Guest guest Posted December 2, 2003 Report Share Posted December 2, 2003 - Rose Larson ---Rose Marie Waldram, A CITIZEN ALLERGIC TO FLUORIDE, P.O. Box 457, Greenacres, WA 99016 (509) 927-2559 I'm responding because some of the symptoms you describe have been experienced by myself and others suffering from fluoride "overexposure." When the halogen fluorine, a negative-charged ion, combines with another metal or mineral element, a compound, i.e. a fluoride is created. Ubiquitous, this compound in its myriad forms (all of which are toxic) are everywhere and in virtually everything now. I have a complete collection of the CDC publications entitled "FLUORIDATION CENSUS" dating back to their beginning in 1969. [Obtain for free through your Congressperson or directly from USDHHS, PHS, CDC, Natl.Ctr. for Prevention Services, Div. of Oral Health, Atlanta, Georgia 30333] This publication was originally intended for health care professionals,et al to use in a "soft-sell" promotion of water fluoridation to the U.S. public. The first issue, 1969, was less than 1/2 inch thick. The last issue, 1992, is two volumes, each one 2 and 3 inches thick, respectively, each one containing a varied replication of the other's content. Since the eighties, this now two-volume set intentionally intimidates the Passive, non-investigative, unquestioning Receiver into assuming this telephone-book-size promotional "proves" the safety and efficacy of water fluoridation ("All those communities having chosen water fluoridation can't be wrong!") but a thorough investigation reveals that most of them were fluoridated by fraud or default as in the case of my former home town of Seattle, Washington, 1968, when that city's voters went for it but in so doing they fluoridated people in more than 30 Early-on, I perceived that the enemy's own weapon could be used against them. Each decade I managed to acquire one of these Fluoridation Census for myself so that when I or my acquaintances travel throughout the U.S. we use this information not only to avoid ill health when obliged to visit or travel through fluoridated communities but to also avoid spending our tourist $$$ in these areas (a fact I also make that area's local Chamber of Commerce aware of). To my knowledge, the CDC has not published another of these Fluoridation Census' since the last one, 1992, came out in September of 1993. (They've either gotten wise to our turning their own weapon upon them or they were so confident they'd have the entire U.S. fluoridated by the year 2000--which was their, now failed, intended goal---that they didn't think they had to use this propaganda tool any longer.) I could not find Slidel, LA, listed in the last F Census; however, if it is a suburb of a larger town or its water system is served by "Interties" with another that is fluoridated, only you would know that. Check with whomever you get your water bill from. New Orleans has been artificially fluoridated with hydrofluorosilicic acid (the worst kind, same as Seattle). "F" acid can be absorbed via the skin during bathing, swimming, showering (our family learned this the hard way, years before the MIT studies proved that more toxins could be absorbed via the skin than from the digestive tract--which is why, in 1972, Seattle's fluoridated water involuntarily exiled us to unfluoridated Portland, Oregon where we learned, the hard way, about "F" air pollution)! There are numerous areas in your state which have naturally-occuring fluoride in the water and soil. This is usually in the form of CaF (calcium-fluoride) and/or MgF (magnesium-fluoride) which are this element's least toxic forms---evidence that Nature (i.e. God) is buffering fluorine's otherwise highly toxic effect by combining it with these two vital mineral nutrients. If Ca and Mg are in sufficient abundance (theoretically)even though they will be thereby "tied up" and therefore become "unavailable" for biochemical processes, it is usually safe to assume there will be sufficient abundance of these two to provide for normal homeostasis (unless the soil is being additionally polluted by some other source of fluoride, eg. chemical fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, et al). Oh, yes, it's a chemical "jungle" out there but it is possible to learn to survive in spite of it. So-called "soft drinks," colas, et al. will be a source of fluorides (phosphoric acid) and more so if they are processed in fluoridated cities. Diet drinks and products containing the synthetic amino acid L-phenylalanine (aspertame, Nutrasweet, SugarTwin, Equal) are not only dangerous for the reasons one can already easily find but few are aware the "PKU babies" which began surfacing in the sixties and those individuals now who are determined to be "allergic" to the synthetic amino acid, phenylalanine, are merely evidencing toxicity to this industry-patented, man-made amino acid (protein constituent) which is made using a fluoride. The synthetic bovine growth hormone, rBST, was created to chemically "flog" a dairy animal's milk producing system into overproduction. In my opinion, I've concluded it to be one possible reason for the growing number of people "allergic" or intolerant of milk since this synthetic hormone is also made using a fluoride. Green tea is another item people like myself who are "toxic/allergic to fluorine-bearing compounds" avoid because it, too, is another relatively unknown/unmonitored source of dietary fluoride. Another is soybeans and products made from soybeans--unless they are generic and also certified "organically grown" and used in the form of tofu because otherwise they contain products our digestive systems