Guest guest Posted October 19, 2003 Report Share Posted October 19, 2003 - Misty Paranormal Research [Paranormal_Research] Russian teenager has X Ray sight Pravda newspaper reports: A Girl with an X-ray vision 01/14/2004 19:02 Moscow's medical workers discovered a magnificent giftof a sixteen-year-old girl Natalya Demkina from Saransk. Thegirl possesses "dual vision". She is capable of discerning aperson's internal organs without using X-ray or ultrasound. Natasha has already disproved several medicaldiagnoses and has not made any mistakes. A series of medicalexperiments conducted in one of the clinics providesubstantial and undeniable proofs of the girls' uniqueabilities. "Growing up, my daughter was just an ordinary child,"states Natasha's mother Tatyana Vladimirovna. "Perhaps, shejust a bit more mature than other kids her age. Natashastarted to talk when she was only 6 months old. At 1, shecould already recite Pushkin and Nekrasov by heart. By 3,Natasha mastered the alphabet and learned to operate asnowmobile," continues her mother. "Since early childhood,Natasha has been resistant to cold temperatures. Shepractically walked around naked till winter. She once walkedbarefoot in the snow after sauna [Rus. banya] Overall, shewas just a normal kid. Never was she able to see throughhumans!" The Demkins family remains puzzled as to the origin oftheir daughter"s gift. Perhaps, Natasha"s latest surgery hastriggered such "vision improvement". Natasha"s appendix hasbeen removed. However, by the time she was scheduled to besent home from the hospital, she could hardly move.Ultrasound revealed that doctors forgot to remove sanitarycotton tampons from the girl"s intestines. Natasha was onceagain hospitalized and operated for the second time. In amonth after that incident, the teenager was able to surpriseher mother with her unique quality. "I see a crimped tubesimilar to our vacuum cleaner inside of you. I also see twobeans and a tomato that resembles a bulls' heart," statesthe girl. Back then, she was not aware of medicalterminology and could not provide a proper name for a heart,a liver, a kidney, or intestines. She simply compared whatshe saw to fruits and vegetables. Medical workers of children's hospital N1 decided toconduct several experiments in order to gain some insightinto the girl"s gift. Natasha was shown a woman with a wholebunch of illnesses. The girl managed to list every singleone of them. Further ultrasound examination simply provedher final diagnosis. Natasha is capable of distinguishing even the tiniestpathology on a molecular level in the deepest corners of ahuman body, which are usually left undetected by regular ultrasound."It's like having doublevision. I can switch from one to the other in no time if Ineed to know a person's health problem," says the teenager."I see an entire human organism. It is difficult to explainhow I determine specific illnesses. There are certainimpulses that I feel from the damaged organs. The secondaryvision works only in daytime and is asleep at night." Natasha began her studies at a multi-disciplinedacademy at the Moscow's State University of Ogarev in orderto learn more about organism's phenomenal qualities. Thereshe specializes in medicine. "Being able to use medicalterminology, I will be able to state the final diagnosismore accurately. I have to know and understand what I see.This will definitely ease my work with people who come forconsultations," states Natasha. In the meantime, the amount of people willing toattend the girls' consultations increases day after day.News about her wonderful gift has quickly spread aroundtheir district. Today, the Demkins family accepts abouttwenty phone calls a day with cries for help. "We even have people standing in line right before ourdoor," says Natasha. "I cannot turn them down. I do notaccept any monetary rewards either. That is why I am oftenexhausted by the end of the day. Some people do not eventhank me." Doctors themselves often pay visits to the girl.Several times Natasha disproved their final diagnoses."There was once a lady who had been diagnosed with cancer. Ilooked at her and did not notice anything like it, just asmall cyst. The woman however stated that she had just beendiagnosed with cancer." Secondary examination howeverrevealed that Natasha had been right. "I would like to get into Moscow"s medical academy ofSechenov. However, I do not think that I will be able to payfor my studies- 70,000 rubles annually. Not even my gift canhelp me in these matters," says Natasha. Natasha is right. Despite a number of experiments andthorough medical examinations, the girl's gift still needsto be backed up by scientific evidences and facts. Today,the girl hopes that scientists will notice her and conductall the necessary experiments. "I have nothing to hide,"says Natasha. "Let them experiment with me. Perhaps, theywill be able to explain the nature of my secondary vision.Then I guess I will have a chance to study at the mostprestigious medical school." Source: PV-Gazeta Read the original in Russian: (Translated by: AnnaOssipova) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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