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Posted By: mailbag

Tuesday, 17 February 2004, 4:22 p.m.



Dear Rumormillnews,


I have read documents from NCI's SPECIAL VIRUS CANCER PROGRAM alongside

Dr. Leonard Horowitz's book " Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, " and I am

entirely convinced, as a result, that we developed the HIV/AIDS virus as

part of a biowarfare/population-control program. I challenge anyone to

do the same and arrive at a different conclusion. SVCP Progress Report

#8, from 1971, is the smoking gun document. The program was a

brilliantly compartmentalized one, involving scientists and researchers

from all around the world. (See SUMMARY OF THE INOCULATION PROGRAM,

below.) On the surface, the work summarized in Progress Report #8 deals

mainly with " leukemia " and " breast cancer " research.


Anyway, Progress Report #8 contains some interesting info that may be

relevant to " Mad Cow " disease. I can best let 3 pieces of documentation

speak for themselves. Note the references to SV40 (simian virus 40):


SPECIAL VIRUS CANCER PROGRAM Progress Report #8 (1971), pp. 190-192:




Title: Cell Biology Facility


Major Findings: Part A: (1) Cell-free tumor homogenates

ordinarily not capable of inducing immunity in BALB/c mice induced

immunity if the cultured tumor cells were first

infected with influenza virus. This phenomenon of influenza

virus-mediated enhancement of tumor immunity was also produced when

formalin inactivated tumor homogenates infected with influenza were



Part B: (1) The ability to infect and transform human cells with SV40

[simian virus 40] DNA is now well established....


SPECIAL VIRUS CANCER PROGRAM Progress Report #8 (1971), pp. 260-261:




Title: Isolation and Purification of Tumor-Specific


Transplantation Antigens


Major Findings: During the last year VERO, MA-134, and four other cell

lines were tested for optimum growth of SV40 virus. Culture methods for

easily growing large quantities of mammalian cells are in

operation....Most significantly, a " NEOPROTEIN " was found to be present

in the membranes of cells permissively infected with SV40 [simian virus

40] virus. [emphasis added]


Date Contract Initiated: March 12, 1969


San Francisco Chronicle, July 22, 2001:




San Francisco Chronicle, July 22, 2001:


New documents show the monkey virus is present in more recent polio



William Carlsen, Chronicle Staff Writer

San Francisco Chronicle, 7/22/01


A monkey virus linked to human cancers may have contaminated the oral

polio vaccine for years after the U.S. government ordered manufacturers

to remove it, according to drug company documents obtained by The



The Chronicle reported last week that the simian virus SV40 had

contaminated early polio vaccine given to millions of Americans. When

health officials discovered in 1961 that SV40 caused malignant tumors in

lab animals, they ordered the virus eliminated from all future vaccine.


But internal memos from Lederle Laboratories, the chief producer of

polio vaccine in the United States, indicate SV40 may not have been

completely removed....


Scientists discovered SV40 in the Salk polio vaccine in 1960.

By then as many as 30 million Americans had been given injections of the

SV40-tainted polio vaccine, which was first licensed in 1955....


This additional information should be useful to HIV/AIDS researchers:


SPECIAL VIRUS CANCER PROGRAM Progress Report #8 (1971), pp. 276-289:




The following review summarizes simian studies at [Litton] Bionetics

Research Laboratories under contracts PH 43-62-42, PH 43-67-661 and NIH



Since 1962, a total of 2,274 primates have been inoculated at

Bionetics....Over 70 investigators in 50 different laboratories

throughout the world have provided inocula....The most numerous inocula

fall into two categories--viruses and tissues or cells. The two

categories are further defined as follows.


1. Viruses: Rous sarcoma virus, Moloney sarcoma virus, Herpes type 1 and

2, Herpesvirus saimiri, EBV, Adeno 12, SV-40, Echo 9, Reo 1 and 3 and



2. Tissues or cells from patients with myelogenous leukemia, lymphocytic

leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, Burkitt's lymphoma, polycythemia,

rhabdomyosarcoma, epidermoid carcinoma, papilloma and infectious



[Note that this part of the report spans pages 276-289. It is a lengthy

record. According to Dr. Alan Cantwell, some of these inoculated monkeys

were released back into the wild in Uganda, where Litton had its primate

colonies. In 1969, Litton Bionetics was listed as the sixth leading

biological weapons contractor for the U.S. Army, in the United States

Congressional Record. They were involved in a big way with the SVCP.]


Some titles from a list of Published Papers (in the back of NCI's

SPECIAL VIRUS CANCER PROGRAM Progress Report #8, 1971); This will give

you an idea of the viruses that they were mixing and matching, and the

species barriers they were working to cross:


Human cell tranformation by SV 40 and SV 40 DNA [simian virus 40].

(There are several papers with a similar title.)


Propagation of herpes virus saimiri [a simian virus] in human cells.


Propagation in human cells of a filterable agent from ST feline sarcoma.


Detection of a bovine virus associated with syncytial formation in mixed

cell cultures.


[syncytium = a mass of cell fluids containing many cell nuclei formed by

the joining of originally separate sells as a result of infection or

disease. " ...what Montagnier figured out was if you dump in Epstein-Barr

virus on to the T-lymphocytes, you immortalize them....They will just

sit there and make virus for you... " Dr. Robert Strecker, " Emerging

Viruses, " p. 91.]


Induction of tumors in marmosets with ST-feline fibrosarcoma virus.


Breast cancer viruses, from mouse to men--almost. [!!!]


Biological properties of a syncytia-forming agent isolated from domestic



Replication of murine [mouse] and feline RNA-containing C-type viruses

in human lymphoblastoid cells.


Large-scale production of Burkitt's lymphoma cells and EB virus in

tissue culture.


Aerosol transmission of Rauscher murine leukemia virus.


Aerosol transmission of oncogenic viruses.


Increased transformation efficiency of simian virus 40 in rat embryo

cells infected with Rauscher leukemia virus.


Some Titles of Papers in Press (from same source):


Rescue of defective murine [mouse] sarcoma virus (MSV) genome with

Rauscher virus propagated in human cell cultures (HRV).


Physiochemical, immunological and infectivity studies of herpes virus

saimiri (HVS) propagated in human and primate cells.


Herpes type virus in human lymphoblastoid cells: A method for enhancing

the percentage of virus positive cells.


Characterization of visna virus nucleic acid.


Simian cancer viruses--lack of association with human cancer.


Isolation of helper viruses from preparations of hamster specific

sarcoma viruses.


Studies of human cells infected by murine or feline leukemia virus.


Immunological relationship between equine herpestype virus and Rauscher

leukemia virus grown in human cells.


Sarcomas induced in squirrel monkeys by feline sarcoma virus.


Antigenic composition of Rauscher murine [mouse] leukemia virus

cultivated in human embryo and mouse cells.

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