cannot process properly which include fluoride (if the soybeans are genetically modified, i.e made by altering the plant's DNA and/or grown with commercial fertilizer they can become a serious threat to the chemically hypersensitive. For more "dirt" on why one should avoid foods produced with or from chemical-laced commercial fertilizer read up on GMO use and also read the book FATEFUL HARVEST and/or visit the web site of Patty Martin , the former mayor of Quincy, WA who, in the early 90's blew the whistle on the decades-old practice of legally recycling toxic mining and petro-chemical industry wastes into chemical fertilizer without having t I've known since the seventies that chemical fertilizer was high in fluorides (one reason why, in the late seventies, I began switching to bio-dynamic, chemical-free, certified "organic" meats, produce, grains, milk, eggs, et al) and have never regretted it--as evidenced in non-existant medical and dental bills (until the installation of Spokane's municipal waste incinerator in August 1991. Waste Incineration is another source of relatively unknown, unmonitored, health-compromising airborne fluorine gas and fluoride particulates). More regarding soybeans: Most of them are genetically modified now, some to the degree they unnaturally contain the amino acid L-Methionine an exogenous essential AA normally obtained only from eggs, meat, milk. Fluorides, long known to be mutagenic, are use to effect genetic modification and the military as well as the bio-tech industries have long used "F" in various forms to create new "things"--everything from biochemical and biological warfare weapons to "Frankenfoods" and animals. I became aware in the seventies that soybeans and alfalfa, especially, are great for detoxifying overfluoridated soil because they readily take the F up into their structure and product but this is, I theorize, why some have mistakenly gone off on a tangent where phytoestrogens are concerned. I predicted over twenty years ago that we'd be someday regretting all that era's premature emphasis on these so-called "natural" plant-derived hormones because I perceived they could be in the plant as a result of the use of high fluoride-containing chemical fertilizer, nothing more. So, with the exception of occasional indulgence in "organic" tofu in one enjoyable recipe and only "organically grown" alfalfa, I have avoided these and all corn (except for dark-kernel maize, "Indian corn" which is higher in protein and mineral than the white and yellow corn). Check it out yourself: fluoride depresses thyroid function by displacing iodine--a vital mineral nutrient required by the thyroid gland. Depending upon the individual's biochemical idiosyncracy, this can manifest in slowed thinking or weight problems or lowered immunity or all of these and more. In children it manifests as delayed dentition (instead of an infant's first teeth normally erupting at 4 to 6 months of age, they may not come in until 10 to 14 months of age and secondary teeth may not show up until the dentist has to pull the baby teeth out to make room for them because the primary teeth are so full of fluoride their roots will not naturally "resorb" beneath the gum line as they should to calcify the new teeth beneath them so they can then drop out without assistance. After the experience I've just been through this past winter, which began with poisoning from a fluoride-containing Aspertame artificially-sweetened cookie served to me just before Thanksgiving at a social gathering last November and was then compounded by Spokane's "worst air inversion ever" which, after I'd barely gotten over the first chemical insult, began the first week of December and, lasting nearly three weeks, had me by Dec. 10 with itching, inflamed, flakey, raw-beefsteak-looking eyelids, the back of my head was weepy, sclerosed, inflamed down to and encircling my neck and shoulders which was so bad it looked like, according to my MD as though I had a radiation burn around my neck! This past winter was one air inversion after another--which had the residents of this valley region, literally, "swimming" in a cesspool of environmental pollution until the end of February. I am a born investigator and the results of my independent research invites me to conclude that one out of every three people living in this region have exema now or experienced some form of it during that terrible air pollution experience last December. After $600 worth of blood tests which revealed only that I had very healthy blood except for the curious fact I was deficient in A-Lipoic acid, low in biotin and, (for a post-menopausal female) low in iron. I was getting some relief from the horrendously painful, 24-hour-a-day, stab-like itching by using an experimental "footbath" detoxifying process a survivor of Gulf War Syndrome has successfully used to overcome a condition which has killed several other fellow soldiers who thought this process too incredible to bother with. ( It employs a specially-designed electrode immersed in the footbath water which creates a negative electro-static charge which then, theoretically, draws out pathogens and toxic metals which have a dominant positive electrostatic charge). The water after each of my 40 minute foot "soakings" would look like it was full of rust. My MD speculated this could be iron-fluoride; that my unusual (all-"orgainic" In April I traveled to another state to a clinic specializing in synthetic chemical and environmental pollution detoxification and was given intravenous chelation treatment as well as intravenous A-lipoic acid, B-12 and MgSu and within two days my skin was 50% improved