Guest guest Posted November 10, 2003 Report Share Posted November 10, 2003 - Arnoldgore Soy and Breast Cancer-Possibly?Soy-onara Health Sciences Institute e-AlertJune 24, 2003**************************************************************Dear Reader, Does soy intake help prevent breast cancer? In spite of what you may have heard, there's no easy answer to that question, which is at the heart of a long, ongoing debate. But a recently completed 10-year study from Japan reveals some promising new clues that could eventually lead to useful answers In the meantime, there is something that women can do right now that may help lower their risk of breast cancer considerably. -----------------------------Soy is as soy does -----------------------------Because the incidence of breast cancer in Japan is far lower than in western countries like the U.S., and because the soy intake of Japanese women has historically been several hundred times higher than western women, a great deal of speculation has been devoted to the role that soy may play in preventing breast cancer. By now, most HSI members are probably familiar with isoflavones - the bioactive plant chemicals that have estrogenic activity. Found in legumes, grains, cabbage and soy products, isoflavones have been shown to play a part in lowering the risk of heart disease, and may help prevent osteoporosis. In addition, a number of laboratory studies have concluded that isoflavones may also curb the development of breast cancer. In 1990, the Japan Public Health Center (JPHC) launched the Prospective Study on Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases. Nearly 22,000 women between the ages of 40 and 59 completed questionnaires that included dietary information. During a follow up period of 10 years, 179 of those women were diagnosed with breast cancer - a remarkably low percentage by U.S. standards. When researchers isolated statistics about the intake of isoflavone-rich foods (particularly soy foods and miso soup) and measured them against the breast cancer information, three results stood out significantly: * Consumption of isoflavone-rich foods and miso soup was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer * Consumption of soy foods alone was NOT associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer * The decreased risk of breast cancer was strongest among postmenopausal womenSo would women do well to add two or three bowls of miso soup (which is derived from soy) to their daily diets? The answer to that one might seem obvious, but it's not. -----------------------------Head 'em out, round 'em up-----------------------------Dr. Seiichiro Yamamoto, the lead researcher of the JPHC study, cautiously told Reuters Health that the study doesn't provide enough evidence to recommend soy intake as a prevention against breast cancer. Nevertheless, he said that it's not a bad idea to recommend women in western countries to eat soy and other isoflavone foods. Unfortunately, Dr. Yamamoto may be unaware that soy products are not all the same the world over. In the e-Alert "Adult Swim" (4/16/03), HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., expressed his doubts about soy, saying, "When you take the basic components of the soybean, and then add to that the modern procedures of cultivation and mass production, you have a highly processed food of dubious nutritional value." For instance, by some estimates there may be as many a 12 million acres of soybean crops in the U.S. that are Roundup Ready. What's Roundup Ready? It's a crop that's been genetically modified (GM) to survive a constant saturation with Roundup weed killer. A normal soy plant will die when sprayed with the highly toxic Roundup. But a Roundup Ready soy plant survives Roundup spray, making it possible for farmers to use the herbicide liberally. (The Monsanto Company manufactures Roundup - a billion dollar a year product. And guess who developed Roundup Ready crops? Yep - Monsanto - one of the worldwide leaders in GM crops and foods.) Japan, however, has shunned GM crops for the most part. So what's the difference between a Japanese soy bean and an American soy bean that's been genetically modified and doused with a powerful herbicide? At this point no one knows for sure. But it's easy to imagine that the nutrients in a U.S. soy bean may be compromised, to say the least. -----------------------------Soy by any other name -----------------------------The JPHC study showed that the consumption of isoflavone-rich foods and miso soup was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer, but consumption of soy foods was not. This result reminded me of something else that Dr. Spreen said about soy - and miso in particular - in that April e-Alert: "The phytates on board (which can block absorption of both proteins and minerals) are only deactivated with soy that's been fermented. Tofu, textured soy protein and most other forms are anything but. Tempeh, miso, soy sauce made by the traditional method (most in the U.S. is not), and a few other forms are the only ones that qualify, and we don't see them much around here." Miso! As usual, Dr. Spreen is ahead of the pack. But you don't have to go anywhere near a soy bean (Roundup Ready or otherwise) in order to get more isoflavones in your diet. Last fall I sent you the e-Alert "Rolling In Clover" (10/24/02) that examined the effectiveness of red clover extract in reducing the frequency of hot flashes. While researching that e-Alert I found that red clover has twice the amount of phytoestrogen isoflavones that soy has, but without any of the potential negatives of soy. In addition, red clover extract has traditionally been used to remove toxins from the body and to treat a variety of health problems, including chest congestion, chronic degenerative diseases, gout, psoriasis and eczema. But a word of caution: studies have shown that red clover may thin the blood, so it should not be used by patients who are also taking an anticoagulant medication. The debate about soy, isoflavones and their effect on breast cancer is far from over. I'm certain that this JPHC study will lead to further studies on the subject, so I'll be on the watch for more information.