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Lobelia Inflata and grand mal seizures

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One of my lists had a question about

Grand mal seizures.

I am sending this to all, and hope it will

be read by the person with the question

a few weeks ago.


This was written by a wonderful woman

who has an adopted son with mental

and physical handicaps.


Hiya allI just want to document the continuing usefulness of

Lobelia inflata extract in mitigating gran mal/tonic clonic seizures.I got a phone call about 2:30 pm EST today that Charlie (my son) wasexperiencing a significant seizure on Main St.,

in front of our town's little medical center.

I grabbed the toolkit, hopped into the wagon and went.He was still fully involved when I arrived, two syringes

of pharmaceutical diazepam in one hand and a bottle

of Lobelia inflata extract in my pocket.

I administered Lobelia inflata extract about 5 drops sublingually

plus two 1/2 droppersful topically at C-1 and C-2

(The Atlas and the Axis or the top two cervical vertebrae where

the skull connects to the neck) were immediately massaged in.

Charlie had been in full seizure mode for about ten minutes at that timeand significantly discolored. At least he had the emotional support of thePhysician's Assistant, police and locals who know him.

No one touched him, not even to support his head.The effect of the Lobelia inflata extract was so quick that I choose towait to administer the diazepam pharmaceutical rectally.

And, I continued to wait for the dreaded following seizure to commence,

common with Charlie given the length and severity of the first.


I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak,

when the ambulance arrived.By this time, about 20 minutes after onset, his color had improved to nearnormal and his blood pressure upper number was 110. The new and improvedsphygnomanometer the ambulance carries only measures the upper level, theyinformed me today. Curious, n'est pas?Since someone saw Charlie slump and slide to the ground, we knew he didnot hit his head on the concrete. There were no other signs of distress ordamage. So, we placed Charlie in the backseat of the wagon. We then drove homeand sat in the warm car in the driveway for another 75 minutes waiting for himto regain some limb use and consciousness so I could haul him into the house.Dealing with almost inert 200 lbs. is a challenge.No need to go to ER, no need for diazepam. Far less trauma for the kid.When he could swallow, I gave him 250 mg Mg, B-100 complex and somethingelse to increase the levels of those nutrients decimated by the brain storm. He will get an additional 3 grams of fish oil later to further support thenutritional needs of an impacted brain. Also some milk thistle, grapeseedextract and Ginkgo biloba. It now takes well over 24 hours and as much of 72 hours for Charlie torecover. During this post ictal stage, he does get increased nutritionalsupport, primarily via diet.Thank you, Ma Nature, for your gift of Lobelia inflata and it'seffectiveness in stopping grand mal seizures in people with histories of statusepilepticus. What a fine grand dame you are and I am forever in your service.If you think the above will help someone else, please pass it on.If anyone has any input or other methods of dealing with this kind of issue,please tell me/share with me RIGHT NOW.mjh

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