Guest guest Posted March 2, 2004 Report Share Posted March 2, 2004 Subject: The Awesome Size of our Responsibility To all medical, environmental and health activists, This is a first draft of some strong stuff I have been working on these past few days and it speaks powerfully of us coming together to form a coalition, a united front in our battles against the forces of uncaring. Please read, give feedback, or just say yes. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD -- The Awesome Size of our Responsibility Many people today are involved in attempts to turn back the black tide that is threatening us from many simultaneous points. Issues, we have no shortage of issues, and good people, they do exist, but the powers that be, those corporations that have the power are organized; and we are not. I think we all have to step back and ask ourselves the question of efficacy, are we in fact stopping the uncaring forces that are threatening our world and us? I went over to the Greenpeace site the other day and saw a mirror of my recent writings on global warming. But have they been able, with all their popularity and clout, to stop the world from advancing closer to the precipice? What good are all our good works if in the end there will be no decent world left to live in? Climate change over the next 10 to 20 years will probably result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters. A recent document from the Pentagon, obtained by the Observer, predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries go to war to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. According to the US Military the threat of climate changes to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism. Too large of an issue for most of us at present time, we are all mostly involved instead in issues closer to home: in the anti-vaccination movement, in autism, environmentalism, general medical and health concerns; defending our rights as human beings before the advancing powers of pharmaceutical giants who care not for what they do to us. Essentially though we are all pitted against the power of corporations and the government and political people that support them. Corporations are not only the most powerful institutions in the world they are also the most sociopathic. Eminent economist Milton Friedman sums up the role of the corporation succinctly: it creates jobs and wealth but is inherently incapable of dealing with the social consequences of its actions. While the corporation has the rights and responsibilities of a person, its owners and shareholders are not liable for its actions. Thus a corporation's directors are legally required to do what is best for the company, regardless of the harm created. This accurately describes the nature of the sociopath who has no empathy for his victims. The list of activities by corporations that prove them to be inherently amoral, callous and deceitful is very long. Social critic Noam Chomsky points out that people who work for corporations, and even those who run them, are often very nice people but the same could have been said about slave owners. The institution, not the people are the problem Chomsky argues but the truth is probably no so institutional as he would have us believe. Viktor Frankl reminds us from his experience in the concentration camps, “From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in this world, but only these two - the "race" of the decent man and the "race" of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people. In truth we should be honest and admit that without better people better systems will not work. We must search simultaneously for better systems and a system that facilitates better people. Life serving systems facilitate human growth and devotion to high levels of intelligence and caring. It is naïve to believe in the separation of system and the people in them. Any system or organization is no safer or more dangerous than the people who run them. ItÂ’s the same as saying no instrument is better than its player, no tool better than its user. Many of us are working hard to make a difference that will be felt for years to come, wanting to make a better future for our children. We do have the opportunity, but a house divided against itself cannot stand. Power demands a powerful response and only in unity can we find the power we need to succeed. Only through unity can our goals be met of saving humankind from itself. This means we have to find a common denominator that will bring us together. Though the climate will eventually give it to us, effecting just about everyone in one-way or another, we need something else because we need it now. If our present attitudes toward separation and disorganization persist, it is possible that all of our efforts may be fruitless. Unless we have a drastic change in our collective way of approaching the problems of humanity the future is going to be frightening. We the peopleÂ’s of the world are dangerously resting on our laurels, unmotivated to take necessary giant steps that stand some chance of turning the tide. The truth is we are not going to change anything unless we change ourselves. It is necessary to understand that if we want to change society and what is happening inside of it we will only accomplish this by embarking on working on ourselves, changing ourselves, not in some kind of esoteric way but in a way that begins and ends with communication and listening. Most human problems, after all, spring from the same common source, that of problems in communication and listening. In our present condition humanity is vulnerable to tyranny and control in one form or another but it does surprise us to no end when we find both medicine and science collaborating creating a new form of fascism. Medical and pharmaceutical fascism carry especially ugly faces, uglier even then their chemical and petrochemical counterparts, uglier even then the military industrial complexes who make no bones about their mission being a violent one. Many people still see the turning point, when darkness took a giant leap forward, being the day Kennedy was assassinated, and then after him his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King. After it was a clear win for the bad boys, they won and got complete control and the race was on to harvest billions instead of millions. It really is sickening what has been done to humanity and what is still being done. The truth is so horrible that we cannot look directly at it but we can make movies like the Matrix and The Time Machine by Jules Vern; characterizing humans as batteries or sheep, existing predominantly for profit, fodder for others interests and tastes. In the end we moo very good and do whatever we are told, most of us humans roll up their sleeves willingly, take their children and babies into clinics and pediatricians, and have it done to them, chemically raped, screaming, all for ‘goodÂ’ reason we are told. We are the human batteries from the film the Matrix and the sheep ready for slaughter in that Vern story. The truth is too horrible