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Fw: [Mycoplasmaforum] 60 World Class Scientists Agree: BushCO just,really loathes this planet!

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- walt


Saturday, February 28, 2004 9:01 AM

[Mycoplasmaforum] 60 World Class Scientists Agree: BushCO just,really loathes this planet!

Mother Nature, The Hate Crime More than 60 world-class scientists agree: BushCo just really, reallyloathes this planet By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist Friday, February 27, 2004-------- Today's question: What do you get when more than 60 of the world's topscientists, 20 Nobel Laureates among them, get together and write one of themost scathing, damning reports in the history of modern science, aimedsquarely at BushCo's thoroughly atrocious record of cover-ups andobfuscations and outright lies regarding the health of the planet? What do you get when those very scientists, a highly respected,nonpartisan group called the Union of Concerned Scientists, go on to claimthat no other president in modern history has so openly misled the public orbeen so flagrantly disrespectful of scientific fact and mountains ofirrefutable research, deliberately and systematically mutilating scientificdata in the service of its rather brutal, pro-corporate, antienvironmentagenda? If you answered, "Why, you get even more painful polyps of sadness anddisgust on your soul due to the BushCo onslaught," consider yourself amongthe millions who are right now rather horrified and appalled and who arewondering just what sort of human -- not what sort of politician, mind you,not what sort of power broker, not what sort of failed Texas oilmancorporate lackey -- but what sort of human being you have to be to enactsuch insidious ongoing planet-gouging legislation, smirking and shruggingall the way. It is not an easy one to answer, as you can only wonder what has goneso horribly wrong, what sort of line has been crossed so that not even thebasic dignity of the planet, not even a modicum of respect for it, is theslightest factor anymore in modern American right-wing politics. What, tooextreme? Hardly. The story about the scientist's report is >here. It was broadcast overmany major media channels, somewhat loud and mostly clear, though most mediawas far more eager to bury it under all those more hotly controversial picsof happy gay people smooching on the steps of S.F.'s city hall than theywere to trumpet the dire claims of a bunch of boring genius scientists. Such is the national priority. After all, no one wants to hear howbadly we've been duped by this administration, again. Given the nonexistentWMDs and the complete lack of Iraqi nukes and the bogus wars andmanufactured fear and a galling budget deficit and nearly 3 million lostjobs and a raft of BushCo lies so thick you need a jackhammer to see somelight, no one wants to know that even the world's top scientists aredisgusted with our nation's leadership. We can, after all, take only so much abuse, can be only so karmicallyand ideologically hammered, before we become so utterly exhausted that wejust stop caring. And, in fact, BushCo would love nothing more than to cripple ouroutrage and deflect attention away from all the dead U.S. soldiers in Iraqand his overall atrocious record on the war, jobs, the environment andforeign policy, and center it all on divisive issues of God-centric moralrighteousness, like all those sicko gay people trying to dignify theirsinful love. This is a president, after all, who truly believes he is doing God'swill by turning this country into the most lawless, internationally loathedaggressor on the planet, something I'm sure is very reassuring to thosecountless thousands of dead Iraqi civilians. Does it really matter anymore? After all, as any child can tell you,politics has always been a wildly corrupt and slimy profession, valuedsomewhere between professional wrestler and professional baby-seal clubberon the moral and spiritual scale o' delicious karmic significance. And, yes, it must be noted that there isn't a U.S. president on recordwho hasn't somehow deliberately mangled scientific data and covered upimportant reports during his term in order to further favored policies. Goesalmost without saying. But, as the Union of Concerned Scientists point out, never has theoppression of fact been so systematic, so widespread, so repulsive as thatwhich Bush has wrought. Never has the abuse been so flagrant, the bordermarking what's morally acceptable so shamelessly crossed. Maybe you don't believe the hippie environmentalists who are alwaysspouting off about saving the whales and protecting the forests. Maybe youlike to hiss at and dismiss, say, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s outstanding,powerfully researched articles in the recent issue of Rolling Stone and thelatest issue of The Nation that carefully delineate just how Bush's envirorecord is the worst in history, and call Kennedy just another typicalleft-wing liberal. You wish to be that small and boorish? Fine. Not so easy, however, to dismiss a small army of nonpartisan,internationally respected scientists as just more agenda-thick political BS,as BushCo has done. To do so reeks of something far beyond mere name callingand dumb party maneuvering. It reeks of sheer heartlessness regarding theplanet. It reeks of abuse. It reeks of hate. This, then, is the gist of the BushCo attack on the planet: a hatecrime. An intentional, ferocious dismantling of protections and guidelines,a view that Mother Nature is nothing but a cheap resource to be exploited, agiant oil can to be suckled, a hunk of toilet paper for Dick Cheney to -- well, let's not imagine. Look at it this way. It's like music videos. Over and over again,endless droning shots of gyrating sweating booty-pumping faux-sexy bodiespretending to writhe in bogus orgasmic bliss, video after video and hourafter hour where you watch and watch and go slowly numb and say, Jesus witha skimpy thong and a spray bottle of baby oil, how much further can they go? How much more naked and sexist and overblown and abusive can they getbefore they say oh screw it and just strip down and have sex with a livechicken as 50 Cent downs a bottle of Crystal and grins maniacally? This is like the saturation level of BushCo. Something's gotta give,you say. Surely some sort of ugly orgiastic critical mass has been reachedwherein Bush and his planet-reaming policies simply cannot go any furtherwithout some sort of meltdown, some sort of massive international cosmicrecoil whereby we finally see the Bush admin for what it is, quite possiblythe most self-serving, egomaniacal cluster of enviro thugs in modernhistory. But with the Union of Concerned Scientists report, this sentiment goesone step further -- this is not just hate for the planet, not merely ablatant right-wing revulsion for those much-loathed intangible New Age-ytouchstones like earthly vibration, energy, true spiritual connection and adeep veneration and sense of profound awe for the raw divinity of nature. This is more sinister, and more disturbing. BushCo's ugly rejection ofnot merely the "liberal" environmental politicking but also of the factualscience of the natural world is, ultimately, a form of self-loathing. It is a snide and self-destructive rejection of the human-natureconnection, of the very real and very direct correlation between how wetreat our world and how we view ourselves, between what we choose tocelebrate/annihilate in nature and what we venerate/devastate in ownspirits. After all, the less regard you have for one, the less you careabout the other. Simple, really. Look. We reflect the planet. The planet reflects us. And 60 out of 60scientists agree: BushCo's time of reflecting nothing but cruel blacknessand abuse needs to come to an end, right now.-------- a.. Thoughts for the author? E-mail him. a.. Subscribe to Mark's deeply skewed, mostly legal Morning Fixnewsletter. Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday andFriday on SF Gate, unless it appears on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which itnever does. He also writes the Morning Fix, a deeply skewed thrice-weeklye-mail column and newsletter. Subscribe at sfgate.com/newsletters.

