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Quoting list5575 <list5575:


> ------

> SpamGuard has detected that the attached message to the

> group is likely to be spam. For more information

> about SpamGuard, please visit our help pages:

> /local/spamguard.html

> ------


> I have a terrible rash that I have had since before Thanksgiving. I had clear

skin until that time. It itches and if I become the least bit overheated I

break out in new splotches. I have been to the skin doctor three times and have

used just about all the anti itch skin creams and lotions made. I have been

taking a tranquilizer at night to stop the night time itching. Also have

applied antibiotic creams and taken hydrocortizone to no avail. I also soaked

in a bath with 4 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and still have the hives. Do you

know of anything to stop this? I am not the only person with these hives.

Several other persons in this area (Northwest) have the same thing and can't

seem to get rid of it?

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<< I also soaked in a bath with 4 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and

still have the hives. Do you know of anything to stop this? I am

not the only person with these hives.

> Several other persons in this area (Northwest) have the same thing

and can't seem to get rid of it?>>


Know how you feel. I've had horrible hives and rashes for awhile

now - and been through all the various treatments (doctors were

useless...). I was going through a large bottle of benadryl a week -

just to be able to function.


I think the trick is finding the trigger...hives and itching can

have a multitude of causes. I would look back and see what changed

at Thanksgiving - new stress? new meds? new body cream? new routine?

new food?


If you take any medications or supplements - check them out. Often

additives in these products can cause such problems.


I eliminated wheat, diary and sugar from my diet (common allergens)

and had relief for quite awhile. I've noticed that when I do eat

something from these groups - ie: eggs, I almost immediately start

itching. You need to be suspect of anything you eat - often

eliminating a food group for a week and then reintroduce it and see

if you react, can help. Also - be suspicious of food additives.


Often itching and hives are a sign of liver problems. You may not

have anything that is detectable but you may want to look into liver



I've read that bacteria such as mycoplasma and helicobacter can

cause itching and hives.


I have a thyroid disorder and itching and hives are common with

those that carry high thyroid antibodies (often not tested by

doctors). See:


<<Chronic Hives Linked to Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

Chronic hives -- also known as urticaria -- in both adults and

children is a condition linked to autoimmune thyroid disease, even

in patients without thyroid symptoms, or clinical thyroid disease.

Some patients' urticaria conditions respond to thyroid hormone

replacement treatment. In other cases, antibiotic treatment has

cleared up chronic urticaria. Learn more now



I've also noticed my itching and hives flare up when I'm stressed -

or when my adrenals kick in (ie: I've been surprised). I had my

adrenals tested and found out I was hypoadrenal.


I'm also doing NAET allergy treatments (www.NAET.com) as I believe

much of my itching has an allergy base.


I hope you find relief! I know how it feels. I'm doing pretty good

lately. I had a flare up over christmas but have been itch free

since then.



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Hi,I am also in the northwest.The culprit here may be MOLD,I have seen

several persons with what you describe. cherokee


bikerbillie wrote:


> Quoting list5575 <list5575:


> > ------

> > SpamGuard has detected that the attached message to the

> > group is likely to be spam. For more information

> > about SpamGuard, please visit our help pages:

> > /local/spamguard.html

> > ------

> >

> > I have a terrible rash that I have had since before Thanksgiving. I had


> skin until that time. It itches and if I become the least bit overheated I

> break out in new splotches. I have been to the skin doctor three times and


> used just about all the anti itch skin creams and lotions made. I have been

> taking a tranquilizer at night to stop the night time itching. Also have

> applied antibiotic creams and taken hydrocortizone to no avail. I also soaked

> in a bath with 4 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and still have the hives. Do you

> know of anything to stop this? I am not the only person with these hives.

> Several other persons in this area (Northwest) have the same thing and can't

> seem to get rid of it?


> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»




> Subscribe:......... -

> To :.... -


> Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the

included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only.




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This past summer my son had horrible sores on him from what we thought were bug bites. We tried everything there is to clear these up but nothing really worked.

Once winter was here and we knew they were not bug bites we were even more concerned. Of course the Dr. told us just to watch for infection but had no idea what to do to clear him up or ease the itching. My daughter works in a Podiatrist office and brought home some of this Silvadine and he was cleared in 3 days. He still gets these now but we just dab a little on before it gets out of control. We also watch his diet and of course keep him in on severe genocide days.

Wonder why - only prescription??

Hope this helps



Silvadine cream (sliver sulfadiazine) has been used for many years by burn doctors. It is a prescription product.




I am also in the northwest.The culprit here may be MOLD,I have seenseveral persons with what you describe. cherokeebikerbillie wrote:> > Quoting list5575 <list5575:> > > ------> > SpamGuard has detected that the attached message to the> > group is likely to be spam. For more information> > about SpamGuard, please visit our help pages:> > /local/spamguard.html> > ------> >> > I have a terrible rash that I have had since before Thanksgiving. I had clear> skin until that time. It itches and if I become the least bit overheated I> break out in new splotches. I have

been to the skin doctor three times and have> used just about all the anti itch skin creams and lotions made. I have been> taking a tranquilizer at night to stop the night time itching. Also have> applied antibiotic creams and taken hydrocortizone to no avail. I also soaked> in a bath with 4 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and still have the hives. Do you> know of anything to stop this? I am not the only person with these hives.> Several other persons in this area (Northwest) have the same thing and can't> seem to get rid of it?> > «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»> > § - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §> > Subscribe:......... - > To :....

- > > Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.> **COPYRIGHT NOTICE**> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml> >

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What toxins are not neutralized by the liver can issue through the

skin. The toxins are acidic and they do produce itching. Surprising

results can be obtained with a series of liver flushes, at least one

every two weeks until no more blockages and stones come out:


http://zeek.ca/4u/article.php?op=Print & sid=38


....and antioxidant therapy including A, E, C, selenium 200 mcg and cold-

processed whey, which produces your most-used natural antioxidant




You can see by the above I'm not suggesting that you suppress the

symptom but look for a cause. There may be an external source,

nevertheless it's most likely to be toxin load. You're kind of on the

right track with the daily peroxide baths but you really need ozone

steam saunas for toxin breakage/reduction.


You (anyone) can contact me for details.


Duncan Crow


> > >

> > > I have a terrible rash that I have had since before Thanksgiving. I

> > > had clear

> > skin until that time. It itches and if I become the least bit

> > overheated I break out in new splotches. I have been to the skin

> > doctor three times and have used just about all the anti itch skin

> > creams and lotions made. I have been taking a tranquilizer at night to

> > stop the night time itching. Also have applied antibiotic creams and

> > taken hydrocortizone to no avail. I also soaked in a bath with 4

> > bottles of hydrogen peroxide and still have the hives. Do you know of

> > anything to stop this? I am not the only person with these hives.

> > Several other persons in this area (Northwest) have the same thing and

> > can't seem to get rid of it?

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I wold highly suggest you find a healer (doctor) in your area who practices

either Autonomic Response Technique (ART) or Nambrudipad's Allergy

Elimination Technique (NAET). You can google these profound techniqes, if

you like.


James J. Courtney, N.D.


on 2/10/04 9:12 AM, lil2du at lil2du wrote:


> << I also soaked in a bath with 4 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and

> still have the hives. Do you know of anything to stop this? I am

> not the only person with these hives.

>> Several other persons in this area (Northwest) have the same thing

> and can't seem to get rid of it?>>


> Know how you feel. I've had horrible hives and rashes for awhile

> now - and been through all the various treatments (doctors were

> useless...). I was going through a large bottle of benadryl a week -

> just to be able to function.


> I think the trick is finding the trigger...hives and itching can

> have a multitude of causes. I would look back and see what changed

> at Thanksgiving - new stress? new meds? new body cream? new routine?

> new food?


> If you take any medications or supplements - check them out. Often

> additives in these products can cause such problems.


> I eliminated wheat, diary and sugar from my diet (common allergens)

> and had relief for quite awhile. I've noticed that when I do eat

> something from these groups - ie: eggs, I almost immediately start

> itching. You need to be suspect of anything you eat - often

> eliminating a food group for a week and then reintroduce it and see

> if you react, can help. Also - be suspicious of food additives.


> Often itching and hives are a sign of liver problems. You may not

> have anything that is detectable but you may want to look into liver

> cleansing.


> I've read that bacteria such as mycoplasma and helicobacter can

> cause itching and hives.


> I have a thyroid disorder and itching and hives are common with

> those that carry high thyroid antibodies (often not tested by

> doctors). See:


> <<Chronic Hives Linked to Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

> Chronic hives -- also known as urticaria -- in both adults and

> children is a condition linked to autoimmune thyroid disease, even

> in patients without thyroid symptoms, or clinical thyroid disease.

> Some patients' urticaria conditions respond to thyroid hormone

> replacement treatment. In other cases, antibiotic treatment has

> cleared up chronic urticaria. Learn more now

> http://thyroid.about.com/b/a/007276.htm>>


> I've also noticed my itching and hives flare up when I'm stressed -

> or when my adrenals kick in (ie: I've been surprised). I had my

> adrenals tested and found out I was hypoadrenal.


> I'm also doing NAET allergy treatments (www.NAET.com) as I believe

> much of my itching has an allergy base.


> I hope you find relief! I know how it feels. I'm doing pretty good

> lately. I had a flare up over christmas but have been itch free

> since then.


> Mary





> «?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»§«?»¥«?»




> Subscribe:......... -

> To :.... -


> Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

> related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

> qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

> especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

> profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving

> the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes

> only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml



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Hi James,



> I wold highly suggest you find a healer (doctor) in your area who

> practices either Autonomic Response Technique (ART) or Nambrudipad's

> Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). You can google these profound

> techniqes, if you like.


> James J. Courtney, N.D.


Here's some information that might tweak your interest; allergies and

other immune system dysfunctions can arise when cell receptor sites

become malformed. This can occur from toxin load, chronic stress or

trauma, a result of the which can be that glycoprotein receptors on the

cell surfaces don't get the proper glyconutrients (monosaccharide

sugars) for proper formation.


In terms of allergies, this lack of immune system control results in

the overproduction of histamines, and this can be reduced by

supplementing with the glyconutrients that are deficient.


I can send you the complete chapter from Harper's Biochemistry if you

like, and meanwhile, the award-winning site on glyconutrients

http://glycoscience.com is paraphrased with references and is much

easier to understand than Harper's.


I just wouldn't like to see unnecessary dietary restrictions if the

problem is a cellular nutrient deficiency caused by toxin load.




Duncan Crow

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