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Form of Stem Cells causing Breast cancer

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Form of Stem Cells causing Breast cancer




Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. Weekly CancerDecisions.com


Newsletter #82 05/04/03







Scientists Identify Stem Cells


As Hidden Cause of Cancer, Part 2





As I discussed last week, Michigan scientists recently


announced that a malignant form of stem cells may be


responsible for the development of breast cancer.


According to a University of Michigan press release,


their new understanding is " a paradigm shift in cancer


research, " and the University has promised to raise


$12 million to investigate this concept.




But actually this research has very old antecedents. In


1902, Prof. John Beard of Edinburgh first proposed


" germ cells " as the ultimate cause of cancer. These


germ cells, he said, were in a sense capable of giving


rise to other types of differentiated cells found in an


organism. In 1998, mainstream scientists made a huge


leap in understanding cancer when they discovered (and


patented) embryonic stem cells (ESC). They did not


reference Beard in their paper, but they used the term


" totipotent " that had often been applied to describe


germ cells, meaning that they were capable of


developing into any other tissue.




As in the recent Michigan finding, Beard described


these aberrant germ cells as a tiny minority of cells


with enormous power that are present in a larger mass


of reactive tissue. He actually saw these cells in


fishes and reptiles and then speculated on their


presence in human tissue as well. From their presumed


presence in malignant tissue, Beard came to the


conclusion that cancer was in essence a single disease


which had many manifestations. (A comparable phenomenon


would be syphilis, which can manifest itself so


differently in so many different organs that it has


been called the " great impostor. " ) From this point of


view, the many and varied characteristics of each kind


of cancer are due to the interaction of truly malignant


cells with neighboring, normal cells and the reaction


of surrounding tissues. This takes place under the


influence of hormones and cytokines within the


microenvironment of each particular organ or tissue.


But, according to Beard's theory, the fundamental


origin is almost always the same, i.e., it is


trophoblastic in nature.




To view a diagram of the development of stem cells


click or go to:






Beard said that the first step on the road to cancer


occurred when germ cells differentiated into


trophoblasts and somatic cells. When that happens in


the course of embryo formation, it is necessary and


normal. However, when such a process occurs outside the


course of pregnancy, the result is what we call cancer.




There are many points of similarity or identity between


trophoblasts and cancer cells. As I discussed in last


week's newsletter, it has been found that the truly


dangerous and malignant portions of breast tumors have


a unique configuration of surface markers: all express


a protein marker called CD44, in addition to having


either very low levels, or no levels, of another marker


called CD24. But in a 1996 article, Israeli scientists


demonstrated that CD44 surface markers are also found


on trophoblasts. " In this study we found human


trophoblasts, for the first time, to express CD44, " Dr.


Ran Goshen and his colleagues at the Hebrew University


in Jerusalem wrote. " Intermediate trophoblasts of the


first and second trimester exhibited the standard form


of CD44.... " So here is another important confirmation


of the trophoblast-cancer link.




Looked at from a Beardian perspective this uniformity


is not surprising. Nor is the fact that the same


markers are found in cancers as disparate as leukemia


and breast cancer. One can predict that they will now


be found in many other cancer types as well. It also


helped confirm Beard's theory when modern scientists


announced that human embryonic stem cells (ESCs)


produce and release the hCG hormone.




As I wrote last year on the 100th anniversary of


Beard's discovery, the relationship between Beard's


germ cells and contemporary totipotent stem cells


deserves further study. More and more, trophoblast and


cancer look like two names for the same general


phenomenon. Further research will hopefully lead to a


revived interest in Beard's contribution, and an


incorporation of his powerful ideas into contemporary


stem cell research.





Implications for Treatment





It is understandable that U-M scientists, excited by


their important findings, would think that an answer to


cancer lies in their newly isolated cancer stem cells.


The University of Michigan has in fact filed a patent


on Dr. Clarke's discovery of stem cells in cancer and


Dr. Clarke and his colleagues have also formed a new


company called Cancer Stem Cell Genomics (CSCG) to


develop and test new therapies to destroy or disable


these cells. Dr. Wicha has said that " now that we can


actually identify [the cancerous stem cells], we can


start developing treatments to specifically target and


hopefully eliminate them. "




Naturally, I wish them good luck. However, judging from


Beard's pioneering work, they may find that there is a


missing link in this process. In Beardian terms, the


stem cell is like a loaded gun. In and of itself it is


not the cause of cancer. What 'pulls the trigger' is


the differentiation of the tumor's stem cell into a


malignant component of cells that are trophoblast-like


in their nature.




In February 1905, Beard theorized that " the secretion


of that important digestive gland, the pancreas, " could


be employed as a natural form of cancer treatment. The


first evidence that injections of the pancreatic


proteolytic enzyme trypsin did indeed kill cancer cells

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