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Natural Decongestant Help

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Does someone know a natural way to open up clogged sinuses . The

regular nosespray in the drug stores are to addicting . I'm working

on getting rid of my sinus infection but can barely breath

sometimes . I have dry congestion .


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I was a chronic and acute sufferer of nose allergy resulting into sinus

trouble, wheezing, coughing, insomnia, hyperventillation etc..

My symptoms would start to build up in the wintery evenings and escalate

deep into the night. I would dread nights.

What helped me was regular nose irrigation by warm saline water morning and

evening and ascorbic acid 500 mg every hour from evening (6 PM) until going

to bed.

I suspect the ascorbic acid acted to raise up my adrenaline among other

things it must have done.

Best wishes.


My homepage: www.JaipurMart.com/trade/meditationandhealth


" Dan " <granadahills2002


Saturday, February 14, 2004 10:55 AM

Natural Decongestant Help



Does someone know a natural way to open up clogged sinuses . The

regular nosespray in the drug stores are to addicting . I'm working

on getting rid of my sinus infection but can barely breath

sometimes . I have dry congestion .


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A little Tea Tree Oil smeared under the nose works wonders for me...








02/13/04 22:25:07


Natural Decongestant Help


Does someone know a natural way to open up clogged sinuses . The

regular nosespray in the drug stores are to addicting . I'm working

on getting rid of my sinus infection but can barely breath

sometimes . I have dry congestion .






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I use to get sinus infections all the time and took over the counter decongestants all the time, but I found out the fenugreek clears them up.


I get a big bottle at the health food store and I take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening and that keeps them clear for me.




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A lot of people use Neti Pots to clean out their sinuses

in a mechanical, by water, method. You can get them online

for under $20, just search neti pot.


Good luck




, " Dan "

<granadahills2002> wrote:

> Does someone know a natural way to open up clogged sinuses . The

> regular nosespray in the drug stores are to addicting . I'm working

> on getting rid of my sinus infection but can barely breath

> sometimes . I have dry congestion .

> Dan

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, " Dan "

<granadahills2002> wrote:

> Does someone know a natural way to open up clogged sinuses . The

> regular nosespray in the drug stores are to addicting . I'm working

> on getting rid of my sinus infection but can barely breath

> sometimes . I have dry congestion .

> Dan


This might sound a little goofy, but sometimes when I'm feeling very

stuffy I actually crave things like Andy Capp's (sp?) Hot Fries. One

of the ingredients (I don't have a bag handy to refer to, but it's

one of the spicy ones like paprika or something like hot pepper)

seems to have the effect of giving me a runny nose, which I think is

a good thing when you're stuffy! You might experiment with other

things that have similar spicy " hot " ingredients or just the spicy

ingredient itself, if your stomach can handle it. One downside for

me is that overdoing it can result in a burning tummy! Anyway, it

does seem to help to alleviate some of the congestion.

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Also, another thought on your congestion problem. I always have some

of the plain saline nasal spray around. You can use it as often as

you want. I don't know if it would necessarily help with congestion,

but whenever my nose feels pretty dried out (which is a lot since I

live in forced air heat all winter long) I just give myself a squirt

or two in each nostril. It couldn't hurt and does feel better. I

also occasionally take a cotton swab and dampen it with water, then

apply a drop or two of Melaleuca (tea tree) oil to it and apply

around the outside of each nostril (I dampen the swab first to weaken

the oil since full strength would be much too strong). This might

sting too much if your nose is sore. I've heard that this is also

good for people suffering from nasal allergies.

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Hi Dan,


For congestion I use a humidifier at night, steam

tent in day if necessary.


To keep sinuses cleansed during an infection I

use saline spray in each nostril 1-2x daily,

though this is a bit drying.


To get the congestion moving along, I drink a lot

of hot water with ginger in it (and lemon and/or

honey if I care for it)


Hope this helps,


--- Dan <granadahills2002 wrote:

> Does someone know a natural way to open up

> clogged sinuses . The

> regular nosespray in the drug stores are to

> addicting . I'm working

> on getting rid of my sinus infection but can

> barely breath

> sometimes . I have dry congestion .

