about the “secret jurisdiction” being used by judges and prosecutors to trick people in court and deprive them of their Rights. The most revealing article is the “Washington State Bar Association” article. It took me seven years to document and prove the conspiracy to overthrow our constitutional Republic, which is occurring all over America even at the COUNTY level. This is a must-read article even if you do not live in Washington State because it is happening in your state as well. To recover your sovereignty and “dissolve the political bands which have connected” you to the de facto government, you must read and apply the information in a book by Augustus Blackstone entitled “THE ERRANT SOVEREIGNS’ HANDBOOK”. Also, if the FDA sends you a threatening letter or knocks on your door, remember to challenge jurisdiction right from the outset by firmly stating: “YOU ARE OUTSIDE YOUR LAWFUL VENUE!” Bear in mind that there is no “magic bullet” to get the government off your back and recover your natural Rights and Freedoms because civil servants can break the law and violate Rights with impunity. The answer lies in taking the viewpoint of a sovereign and exercising all of your sovereign Rights. For example, the “Prohibition” constitutional amendment was repealed simply because people ignored the law because it infringed upon their unalienable Right to put whatever they want to put in their own bodies. Yes, we have the Right to ignore unjust and unconstitutional laws! Our Rights also do not come from statutes like DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act), which the FDA is currently using to take away the Right to sell and use the herb ephedra. House Bill 2355 is being introduced in the Washington State legislature to secure health freedom rights. However, I must remind everyone that our Rights do not come from statutes. We should not have to beg our servants to give us our natural, God-given Rights! Eventually, government lawyers use these statutes to take away our Rights anyway. Such statutes are merely “political laws” that always seem to have strings attached. Here in Washington State the de facto government blatantly disobeys any statutes that bind civil servants because the judicial protection racket makes it impossible to hold civil servants accountable to the law. This problem is certainly not endemic to Washington State. The problem, as I have documented very thoroughly, is that we no longer have a lawful government. After reading the articles cited above, you will understand how this came about. There is no accountability because the judiciary is totally corrupt and this has become the keystone in their pyramid protection racket that is usurping our Rights and Freedoms. The Declaration of Independence states (above) that when government becomes destructive to the point that it is undermining our Rights and Liberties instead of securing them, we then have the Right to alter or abolish it. We do not need or want another Revolution to restore our Rights and Freedoms. We must, however, abolish the judicial protection racket because judges are allowed to break the law and violate Rights with total immunity. That is, we must hold judges criminally accountable whenever they break the law or violate an individual’s natural, God-given Rights and Freedoms as well as his or her constitutional Rights and Freedoms. After all, do they not hold We the People criminally accountable when we break the law? Let us not forget, they are our servants, not vice versa. The “Jail for Judges” movement is building momentum in many states ( However, this initiative may never pass in any state due to the implementation of easily-rigged computer voting. Voter fraud has always been a problem, but computer voting institutionalizes it. Another solution is for the People to aggressively expose corrupt judges, as I do on the SHFN web site. This can be accomplished peacefully by using freedom of speech, press and assembly. The people controlling our government right now are waging war on We the People. As in any war, there will be casualties. We can no longer remain complacent; we must fight back to restore our Rights & Freedoms. The first step in this struggle is take responsibility to educate ourselves, then educate our friends and neighbors. Knowledge is the key. Truth is the ultimate weapon. Freedom is never free, never has been, never will be. We do not have much time left to restore our lawful government. There is a strong possibility that martial law may be officially declared after the next “terrorist” attack. Therefore, we must move quickly and aggressively now to abolish the judicial protection racket. We need to heed the words of Abraham Lincoln who stated: "The people are the masters of both Congress and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!" It does not matter what the international bankers do or what the corrupt politicians in D.C. say if judges at the county level uphold our natural, God-given and constitutional Rights and Freedoms. Judges are the Achilles’ Heel of the of the de facto government. We must therefore apply Abraham Lincoln’s advice and overthrow all judges who pervert the Constitution. For those cowering American sheeple who voluntarily trade their natural, God-given Rights for revocable, licensed privileges and who treat their servants as if they were their masters, I will leave you to ponder the words of those great orators who founded this nation: “If ye love wealth, better than liberty; the tranquility of servitude, better than the animating contest of freedom; go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” -- Patrick Henry As for me, I shall continue to grow herbs, prepare herbal formulas, diagnose, prescribe, treat and help people heal themselves with herbs and herbal extracts, and I shall speak and write freely about natural herbal cures, as these are my natural, God-given Rights. “Nature’s God” has provided us with healing herbs that are the safest and most effective medicines: “Their fruit will serve as food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12 Yours in Health & Liberty, Lanny Messinger Sovereigns’ Health Freedom Network Lanny You are most welcome to email this newsletter to a friend or post this newsletter on a web site as long as it is unaltered and unedited. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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