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GOVERNMENT APPROVED---Citizens As Toxic Dumps

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By The Winds Org.andKathy Wills




"Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened."

-Winston Churchill-






If your not Royally ticked off after you read this article ...... then what we are all being exposed to is working! But why! Why are we being poisoned? Is the human potential so great that we have to be covertly controlled? What right do the governments of this world have to do this to us. What might we accomplish if we didn't have these hidden poisons in most products on the market.

Its time to take a stand and shout,



Over the past 50 years we have slowly been exposed to and consumed hazardous waste and we're paying them to do it to us!

We deserve to live a healthly life. I personally am not going to give away my will or my health to anyone.

How do you feel about this??? Have you had enough? Let me know your thoughts after you have read this...... Kathy Wills

It has been a long established joke about not drinking the water in Third World countries. Now it is here in America that the water has been declared unsafe to drink, and it is no joke. Whereas the greatest problem with water in the underdeveloped nations is usually such as amoebic dysentery, serious but reversible, in the U.S. it is rat poison one gets in the drinking water--and it is no accident!

Extensive studies, ignored with a yawn by those who believe they are being served well by the media and various dental associations, have shown that the consumption of fluoride in drinking water and prescription doses is extremely harmful and deleterious in a number of ways.

Reputable researchers from such as Harvard and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and numerable other research investigators, have shown that fluoridation of drinking water can result in brain and other physiological damage producing such abnormalities as:


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Hyperactivity or passive malaise -- depending on whether exposure is pre- or postnatal Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia The death of brain cells directly involved in the decision making processes Cracked, pitted and brittle teeth and bones not being considered as a potential leading cause of osteoporosis Higher hip fracture rates Reduction in intelligence and increased learning disability

The list goes on of primary and ancillary defects and damage caused by the addition of a substance used in rat poison.

In a 1997 copyrighted article once seriously considered for publication by The New York Times Magazine, investigative reporter Joel Griffiths followed a convoluted trail of once-secret documents stretching as far back as the Manhattan Project. In a subsequent article entitled, "Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb" Griffiths collaborated with journalist Christopher Bryson to piece together not only the origin of water fluoridation, but its secret rationale and the insidious reasoning behind the introduction into the drinking water of two-thirds of American cities of what is nothing more than a toxic waste product.

Griffiths told The WINDS that The New York Times Magazine had shown great interest in his original article to the point of suggesting specific rewrites resulting even in the submission of a final working draft. Then, according to Griffiths, their interested suddenly disappeared. Later when Bryson joined with Griffiths the two journalists had a similar experience with The Christian Science Monitor who had actually accepted their final co-authored work for publication but never put it in print and finally canceled.

The authors, who have worked for such as the BBC, New York Public Television, The Christian Science Monitor and others, boldly introduced their work by stating, "The following article exposes the biggest ongoing medical experiment ever carried out by the United States government on an unsuspecting population," and continues with meticulously verified sources derived largely from documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. ***

"One of the most toxic chemicals known," they claim, "fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S. atomic bomb program -- both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal." Other revelations include:

"Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly ordered to provide 'evidence useful in litigation' against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents show."

Dr. John R. Lee, MD[2], was chairman of the Environmental Health Committee of his local medical association in Marin County, California when he came head-to-head with the fluoride issue. According to Dr. Lee, the county had continually pushed water fluoridation on the local ballot until it passed by a slim one per cent.

"The medical society was receiving a lot of phone calls from people who were wondering what the truth was about the benefit, or lack of benefit, of fluoride. As a result, they turned it over to the Environmental Health Committee."

Dr. Lee was the perfect, unbiased investigator because, "Up until then," he told The WINDS, "I didn't know anything about fluoride, so our committee got the scientific references from both sides of the issue. We studied the references that led to more references--and we tracked it all down and found that the fluoride literature is mostly hogwash.

"Then," he continues, "we asked the medical society if we could do a study to determine how much fluoride there already was in the food--because in Canada they had been monitoring that and found that there was a lot of fluoride in their food chain due to, among other things, processing with fluoridated water.

"Our study of the food that children eat determined that there was plenty of fluoride in it and there was really no reason to add more to the water because it already exceeded what the public health department determined was the maximum daily dose.

"That's when I became aware of what was going on and went to testify at the State Board of Health. It was amazing to see these guys come out with their references that really aren't references--statements taken out of someone else's paper that wasn't based on anything--a kind of circular, self-referencing research. ["Joe said it so now I can quote Joe, even though Joe was just quoting me."] They would take statements made in textbooks that were published before there was any fluoridation and food was not being processed with fluoridated water--and they would just change the dates. We found all these tricks being played with the data. It was then that I discovered that it was not a scientific dispute but dishonest trickery. It was all a sham." When The WINDS asked Dr. Lee why, according to his research into the controversy, he thought there was so much political force driving the fluoridation movement, the physician/scientist said, "It's a toxic waste product of many types of industry; for instance, glass production, phosphate fertilizer production and many others. They would have no way to dispose of the tons of fluoride waste they produce unless they could find some use for it, so they made up this story about it being good for dental health. Then they can pass it through everyone's bodies and into the sewer." [A novel approach to toxic waste disposal--just feed it to the people and let their bodies "detoxify" it]. "It is a well coordinated effort," Dr. Lee added, "to keep it from being declared for what it is--a toxic waste."