> Dan








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The so called regular nose sprays are worthless in my opinion.They

are either a steroid-like drug or vasoconstrictors that in my opinion

only make matters worse when they wear off.Try a saline wash or

better than that take vicks and put some as far up as you can in your

nasal passages.I've been told a dozen times vicks has petroleum base

which could grow bacteria but in the 30 years I've been using it I've

never had a problem.It works best at night before you go to sleep and

can prevent a cold by keeping your nasal passages and sinuses open at


, " Dan "

<granadahills2002> wrote:

> Does someone know a natural way to open up clogged sinuses . The

> regular nosespray in the drug stores are to addicting . I'm working

> on getting rid of my sinus infection but can barely breath

> sometimes . I have dry congestion .

> Dan

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That's very interesting.


I suspect that the best choice would be regular

cayenne pepper. I use that for cleansing the

entire system. It's one of the only hot tasting

things that doesn't disturb the digestive system;

rather it's good for it.


I take it by heating some plain tomato juice and

adding about 1/4 teaspoon. Hot fluid also helps.

You can dilute the juice if you prefer.





--- Debra Sloan-Shiflett <angelsea0720


> ,

> " Dan "

> <granadahills2002> wrote:

> > Does someone know a natural way to open up

> clogged sinuses . The

> > regular nosespray in the drug stores are to

> addicting . I'm working

> > on getting rid of my sinus infection but can

> barely breath

> > sometimes . I have dry congestion .

> > Dan


> This might sound a little goofy, but sometimes

> when I'm feeling very

> stuffy I actually crave things like Andy Capp's

> (sp?) Hot Fries. One

> of the ingredients (I don't have a bag handy to

> refer to, but it's

> one of the spicy ones like paprika or something

> like hot pepper)

> seems to have the effect of giving me a runny

> nose, which I think is

> a good thing when you're stuffy! You might

> experiment with other

> things that have similar spicy " hot "

> ingredients or just the spicy

> ingredient itself, if your stomach can handle

> it. One downside for

> me is that overdoing it can result in a burning

> tummy! Anyway, it

> does seem to help to alleviate some of the

> congestion.








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While this works great for adults, I sincerely doubt

any child could/would tolerate it (given the sweeth

tooth of today's brainwashed kids)...


1. Take a table spoon of freshly-opened horseradish.

2. Plop it on a cracker (optional).

3. Chew and then swallow.





PS: If you're Ukranian, this is pure delight,

especially on fresh rye!

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Thanks! I do think that cayenne is the ingredient in " Hot Fries "

that I was thinking of. Of course, there are probably many more

healthful methods (such as the one you suggest) to ingest it than

going to the store and buying a bag of this junk food! But I do know

when I'm having a craving for this particular product it usually

means I have some congestion to clear up.


I enjoy drinking hot beverages too (am a rather heavy drinker of

regular -- black and orange -- tea, but decaf only 99% of the time

and I do have it both hot and iced -- love those antioxidants!). I'm

enjoying some hot decaf tea at this very moment. Something hot is

especially nice since our outside temperature here has dropped back

into the teens!


, Suzann E <suzann03>


> That's very interesting.


> I suspect that the best choice would be regular

> cayenne pepper. I use that for cleansing the

> entire system. It's one of the only hot tasting

> things that doesn't disturb the digestive system;

> rather it's good for it.


> I take it by heating some plain tomato juice and

> adding about 1/4 teaspoon. Hot fluid also helps.

> You can dilute the juice if you prefer.


> Suzan

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Not exactly " yum! " from my POV, but I bet it really works (and that

you're right about kids not wanting to even try!). My own

grandparents (one Scotch Irish, the other Slovak) ate a lot of

horseradish. Come to think of it, I don't remember either of them

suffering from a cold.....


, Andy Puzyr <apuzyr>


> While this works great for adults, I sincerely doubt

> any child could/would tolerate it (given the sweeth

> tooth of today's brainwashed kids)...


> 1. Take a table spoon of freshly-opened horseradish.

> 2. Plop it on a cracker (optional).

> 3. Chew and then swallow.


> Regards,

> Andy


> PS: If you're Ukranian, this is pure delight,

> especially on fresh rye!

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Some people have found Shipibo Treasure Tea

to work well for sinus trouble.

I will send a sample to anyone in USA or Canada.


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