and, on high doses of A-lipoic acid supplements as well as B-vitamin complex, additional biotin, MSM, magnesium, primrose, flax and non-desterinated cod liver oil, I continue to improve; however, because the Spokane Incinerator still spews out its "protected" pollutants, I've had to quit my job, go on SSI retirement (two years earlier than I'd anticipated) and stay indoors where we have two air purifiers going night and day on days when it is overcast or there's no wind blowing. Also, even though the psoriasis and exema and inflamed skin areas have disappeared, I am left with a mild form of scleroderma in those areas, the worst affected is my neck which, if uncovered, "Allergy to sunlight" is just another symptom of fluoride poisoning. My son, until age three, when we stopped the daily fluoride drops prescribed for him, could not tolerate sun exposure; he would break out in red and white welts unless he wore a cap and was otherwise totally covered to protect against sun exposure. This and his constant thirst (and its subsequence, constant urination) stopped almost immediately after we stopped his fluoride supplement. Since then, those individuals who, testing this theory of mine and eliminating the source of their fluoride exposure--be it supplements, medications, dental products, cosmetics, foods processed in fluoridated cities, et al--found they could eliminate their sunlight "allergy" and other skin problems, including "allergic dermatitis," i.e. exema, dandruff...just by avoiding all known sources of fluoride. By the way, until I went through the clinical detox in April, I was consistently testing toxic in Cadmium, Chlorine and Fluorine. After that detoxification, the Cd was gone, the Cl was negligible but I still tested high in F. This, in my opinion is what's responsible for the sclerosed skin now. I'd like to know where to get a gas mask suitable for living downwind from a waste incinerator. Whenever you hear the term "sclerose," think "fluorides" and fluorine poisoning. Forms of "F" are used industrially to harden plastics, ceramics, cement, you-name-it. More people should become aware that "F" will also harden (sclerose) nerve tissue, muscles, arterial walls, brain tissue, skin tissue, you-name-it (!) which is one reason why, for the past 35 years, I've avoided using establishment medical doctors for other than non-toxic, non-invasive diagnostics and consultation. In the sixties my independent document research revealed that 20 to 30% of all drugs then used had a fluoride base, i.e. were made using a fluoride. Last year I learned that Science News Desk did a research that revealed over 50% now contain a fluoride. Fluorides are bio-accumulative, i.e. not all of what goes into one's body comes out, which means that over time one slowly accumulates fluorides to "critical mass" at which time an organ (the heart muscle? the kidney? the liver?) totally gives up or chronic degenerative disease manifests. The prophetic title of the book my late great biochemist friend, John Yiamouyiannis first published in 1982 and republished in 1986 and 1993, FLUORIDE THE AGING FACTOR, is a must-read, if you can find a copy of this now out of print classic. Read first, chapter three: "Disarming the Immune System" because it describes one means by which fluorides can cause acquired immune deficiency. Fluorides are enzyme poisons and therefore can manifest their demonizing of one's biochemistry in a myriad of ways. Because the skin is an excretory organ, the largest one in the body, I believe that my otherwise very "clean" (chemical-free) diet of the better part of the pa Thirty years ago, when living near an industrial complex in Portland, Ore., which included an aluminum refinery as well as a cement plant, I began losing my hair and spent 18 months suffering what would now be called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Kelp tablets stopped the hair loss and the CFS ( but only when in desperation I took an entire bottle of 100 tablets over a day's period of time, spent the entire night sweating like I'd never done before and woke up the next morning smelling like skunk cabbage but feeling like my old self again. The brand was Solgar.) When I was ten years old and living near an aluminum refinery (a source of fluoride pollution) I acquired "terminal" dandruff and Athlete's Foot (both are symptoms of iodine deficiency and/or low thyroid function). When the family moved to Alaska a few years later (away from all forms of industrial and municipal pollution) I became symptom-free within a short period of time and remained in reasonably good health until nearly two decades later, when married and living in Seattle, one OB/Gyn, instead of calcium, prescribed a fluoride prenatal supplement. That's when the "pregnancy from hell" began which produced the "baby from hell" who, today, I'm blessed to state is a son in whom I am well-pleased. By the grace of God he not only survived the relative ignorance of modern medical/dental science and its sacred cow religion of fluoride worship but, thanks to optimal nutrition, eventually overcame most of the damage the fluoride At best, the preceding is only the tip of a very large iceberg re fluorine/fluorides and fluoridation and their adverse influence upon health maintenance and disease prevention. For the past seven years, along with at least one other equally-stubborn, dedicated individual, we've been attending the Spokane Regional Health District Board of Health monthly meetings to (1) stop the use of the regional BOH to effect water fluoridation (as has been the MO of the proponents for the better part of the past two decades), (2) keep