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Cancer remedy also useful for diabetes, AIDS etc

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At the very least it makes good reading, partly because of the

conspiracy to keep it off the market.






Native's Gift enhanced by modern methods


Body Electric


Anyone into natural health, herbal remedies or alternative cancer

treatments has heard of an old Ojibway Indian remedy that nurse Renee

Caisse found out about from a hospital cancer patient who had been

cured by a tribal herbalist. For more than 50 years since then,

people from all over the world went to Ontario for cancer treatment

with Essiac. The majority of those came by referral, with their

physicians certifying they had incurable or terminal cancer and that

they had been given up by the medical profession as untreatable.


So many terminally ill patients became well again that public

pressure forced the Canadian Parliament to react. In 1939, with the

support of a petition of 55,000 signatures, Essiac was

almost 'officially' legalized by the Ontario state government as an

approved cancer therapy. The Royal Cancer Commission hearings

concluded Essiac was indeed an effective cancer treatment; even those

who were not cured, usually because of irreversible damage to major

organs, lived considerably longer than the prognosis, and without

pain. Clinical trials revealed no sign of toxicity, even with doses

as high as six ounces a day, although the Canadian Journal of

Herbalism points out that two of the ingredients have a high oxalic

acid content, making it unsafe for kidney ailments or arthritic

conditions. However, the journal goes on to say, " Essiac is not a

hoax or a fraud " .


But the Canadian Medical Association and the Cancer Commission

lobbied against the measure, and it failed by three votes. This

defeat at the hands of the cancer industry, according to Dr Gary Glum

in his revealing book, " Calling of An Angel " , was only because of

political skullduggery that continues to the present day.


A couple of formulas later emerged, each claiming to be " the

original " Essiac. The Healing Hand Network sidesteps this issue,

saying " Native's Gift is based on the ancient herbal knowledge of our

own North American indigenous people. " This company offers the

traditional formula, made on native land.


Outlining how it works, " The formula elevates the enzyme

system ...it elevates the hormone system which elevates the immune

system, so the body can cure its own disease " , says Dr. Glum, who

then reveals, " ..... I also worked with the AIDS Project in Los

Angeles through their Long Beach and San Pedro districts. The had

sent 179 patients home to die. They all had pneumocystis carinii and

histoplasmosis. Their weight was down to about 100 pounds. Their T-4

cell counts were less than ten. The Project gave me five of these

patients. I took them off the AZT and the DDI and put them on The

Native Formula three times a day. Those are the only ones alive

today. The other 174 are dead. "


US predident John F. Kennedy's physician, Charles Brusch, is said

to have declared in 1959, " Essiac has merit in the treatment of

cancer " . Dr. Banting, discoverer of insulin, was also greatly

impressed. " Miss Caisse, " he said, " I will not say you have a cure

for cancer, but, you have more evidence of a beneficial treatment for

cancer than anyone in the world. " When it was tried on several

diabetics after first withdrawing the insulin, the diabetic condition

improved, and continued to improve until there wasn't any

diabetes. " The Native Formula must actuate the pancreatic gland into

normal functioning, " said Dr. Banting. " Otherwise, the patient would

have had to take treatments for the rest of her life, just as she

would have had to take Insulin. "


Even though the native remedy didn't quite make 'official' status,

it highlights the fact that while most mainstream drugs today (around

75%) are based on medicinal herbs, unexploited native alternatives

exist for such ailments as AIDS, cancer, blood disorders, sexual

dysfunction, pH imbalance, anxiety disorder, immune deficiencies, or

as a general health tonic. The basic differences between these

ancient and modern remedies are differences of standardisation and

potency. Where both the original Ojibway remedy and the modern one is

a herbal blend that is brewed into a tea, the formula that was such a

phenomenal success early on was primarily given as an extract at the

clinic, with some herbal tea also sent home with the patient. This

fact was not lost on the executives of the Healing Hand; their

processing involves modern factory methods for more exacting

standards; CEO Lawrence Barrett said in an interview that they make

an extract of controlled molecular size, which greatly improves the

consistency of the batches and the bioavailability of the components.


Having seen their patients and clients results in overall health

improvement and combating illness, the medical profession is taking

note. The Healing Hand Network has just added two M.D.'s, a

Veterinarian, a Certified Herbalist (CH) and a Rhodes PhD to their

Medical Advisory Board and they have also received interests from two

medical clinics and two wellness centers. Alternative health

professionals are flocking to these recipes as they SEE marked

improvements in their clients overall well being as well as dramatic

recovery of minor to major illness.


See: http://healinghand.net/dc1433/ online for product...


Duncan Crow


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