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"Elaine" <mem121





Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:03:20 -0800





Chronic Disease of Autoimmune System and Central Nervous System Spread











> http://www.rense.com/general44/chron.htm>> Rense.com>>> What Chronic Disease> Have You Been Labeled With?> By Marjorie Tietjen> Daystar1952 Common Cause Medical Research Foundation> 11-17-3>>> There is an extraordinary number of citizens being diagnosed with Multiple> Sclerosis, Lupus, LS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimers, BiPolarDepression,> Fibromyalgia, Parkinsons...and the list goes on. I do not believe thatthis> epidemic of diseases is naturally occurring. More and more disease labelsare> being invented for conditions that may be variations of only severalcauses.> Each person may present with a slightly different symptom complexaccording to> genetic factors, past bodily insults, or what coinfections one mayharbor..

Many> independant researchers feel that these so called separate diseases, have> common infectious causes.>> "Infections are often misdiagnosed or not even sought - and because ofthis,> infections often are either untreated or are inappropriately treated."Prof.> G.H. Cassell 37th ICAAC, Toronto,1997 (JAMA 1997; 278:2051- 2052>> Dr. Garth Nicolson, President of The Institute for Molecular Medicine, and> Joyce Riley of The American Gulf War Veterans Assoc., among others, feelthat> Gulf War Illness is spreading to the general public and is being dividedup into> separate disease labels such as those listed above. Many patients withthese> disease labels are sending their blood to be tested at The Institute for> Molecular Medicine and The Bowen Lab, are finding they are infected withmycoplasma> and or the Lyme Disease organism. The Bowen Lab specializes in testing

for> the cyst form of the Lyme organism and for Erlichiosis and Babesiosis(other> tickborne infections). Mycoplasma and the cyst form of the Lyme spirocheteare> being found in much of the chronic illness population. MycoplasmaFermentens> Incognitus, one of the most common strains being isolated, is patented bythe> U.S. Army and Army pathologist Dr. Lo. Lo,Shyh-Ching-Pathogenicmycoplasma - U.S.> Patent 5,242,820 issued Sept.7 1993>> "Now if Saddam Hussein had wanted to kill our soldiers, he would have just> outright killed them with mustard or cyanide, right?" reasons CaptainJoyce> Riley. That wasn't the plan," she continues. "The plan was to give acountry a> disease that they would bring back to their families. What better way togive a> country a disease than to give it to the military, who move all over the> country.?">> Unfortunately, the amount

of media coverage needed to raise enoughawareness> to start curbing this illness is no where to be found. "You don't hearabout> this on the evening news," said Captain Riley. "You are not being toldabout> this. Dan Rather doesn't tell you about it, does he? No. And so you thinkthat> if it isn't on the nightly news it must not be true, right? If a treefalls in> the forest and Dan Rather doesn't cover it, does it still make a noise?Think> about it.">> It doesn't take too much thinking to realize why the government and press> remains hush-hush about Gulf War Illness. If for no other reasons, theU.S.> Government, namely the Department of Defense, wants to minimize publicawareness> regarding this issue, to cover the fact that The United States sold toIraq,> before and during the war, many of the biological and chemical agents thatwere> used against our

troops.>> Gulf War Illness ( mycoplasma ) is known to be treatable with antibiotics.> The Army even published a paper to this effect. Ask yourself, why then isthe> government preventing Gulf War Veterans from being treated? They are even> denying that biologicals play a role in GWI. The Army's mycoplasma patentclearly> states that " mycoplasma fermentens incognitus will be found in patientswho> have been diagnosed as having AIDS or ARC, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,Kibuchi's> Disease, autoimmune diseases such as Collagen Vascular Disease and Lupusand> chronic debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease.">> In other words the Army knows what segments of the population are infected> with this pathogen and they know antibiotics are an effective treatment. Iasked> a Red Cross pathologist if the government advised the Red Cross to screenthe> blood supply for

this pathogenic organism. He turned bright red and toldme> that no, they were not told to screen the blood supply for this organism.What> is the real reason why the mycoplasma and lyme epidemics are being coveredup?> Is there a connection between the lyme spirochete and mycoplasmafermentens?> The cyst form of lyme looks like a mycoplasma. There is a possibility that> genetic engineering is playing a role here. Parts of one organism can nowbe> isolated and inserted into other organisms. This could be one explanationfor so> many emerging diseases with such similar sets of symptoms. Designerdiseases> have come into vogue. This tampering with nature makes diagnoses andtreatment> much more difficult, which many times is the desired goal, especially for> biowarfare purposes. I just want to add that it is legal to testbiological and> chemical agents on the American public

without their knowledge or consent( U.S.> CODE, Sec. 50 ).>> I would like to list here just some of the symptoms common to Lyme> Disease,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, andmycoplasma> infection ( Gulf War Illness).>> Insomnia, vision changes, headaches, shakes, chills, fevers, numbness,> burning, tingling, electric shock feelings, neck pain, muscle and jointpain,> jerking and twitching of limbs and muscles, restless leg syndrome, spasms,cramps,> fatigue, eye problems, muscle weakness, balance problems, abnormal anxietyand> depression, acid reflux, etc. For more extensive lists of symptoms causedby> mycoplasma and Lyme disease, please visit....> <http://www.immed.org/signsympt.htm>http://www.immed.org/signsympt.htm

,> <http://www.lymenet.org/>www.lymenet.org and<http://www.wildernetwork.org/>www.wildernetwork.org


















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