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Is Cancer Merely a Vitiman Deficiency? (repost)

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" Neil Jensen " <neil

Re: Re: Is Cancer Merely a Vitiman Deficiency?



Polyunsaturated oils are, for the most part, bad news. The mere fact that

the the molecule is not saturated means that it is trying to become

saturated. They will readily absorb oxygen atoms and the name for oxydized

fats is rancid. Some of the highly unsaturated oils become rancid at almost

the moment that the oil is extracted. Also, when they are heated above 320

deg. F, they convert into trans fatty acids which are, simply put, poison.

The temperature of baking exceeds 320 deg.


A short time ago, a McDonald's press release claimed that they were

eliminating trans fatty acids from their french fries by ceasing the use of

trans fatty acid-containing oils and, instead, using polyunsaturated oil for

frying. Anyone with even a modicum of knowledge about saturated and

unsaturated oils knows that this will INCREASE the amount of trans fatty

acids in the fries, not decrease them. This news release was parroted on

almost every national and local news program, as well as printed news media.

The whole thing was a scam, a lie. Ignorance can kill you!


One of the few polyunsaturated fats that is healthy is flaxseed oil. It must

be remembered that this is a delicate oil and must be used fresh. If it is

not fresh, or is used in cooking, it becomes just another unhealthy

vegetable oil to be avoided.


Rapeseed oil (euphemistically referred to as Canola oil) contains 40% or

more TFA. Why? because during processing, it must be heated to temperatures

exceeding 400 deg. F -- and held there for a considerable length of time --

during the deodorization process. Unless it is deodorized, no one would buy

it. It is, however, an excellent penetrating oil for freeing rusted nuts and

bolts. I keep a small amount on hand for lubricating the door hinges on my



Below is a general guide to healthy fats and oils vs. unhealthy fats and

oils from the Weston A. Price Foundation Website:



These nutrient-rich traditional fats have nourished healthy population

groups for thousands of years:



Beef and lamb tallow


Chicken, goose and duck fat

Coconut, palm and sesame oils

Cold pressed olive oil

Cold pressed flax oil

Marine oils


These new-fangled fats can cause cancer, heart disease, immune system

dysfunction, sterility, learning disabilities, growth problems and



All hydrogenated oils

Soy, corn and safflower oils

Cottonseed oil

Canola oil

All fats heated to high temperatures in processing and frying

I urge you to study Dr. Price's work. He was way ahead of his time so,

because they cannot disprove his well documented work and because it is

contrary to most modern theories of nutrition, it is mostly avoided. In

fact, if you take most modern theories of nutrition and turn them to their

opposite, you will be closer to the truth!


BTW, deserts has three esses (two in singular form).


I also agree that causes of cancer are much more complex than a mere vitamin



Main Entry: des·sert

Pronunciation: di-'z & rt

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle French, from desservir to clear the table, from

des- de- + servir to serve, from Latin servire


1:a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) served at the

end of a meal

2British :a fresh fruit served after a sweet course


>It looks like we are pretty much in agreement. You focus on meat and

>dairy, while I focus on processed foods verses unprocessed foods.


>Much of the lies about the real value of foods comes from the

>advertising of processed foods. For example, look at hhow

>polyunsaturated fats were marketed as being healthy, even when they were

>highly processed into trans fatty acids.


>The Standard American Diet consists of a large portion of meat, little

>or no vegetables, and one or two large deserts (or is it desserts - I

>could never keep that one straight). All of it is, of course, out of a

>can or plastic bottle and micro waved. Is it any wonder that cancer is

>approaching almost 100%.


>I don't know if plastic food containers directly causes cancer, but it

>does directly cause many other health problems. Either way, I avoid

>plastic when I can.


>I do disagree that cancer is merely a vitamin deficiency.


>Donald E. Jacobs

>Registered Massage Therapist

>Macrobiotic Counselor

>Reiki Practitioner

>Professional Speaker




Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

Why would someone pay $1.89 for a bottle of Evian water?

(hint: Try spelling " Evian " backwards!)

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