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West Virginia -- bill to FORCE vaccines on all WV citizens

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" Ingri Cassel " <vaclib


Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:37 PM

West Virginia -- bill to FORCE vaccines on all WV citizens



> Dear Members and Friends -


> Do what you can to help West Virginians mobilize against this bill to


> all citizens of West Virginia to be vaccinated with all CDC recommended

> vaccines -- both adults and children, homeschooled or working from home --

> OR be fined for each violation of non-compliance. If you or anyone you


> of lives in West Virginia, please make sure they get this information.


> ~Ingri


> :


> http://www.wvve.org/



> A devastating new bill has been introduced in West Virginia. It is

> SB439, introduced by Senator Prezioso of Marion County and Senator Minard

> of Harrison County. SB439 has already passed the Senate HHR Committee on

> February 19,

> 2004. It is expected to pass the Senate floor and House committees next

> week.


> As written, the bill will require that all children in West Virginia be

> vaccinated, whether they attend school or are homeschooled, with no


> for exemptions. Homeschoolers in all 50 states have always

> been able to choose not to vaccinate. They either are exempt from


> vaccination required to attend school, and/or they are offered religious

> exemptions. This bill will make WV the first state in which homeschoolers

> have no choice.


> If passed, the bill will force all West Virginians who do not wish to

> vaccinate to move another state. It presents an unprecedented attack on

> parental choice and religious freedom. It is not only an insult to

> Free Mountaineers, but it treads on all rights we hold dear in America.


> This bill will remove physicians' ability to exercise individual judgment

> for their patients, by forcing them to grant medical exemptions for only

> " commonly accepted practices. " This is tantamount to the

> government practicing medicine without a license.


> SB439


> - Eliminates medical exemptions where a physician can use individual

> judgment

> outside of " commonly accepted practice "

> -Adds hepatitis B and chickenpox to the list of mandatory vaccines

> -Require the use of new " certificates of immunization " to document

> vaccination history

> -Increase penalties for noncompliance establishes " compelling

> interest " for the state that supercedes individual choice.

> -Homeschooling parents who do not vaccinate will be convicted of a

> misdemeanor and fined up to $500 each.


> The bill reads:

> Any parent or guardian who refuses to permit his or her child to

> be immunized against the diseases enumerated in subsection © of this

> section, or who cannot give satisfactory proof that the child or person


> been so immunized or who falsifies a child's immunization record is guilty

> of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than one

> hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars.


> Write letters. Write press releases. Talk to local reporters about this

> very dangerous legislation that subverts our parental right to choose what

> is best for our children. Create such a media uproar

> that these politicians will not be able to ignore our voices any longer.


> What can happen in one state, can happen in any state.


> The time to act is now. With MEHPA and the Homeland Security Act,

> if the state or federal gov't declare a health emergency, we can be forced

> to take vaccinations or be quarantined or fined regardless of exemption.

> The time to stand up to protect our rights against mandatory vaccinations


> now.


> Here is the text of the bill:


> http://www.wvve.org/SB439/SB439text.html


> If you can attend the rally in w va, please email list


> For more information about this bill and how you can stop it, visit

> www.WVVE.org .


> To show your support and find out how you can help, please contact Helen

> Tucker

> at helen

> (that's helen AT vaccinescience DOT org)


> >> http://www.wvve.org/


> ************

> You can find your Senator's fax and e-mail addresses on Google or, simply


> to the Senate

> directory at

> http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm or by

> going to http://action.peopleoverprofits.org/legDirectory/ .


> let them know how you feel about your right not to vaccinate.


> Thanks,


> Helen Tucker

> *******************


> Go to http://www.wvve.org

> Helen needs testimonies from the vaccine-injured and other West Virginians

> to speak out NOW for their right to abstain from state mandated medical

> experimentation.


> Ingri Cassel, director

> Vaccination Liberation

> P.O. Box 457

> Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869

> (208) 255-2307/ (888) 249-1421

> vaclib <vaclib


> www.vaclib.org <http://www.vaclib.org>

> " FreeYour Mind....

> >From the Vaccine Paradigm "


> " When we give government the power

> to make medical decisions for us,

> we, in essence, accept that the state

> owns our bodies. "

> ~ U.S. Representative Ron Paul



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