our regional BOH members updated on the latest in clinical data and scientific research so they cannot be conned or coerced into endorsing this now-failed public health theory, (3) offer the BOH members up to date information on the superiority of Nutrition Against Disease as a viable alternative to just pushing drugs which, at best treat only symptoms---they do not eliminate the cause. < SOME SOURCES OF FLUORIDE: (1) Obviously the public water supply of artificially (and naturally) fluoridated municipalities as well as toothpastes. Dermal absorption is effected when bathing, showering or swimming in fluoridated water and sub-lingual absorption begins as soon as you put anything into your mouth which means fluorides from toothpaste will be in your bloodstream within 15 to 30 seconds regardless of how well you rinse and spit). (2) Unless they are natural-source non-nutrative sugars such as sorbitol, mannitol, lactose, avoid all artificial sweeteners--several of which are made with a fluoride. (You're better off with refined sugar than with Aspertame products.) Avoid "soft" drinks of any kind. If you must drink them then stick to "organic" soda pop; however, you might try this: buy "organic" fruit juice, mix it 1/3 to 1/2 water, for each 8 to 12 ounces of this mix add one packet of Alntibiotics, secondary serotonin re-uptake inhibitor drugs, hormone replacement therapies, all inhaled anesthetics, as well as the "home-made" illegal "street" drugs contain fluorides. The more often one uses these means to regain or maintain health or "recreation", the faster one builds to that earlier-mentioned "critical mass" when one's systems reads "Tilt" and drug medicine no longer "works." NEVER ACCEPT THERE CAN BE A "DEATH FROM UNKNOWN CAUSE." In the matter of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the family and/or the attending physician should demand that fluoride toxicology be included in the autopsy because including this poison as a possible cause of death is not routine. In other words, if a baby or young child dies and no cause of death can be determined it is not because no cause can be found; it is because, for over fifty years, fluoride has been mistakenly presumed to be "safe" and it is not included in routine autopsy unless someone demands it. (When this has been done, even on adults, the true cause of what caused the death has been revealed to be other than what was originally presumed or assumed.) "F" is an established enzyme poison; the act of breathing is dependent upon the rising level of blood levels of carbon dioxide sponsoring the body to make certain enzymes which then ACTION TO TAKE: Educate your local, regional and state health officials as well as your state and national Legislators to this little-known fact. The MD who founded the national SIDS organization lived and practiced in Seattle when I lived there. He also was significant in pushing Seattle into water fluoridation. When the late Mrs. Robinson, Secty. of the Seattle Anti-Fluoridation committee, and I tried in the early seventies to interview him and present to him information that would enlarge his frame of reference on this issue he refused to give us audience. A few years later he made national headlines when he founded this national committee to find the cause of SIDS (!) [bless him, may his hemhorroids be fruitful and multiply.] ---Rose Marie Waldram, A CITIZEN ALLERGIC TO FLUORIDE, P.O. Box 457, Greenacres, WA 99016 (509) 927-2559 <rfdave > wrote: Hi all. I just wanted to intro myself to the group. My name is Dave and reside just north of New Orleans in a town called Slidell. I'm 48 and just can't believe I'm getting this my attention has been swayed of late to a problem I'm having and haven't been able to put my finger on the cure....First of all I started a diet last year around October to drop about thirty-five pounds.....A friend at work had started on the Atkins diet and was doing quite well....He seemed to still be eating quite well but just had changed some of his habits...So I joined in and made a goal of getting to 190 pounds. My first hurdle though was finding a sugar substitute....I am a coffee least four or five cups a day and would usually put a couple of spoons of sugar in.....another sugar prob I had was in the evening...I loved to get on my computer and drink cokes..... head and started wearing a ball cap....I went to the dermatologist who said I had psoriasis....but what gets me is that I went from a 1 to a 7 stage in a months time and it still continues to grow and grow...I notice a new place nearly every day now and my scalp just itches all day long and I have developed a bad habit of itching my head....needless to say this has got me on the look to find out why all of a sudden I developed this awful case....Until yesterday I just felt cursed or something until I had a thought of the was the one thing I started using which directly coincided with my skin problem....I decided to look it up on the net and found there were not too many case studies on this and I wondered how it got approved so easily...I then read of several different people who had terrible reactions to it and one who also had a skin irritation related to it....I thought on it for some time and decided that the Splenda has got to beCTS, VISION CARE, & CHIROPRACTIC.$11.95 For Single or$19.95 For an entire household per month!Immediate Coverage * No Waiting Period Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits Email: MEM121«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any courseThe New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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