************************************************************** ULTIMATE HEALTH - 100% RISK FREE!Discover the ultimate natural healing program that can help you:* Cleanse your arteries* Cancer-proof your cells* Relieve inflamed joints* Restore your natural energy* Erase aches, pains, and other health worries forever...HSI panelist Dr. Martin Milner, President and Medical Director of The Center for Natural Medicine, unveils the results of a decade-long a program so revolutionary we've taken all the risk to give you all the benefit. Find out more on how to transform your health once and for all. you can't open here use the HTML links listed below)**************************************************************..and another thingA dietary supplement failed again! I know you're not buying that, and of course I'm not either. But that's the underlying message from a new study reporting that folic acid supplements failed to reduce heart attacks in patients who have coronary artery disease (CAD). This study has some striking parallels to the Cleveland Clinic study I told you about in the e-Alert "Blinders In Place" (6/16/03), which concluded that vitamin E and beta- carotenesupplements did not prevent death or stroke due to cardiovascular events in people with heart disease and other high risk factors. In both of these studies, dietary supplements are portrayed as having failed to save the lives (or prevent heart attacks) of patients who were already at high risk. And that's the key: "Already at high risk." It's almost as if the studies were designed specifically to make the supplements appear useless. Supplements of folic acid, vitamin E, and beta-carotene (vitamin A), are all known to help lower homocysteine levels. When homocysteine levels go down, the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries may lower as well, reducing the chances of coronary artery disease, and in turn reducing the likelihood of heart attack or stroke. And while there's every reason to believe that these supplements may help patients with CAD manage their heart problems, it would be foolish for anyone to claim that the supplements alone will prevent heart attacks or strokes - especially in patients at high risk. And yet that's the standard they're being measured against in these studies. Dietary supplements are preventive agents. And while they may sometimes help cure, they should not be held up as "Cures" (with a capital C). Nor should they be dismissed as ineffective when they fail to cure those who are at high risk. In other words - whenever you hear a report about a dietary supplement that has not performed well in a clinical trial, take a long look at the details. Because it's amazing how often the details run contrary to the headlines. To Your Good Health,Jenny ThompsonHealth Sciences Institute************************************************************** 300-YEAR-OLD CHINESE SECRET TO A HEALTHY HEARTDiscover the 300-Year-Old Chinese Secret to a Healthy Heart, Strong Muscles, Limber Joints, and Inner Youth Those who know about this Chinese secret have a great quality of life well into their 80s and 90s. Their bones are strong, not frail. Their joints are limber, not aching and stiff. Their minds do not wander; they remain focused. Their hearts are calm, and their bodies are internally fortified against disease. You too can learn how to: * Awaken your energy, bring down your blood pressure* Sharpen your mental focus* Elongate your muscles, limber up your joints* Improve balance and circulation'> you can't open here use the HTML links listed below)**************************************************************Sources: "Soy, Isoflavones, and Breast Cancer Risk in Japan" Journalof the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 95, No. 12, 906-913, 6/18/03, "Isoflavones May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer", 6/18/03, "Miso Soup, Soy Compound Lowers Breast Cancer Risk" Reuters Health, 6/17/03, "Folic Acid Supplements May Not Reduce Heart Attacks in At- Risk Patients", 6/18/03, nutraingredients.comCopyright ©1997-2003 by, L.L.C.The e-Alert may not be posted on commercial sites without writtenpermission.**************************************************************Before you hit reply to send us a question or request, please click here**************************************************************HTML links for AOL, CompuServe and other users<ahref=""><ahref="">**************************************************************If you'd like to participate in the HSI Forum, search past e-Alerts andproducts or you're an HSI member and would like to search past articles, visit**************************************************************To learn more about HSI, call (203) 699-4416 or visit Mintz "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." - Wendell Phillips (1811-1884),paraphrasing John Philpot Curran (1808) http://www.redflagsweekly.comALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED HEREIS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED ASREFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO BECONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. 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