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Fw: [Mr_Tracys_Corner] Hydrotherapy: Is this what we are talking about?

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Friday, February 13, 2004 8:56 AM

[Mr_Tracys_Corner] Hydrotherapy: Is this what we are talking about?

Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy works so well because it acts to stimulate the body's ownhealing force. During the treatment the patient lies comfortably on a softtable while hot towels are applied over the upper torso. The person is thenwrapped in a sheet and covered with several layers of blankets. Once theskin is warmed, a single cold towel is exchanged for the heated one. Thebody, well prepared by the preceding warmth, reacts to this temperature change by greatly increasing the blood flow to the skinand the internal organs of the chest and abdomen. Hydrotherapy researchers have shown that a reflex increase in bloodflow occurs in internal organs when the circulation to the overlying skin isstimulated. It is this internal reaction which is responsible for the longlasting and cumulative effects of a series of hydrotherapy treatments.Research has further shown that the beneficial effects on the immune systemlast for up to 24 hours making this a very effective therapy for anydisorder involving immune function. To enhance these effects, a mild electrical stimulation is appliedover the spine during the treatment. Certain modifications may be madeduring the therapy depending on the persons ability to react to it and thetype of disease being addressed. The benefits of constitutional hydrotherapy include an improvement insleep, digestion, bowel function, an increase in your energy level and areduction in chronic pain. We have found that other naturopathic therapiessuch as herbal medicines, special diets or homeopathy often work better dueto concurrent constitutional hydrotherapy treatments. Some of our colleagueshowever, rely entirely on hydrotherapy to produce cures of many serious andseemingly incurable illnesses. We have found that for the best results, constitutional hydrotherapyshould be repeated 3 or 4 times per week for several weeks. The number oftreatments needed is in part determined by your specific illness and yourphysician. Many of our patients have found it extremely beneficial to combatthe early onset of a cold or flu or just as a treatment to make them feelbetter following a stressful period in their life.The homepage and the place to sign up for Tracy's Corner is: Mr_Tracys_CornerFor complaints or assistance contact xootsuit26

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