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Well this could not come more well timed and I wish

there were a way to have pages of this messge flown

all over the United States and dumped upon the streets

and the heads of those people with their minds so

entrenched in their own personal dilemas that they do

not want to see truth, let alond take a strong stand

for the correctness of things and the fight for a true

balance here through the annialation of the BushCo and

peoples like it throughut the world.


We collectively must stand and furthermore on the

subject, when the pendulum swings so far there is a

return and this return is going to be ugly when the

universal order for extreme balance comes into play

and it will.


I sense that all matters had to reach an ugly place

with enough externally recognized authorities speaking

the truth and making the inevitable request to cease

and desist before sciene would marry with spirit and

say this is enough, one supporting and integrating

with the other in strength and solidarity to save the

people, the truth, and the trust of what this world

and its peoples is about.




--- walt <kortron wrote:


> -

> walt

> mycoplasmaforum

> Saturday, February 28, 2004 9:01 AM

> [Mycoplasmaforum] 60 World Class Scientists

> Agree: BushCO just,really loathes this planet!




> Mother Nature, The Hate Crime

> More than 60 world-class scientists agree:

> BushCo just really, really

> loathes this planet


> By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

> Friday, February 27, 2004









> Today's question: What do you get when more

> than 60 of the world's top

> scientists, 20 Nobel Laureates among them, get

> together and write one of the

> most scathing, damning reports in the history of

> modern science, aimed

> squarely at BushCo's thoroughly atrocious record of

> cover-ups and

> obfuscations and outright lies regarding the health

> of the planet?


> What do you get when those very scientists, a

> highly respected,

> nonpartisan group called the Union of Concerned

> Scientists, go on to claim

> that no other president in modern history has so

> openly misled the public or

> been so flagrantly disrespectful of scientific fact

> and mountains of

> irrefutable research, deliberately and

> systematically mutilating scientific

> data in the service of its rather brutal,

> pro-corporate, antienvironment

> agenda?


