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Stop the Terminator---Let a Man Scheduled To Die Tonight Prove His Innocence

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From WeThePeople:


You can't call the terminater...I tried...A recording gives info on faxing or writing and hangs up...You can't even leave a message YOU CAN FAX>>>916-4454633...OR EMAIL HIM>>>GOV Marsha An Innocent Man Could Die at Midnight - Can He Be Saved? You Can Help. By Natasha (age 12) Kevin Cooper is innocent. Will he be allowed to prove it before he dies? The jurors are on his side but will he die anyway? Sunday, February 8, 2004, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Mike Farrell, James Cromwell, John Heard and David Alexander led a rally near the Terminator's Brentwood Estate in the hopes of stopping the Terminator from terminating this clearly innocent victim of racist police procedures at their very worst. The rally was not about opposition to the death penalty. It was about asking that the governor to allow Kevin Cooper to prove his innocence. The only witness to the murders

of which Cooper was accused said that the perpetrators were white. Blonde hair was found clutched in the hands of one of the victims and the defense wants a delay until it can be tested. Cooper is black with black hair. There is evidence of a frame-up by the police. Six of the jurors have come forward and said that they would never have voted to convict if they knew what they know now. Nazi descendent Arnold is unilaterally refusing the customary clemency hearing and wants to go forward with killing this innocent black man tonight at midnight (12:01 A.M. February 10). You can help. Contact Arnold Schwarzenegger, 916-445-2841, and California Attorney General, Bill Lockyer and tell them you want this innocent man saved. Call your favorite candidate, your representative, the Kennedys (Arnold's in-laws) and ask for their help in persuading Arnold to let this man prove his innocence.

You have only today to save an innocent life. Let's do whatever it takes. I am 12 years old. My generation wants a country that respects life - not one that premeditatedly kills innocent people in cold blood.


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