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Sun, 22 Feb 2004 13:40:17 -0000

Fwd: GOVERNMENT APPROVED---Citizens As Toxic Dumps


, Bea Bernhausen









Kathy Wills



" Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick

themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened. "

-Winston Churchill-


If your not Royally ticked off after you read this article ......

then what we are all being exposed to is working! But why! Why are we

being poisoned? Is the human potential so great that we have to be

covertly controlled? What right do the governments of this world have

to do this to us. What might we accomplish if we didn't have these

hidden poisons in most products on the market.


Its time to take a stand and shout,




Over the past 50 years we have slowly been exposed to and consumed

hazardous waste and we're paying them to do it to us!


We deserve to live a healthly life. I personally am not going to give

away my will or my health to anyone.


How do you feel about this??? Have you had enough? Let me know your

thoughts after you have read this...... Kathy Wills


It has been a long established joke about not drinking the water

in Third World countries. Now it is here in America that the water

has been declared unsafe to drink, and it is no joke. Whereas the

greatest problem with water in the underdeveloped nations is usually

such as amoebic dysentery, serious but reversible, in the U.S. it is

rat poison one gets in the drinking water--and it is no accident!


Extensive studies, ignored with a yawn by those who believe they

are being served well by the media and various dental associations,

have shown that the consumption of fluoride in drinking water and

prescription doses is extremely harmful and deleterious in a number

of ways.


Reputable researchers from such as Harvard and the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency, and numerable other research

investigators, have shown that fluoridation of drinking water can

result in brain and other physiological damage producing such

abnormalities as:


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Hyperactivity or passive malaise -- depending on whether exposure

is pre- or postnatal

Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia

The death of brain cells directly involved in the decision making


Cracked, pitted and brittle teeth and bones not being considered

as a potential leading cause of osteoporosis

Higher hip fracture rates

Reduction in intelligence and increased learning disability


The list goes on of primary and ancillary defects and damage

caused by the addition of a substance used in rat poison.


In a 1997 copyrighted article once seriously considered for

publication by The New York Times Magazine, investigative reporter

Joel Griffiths followed a convoluted trail of once-secret documents

stretching as far back as the Manhattan Project. In a subsequent

article entitled, " Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb " Griffiths

collaborated with journalist Christopher Bryson to piece together not

only the origin of water fluoridation, but its secret rationale and

the insidious reasoning behind the introduction into the drinking

water of two-thirds of American cities of what is nothing more than a

toxic waste product.


Griffiths told The WINDS that The New York Times Magazine had

shown great interest in his original article to the point of

suggesting specific rewrites resulting even in the submission of a

final working draft. Then, according to Griffiths, their interested

suddenly disappeared. Later when Bryson joined with Griffiths the two

journalists had a similar experience with The Christian Science

Monitor who had actually accepted their final co-authored work for

publication but never put it in print and finally canceled.


The authors, who have worked for such as the BBC, New York Public

Television, The Christian Science Monitor and others, boldly

introduced their work by stating, " The following article exposes the

biggest ongoing medical experiment ever carried out by the United

States government on an unsuspecting population, " and continues with

meticulously verified sources derived largely from documents obtained

under the Freedom of Information Act. ***


" One of the most toxic chemicals known, " they claim, " fluoride

rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S.

atomic bomb program -- both for workers and for nearby communities,

the documents reveal. " Other revelations include:


" Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in

low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been

secretly ordered to provide 'evidence useful in litigation' against

defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first

lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb program were not over radiation, but

over fluoride damage, the documents show. "


Dr. John R. Lee, MD[2], was chairman of the Environmental Health

Committee of his local medical association in Marin County,

California when he came head-to-head with the fluoride issue.

According to Dr. Lee, the county had continually pushed water

fluoridation on the local ballot until it passed by a slim one per



" The medical society was receiving a lot of phone calls from

people who were wondering what the truth was about the benefit, or

lack of benefit, of fluoride. As a result, they turned it over to the

Environmental Health Committee. "


Dr. Lee was the perfect, unbiased investigator because, " Up until

then, " he told The WINDS, " I didn't know anything about fluoride, so

our committee got the scientific references from both sides of the

issue. We studied the references that led to more references--and we

tracked it all down and found that the fluoride literature is mostly



" Then, " he continues, " we asked the medical society if we could

do a study to determine how much fluoride there already was in the

food--because in Canada they had been monitoring that and found that

there was a lot of fluoride in their food chain due to, among other

things, processing with fluoridated water.


" Our study of the food that children eat determined that there

was plenty of fluoride in it and there was really no reason to add

more to the water because it already exceeded what the public health

department determined was the maximum daily dose.


" That's when I became aware of what was going on and went to

testify at the State Board of Health. It was amazing to see these

guys come out with their references that really aren't references--

statements taken out of someone else's paper that wasn't based on

anything--a kind of circular, self-referencing research. [ " Joe said

it so now I can quote Joe, even though Joe was just quoting me. " ]

They would take statements made in textbooks that were published

before there was any fluoridation and food was not being processed

with fluoridated water--and they would just change the dates. We

found all these tricks being played with the data. It was then that I

discovered that it was not a scientific dispute but dishonest

trickery. It was all a sham. "


When The WINDS asked Dr. Lee why, according to his research into

the controversy, he thought there was so much political force driving

the fluoridation movement, the physician/scientist said, " It's a

toxic waste product of many types of industry; for instance, glass

production, phosphate fertilizer production and many others. They

would have no way to dispose of the tons of fluoride waste they

produce unless they could find some use for it, so they made up this

story about it being good for dental health. Then they can pass it

through everyone's bodies and into the sewer. " [A novel approach to

toxic waste disposal--just feed it to the people and let their

bodies " detoxify " it]. " It is a well coordinated effort, " Dr. Lee

added, " to keep it from being declared for what it is--a toxic waste. "











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