> If you answered, " Why, you get even more

> painful polyps of sadness and

> disgust on your soul due to the BushCo onslaught, "

> consider yourself among

> the millions who are right now rather horrified and

> appalled and who are

> wondering just what sort of human -- not what sort

> of politician, mind you,

> not what sort of power broker, not what sort of

> failed Texas oilman

> corporate lackey -- but what sort of human being you

> have to be to enact

> such insidious ongoing planet-gouging legislation,

> smirking and shrugging

> all the way.


> It is not an easy one to answer, as you can

> only wonder what has gone

> so horribly wrong, what sort of line has been

> crossed so that not even the

> basic dignity of the planet, not even a modicum of

> respect for it, is the

> slightest factor anymore in modern American

> right-wing politics. What, too

> extreme? Hardly.


> The story about the scientist's report is

> >here. It was broadcast over

> many major media channels, somewhat loud and mostly

> clear, though most media

> was far more eager to bury it under all those more

> hotly controversial pics

> of happy gay people smooching on the steps of S.F.'s

> city hall than they

> were to trumpet the dire claims of a bunch of boring

> genius scientists.


> Such is the national priority. After all, no

> one wants to hear how

> badly we've been duped by this administration,

> again. Given the nonexistent

> WMDs and the complete lack of Iraqi nukes and the

> bogus wars and

> manufactured fear and a galling budget deficit and

> nearly 3 million lost

> jobs and a raft of BushCo lies so thick you need a

> jackhammer to see some

> light, no one wants to know that even the world's

> top scientists are

> disgusted with our nation's leadership.


> We can, after all, take only so much abuse,

> can be only so karmically

> and ideologically hammered, before we become so

> utterly exhausted that we

> just stop caring.


> And, in fact, BushCo would love nothing more

> than to cripple our

> outrage and deflect attention away from all the dead

> U.S. soldiers in Iraq

> and his overall atrocious record on the war, jobs,

> the environment and

> foreign policy, and center it all on divisive issues

> of God-centric moral

> righteousness, like all those sicko gay people

> trying to dignify their

> sinful love.


> This is a president, after all, who truly

> believes he is doing God's

> will by turning this country into the most lawless,

> internationally loathed

> aggressor on the planet, something I'm sure is very

> reassuring to those

> countless thousands of dead Iraqi civilians.


> Does it really matter anymore? After all, as

> any child can tell you,

> politics has always been a wildly corrupt and slimy

> profession, valued

> somewhere between professional wrestler and

> professional baby-seal clubber

> on the moral and spiritual scale o' delicious karmic

> significance.


> And, yes, it must be noted that there isn't a

> U.S. president on record

> who hasn't somehow deliberately mangled scientific

> data and covered up

> important reports during his term in order to

> further favored policies. Goes

> almost without saying.



> But, as the Union of Concerned Scientists

> point out, never has the

> oppression of fact been so systematic, so

> widespread, so repulsive as that

> which Bush has wrought. Never has the abuse been so

> flagrant, the border

> marking what's morally acceptable so shamelessly

> crossed.



> Maybe you don't believe the hippie

> environmentalists who are always

> spouting off about saving the whales and protecting

> the forests. Maybe you

> like to hiss at and dismiss, say, Robert F. Kennedy

> Jr.'s outstanding,

> powerfully researched articles in the recent issue

> of Rolling Stone and the

> latest issue of The Nation that carefully delineate

> just how Bush's enviro

> record is the worst in history, and call Kennedy

> just another typical

> left-wing liberal. You wish to be that small and

> boorish? Fine.


> Not so easy, however, to dismiss a small army

> of nonpartisan,

> internationally respected scientists as just more

> agenda-thick political BS,

> as BushCo has done. To do so reeks of something far

> beyond mere name calling

> and dumb party maneuvering. It reeks of sheer

> heartlessness regarding the

> planet. It reeks of abuse. It reeks of hate.


> This, then, is the gist of the BushCo attack

> on the planet: a hate

> crime. An intentional, ferocious dismantling of

> protections and guidelines,

> a view that Mother Nature is nothing but a cheap

> resource to be exploited, a

> giant oil can to be suckled, a hunk of toilet paper

> for Dick Cheney to --

> well, let's not imagine.


> Look at it this way. It's like music videos.

> Over and over again,

> endless droning shots of gyrating sweating

> booty-pumping faux-sexy bodies

> pretending to writhe in bogus orgasmic bliss, video

> after video and hour

> after hour where you watch and watch and go slowly

> numb and say, Jesus with

> a skimpy thong and a spray bottle of baby oil, how

> much further can they go?


> How much more naked and sexist and overblown

> and

=== message truncated ===


> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/gif name=ne_title.gif



> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/gif name=clear.gif






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