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Breast Amputation Can Reduce Cancer Risk By 90%

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It will help not getting breast cancer by not using aluminum anti-perpirants

and also dropping all dairy foods. Also having an abortion increases breast

cancer tendencies. N









Breast Amputation Can

Reduce Cancer Risk By 90%




WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Women who have genetic mutations giving them a high

risk of breast cancer can virtually eliminate the risk by having their

breasts removed, researchers reported on Monday.


The women who opted for double mastectomies reduced their breast cancer risk

by 90 percent, the international team of researchers reported.


They did not check to see if the women's death rate from breast cancer was

also reduced -- breast cancer is curable -- but said they assumed this would

be the case.


" Our study shows that bilateral prophylactic mastectomy markedly reduces the

risk of breast cancer in women who are genetically predisposed to the

disease, " said Dr. Barbara Weber, a professor of medicine and genetics at

the University of Pennsylvania, who led the study.


" Women undergoing this procedure should feel confident that if they choose

this risk management option, it will reduce their risk of breast cancer to

almost zero. "


The women in the study had mutations in genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2, which

greatly increase the risk of breast cancer. Some such women have opted to

have mastectomies instead of living with the fear of breast cancer.


Writing in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Weber and her colleagues said

they followed 483 women from 11 sites in the United States, Canada, United

Kingdom and the Netherlands over six years. All of the women had BRCA

mutations and some opted for the mastectomies.


Breast cancer, which can develop in lymph nodes outside the breasts, was

diagnosed in two of the 105 women who had mastectomies, or 1.9 percent. But

184 of the 378 women who did not undergo the procedure developed breast

cancer -- or 48 percent.


Weber said mastectomy should be up to the woman, but she strongly

recommended that women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations should have their

ovaries removed after they finish having children.


BRCA mutations also raise the risk of ovarian cancer, a rare but deadly

cancer. Unlike breast cancer, it cannot be detected in early stages.


But having the ovaries removed brings on early menopause. The symptoms of

menopause can be treated with hormone replacement therapy, but in women with

their ovaries such therapy raises the risk of heart disease, stroke and some



Weber's team said the overall life expectancy of women who had their ovaries

taken out did not change.

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