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Teacher fired For Speaking Out Against Child Drugging

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I got this from another group I belong to and thought it is quite interesting. The author asked that the word be spread that there are people fighting against drugging children in the schools. Hope I am not doing anything wrong by sharing this. I believe it to be important due to the fact that there are so many schools demanding that the students be put on drugs. My personal belief as to why they do this, is so the teachers don't have to do the job they trained for. In a nut shell, they are there for quitting time and payday.Love,Nannie MDave Wiegard wants the message below posted high and low. Dave is not at all taking this lying down. Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:00 PM [wildestcolts] Message below was posted on www.ablechild.org as it appeared. I sent the following email to former fellow school staff members today after I was fired for speaking out against school

drugging of children. Does anyone on this discussion board have experience on how to counter such unethical practices? I am now out of work and looking for a job. Anyone want to hire an ethical fellow with excellent teachers' aid skills? :) Best, Dave Wiegand -------------- To My Dear Friends, and Others (not so friendly) at Lincoln Public Schools, I am taking this opportunity to email you as my last official act as an employee of Lincoln Public Schools. By now, you may be aware that Lincoln Public Schools, (Lincoln, Nebraska) HR Specialist Marla Styles terminated me from my position as an LPS Paraeducator, (teachers' aid), this morning. What you may NOT be aware of is that the lame excuse that was used as a basis for the wrongful termination was a trumped-up charge that any unethical LPS official could use against ANY LPS employee, teacher,

administrator, or paraeducator. Apparently, even providing supplemental educational materials to a student not otherwise occupied, that acquaints the student to the damaging effects that drugs have on the mental and physical health of a person, is something certain LPS employees do not want students to know, under the excuse that it is not part of the established "curriculum." The REAL reason for the termination certainly has more to do with my religious convictions as, when requested, I presented them during the Lincoln Police Department conducted "diversity training" held last week at the Lancaster County Youth Services Center, and because of my communications with certain elected officials about Nebraska schools' programs that push harmful mind-altering psychiatric drugs on students. Diversity training is certainly needed as religious bigotry seems to be alive and well in certain government agencies

in Lincoln, Nebraska. The small but well-entrenched "Special Education" political and commercial psychiatric industry group within the schools works to coerce parents to put their children on harmful drugs, under the ruse of "helping" children with invented labels of behavioral and learning difficulties. This "help'" forced on parents and students' has more to do with keeping this self-serving political group employed and with enriching the pharmaceutical companies' stockholders than with effectively improving student health or academic performance and classroom behavior. There will be lies said about me. Those adverse to the truth and to my observations of what is happening will certainly object to this parting message. They will spread additional lies and half-truths about me and try to distort the truth about the harmful drugging and degrading treatment

- the human rights child abuse - of youth that is happening in our schools and other institutions. I look forward to a time when those responsible for human rights abuse against children are brought under the rule of law. Until then, those who try to have the courage to speak the truth about those who would harm children suffer the whispers and disgrace of the evil and the ignorant. In the words of one I formerly admired, "I risk being ill thought of, [by the district office], but my guiding principle is [and always has been] - What is best for the kids?" To those of you of good will, I wish you the best. Have the courage to promote truth and to speak out against the human rights abuses and other evils you see around you. To those of you who have abandoned their educational ethics and ideals, or who perhaps never had any, and who, like horses with blinders on, can only see what your

masters wish you to see, I hope you too will someday allow yourself the luxury of throwing off your mental slave chains and admitting your mistakes and correcting your errors, in the name of "What IS best for the kids?" Regards, David F. Wiegand 7230 Shamrock Court Lincoln, NE 68506 clear28695 402-450-5451 - cell







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