to see yet we can present it in our movies as fiction. Now they actually want to make it a crime to not go along with barbaric medicine, a crime not to vaccinate, not to poison, not to mutilate and risk ones child. Some people feel rightfully that physicians have undergone frontal lobotomies in medical school, lacking the basic capacity to think for themselves, blindly believing and accepting their conditioning, what they are told by teachers and medical authorities, knowing nothing of how the biggest corporate interests from a century ago subverted medical curriculums. My own vision and work is to bring many branches or aspects of medicine together to forge a new medical paradigm that will unify and redefine medicine. But the real work is much broader than that because it has to include a confrontation with a system, with corporations of fantastic power. And thus it entails a dramatic change in us. A friend recently wrote me saying, “The idea of bringing so many people together, of joining forces causes me to shutter inside when I think of the possibilities of such a unity. The story from the Bible of the Tower of Babel says they are One people and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing that they propose to do will be impossible for them.” History shows the power that people coming together brings and the difference a united group can make as opposed to a single individual or organization. But groups have been notorious for negativity for communication and listening break down because no one pays attention to handling conflicts in an open creative way. When the bible says they had the same language it is easy to interpret this to mean they understood each other and understanding is something that comes from deep communication skills. Further in the bible story it say that when their languages were confused their goals or their vision was frustrated because they couldnÂ’t understand each otherÂ’s speech. The health, medical and environmental movements cannot afford such frustration because to lose the war is to lose the world. Clearly we all have a responsibility for looking after the planet. Clearly, as a direct result of its scant regard for the laws of nature (along with its outright defiance of the delicate balance of the complex ecosystems that support life here on Earth) our species is currently engaged in the act of destroying the home planet. Moreover, given the profound inactivity (indeed, negative activity) of the current US administration regarding these issues, and the continued greed and sociopathic behavior of many major corporations, one can be forgiven for wondering what cataclysmic events will have to transpire to cause those in positions of power to rethink their current positions. There is a system and certain key people and power structures that need to be taken on and there are weak areas that are vulnerable to confrontation. We can wait for nature to humiliate governments and corporations or we can come together in a communication dynamic and structure that will do it with the power of words and the power of people coming together in a group structure not seen before. A force that has not been present on earth as of yet needs to be brought into existence. I think everyone is agreed on the power unity brings, but how do we get there? New levels of communication and listening, creative conflict resolution, concentrating on common thymes, hitting hard, speaking truth, and having the message heard by millions sound like good beginnings. The United Nations was supposed to be an organization to work for humanity but because nations and nationalism and politics have been involved that organization can in no way be trusted with the future of humanity. In the end we will need a new international organization, a United Peoples, instead of united governments, which is what the UN is. Health, medicine and environmental people have the responsibility; they are the ones who must pick up the ball. All three can form into one broad based coalition dedicated to the absolute truth of what serves our race in a positive way and what simply does not. Science, medicine, health care workers and environmentalists can forge a union on reasonable truth if they are on the side of what is good and right. If we cannot create a loving group here on earth to replace governments and power structures that hide inside corporations we will not be able to say to our children we did our best. Technology certainly will not save us and governments have only taken us on a collective ride to doom. We have as a race cornered ourselves into a do or die situation with the time frame of all significant events collapsing into mere decades. Nothing will come without real human change and heroes coming together to risk it all in the name of our love for each other, for humanity as a whole, and for the dear lives of our children and theirs that come after them. Now who is too busy for such noble work? The fact is the ego is never interested always coming up with excuses for non-action and no time or will for deep commitments. Search - Find what you’re looking for faster. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2004 Report Share Posted March 5, 2004 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!! erin mosesian wrote: > > The Awesome Size of our Responsibility > > To all medical, environmental and health activists, > This is a first draft of some strong stuff I have been working on these > past few days > and it speaks powerfully of us coming together to form a coalition, > a united front in our battles against the forces of uncaring. Please > read, give feedback, or just say yes. > Mark Sircus Ac., OMD > > > -- > > The Awesome Size of our Responsibility > > > > Many people today are involved in attempts to turn back the black > tide that is threatening us from many simultaneous points. Issues, we > have no shortage of issues, and good people, they do exist, but the > powers that be, those corporations that have the power are organized; and > we are not. I think we all have to step back and ask ourselves the > question of efficacy, are we in fact stopping the uncaring forces that are > threatening our world and us? I went over to the Greenpeace site the > other day and saw a mirror of my recent writings on global warming. But > have they been able, with all their popularity and clout, to stop the > world from advancing closer to the precipice? > > What good are all our good works if in the end there will be no > decent world left to live in? Climate change over the next 10 to 20 years > will probably result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives > in wars and natural disasters. A recent document from the Pentagon, > obtained by the Observer, predicts that abrupt climate change could bring > the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries go to war to defend and > secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. According to the US > Military the threat of climate changes to global stability vastly > eclipses that of terrorism. > > Too large of an issue for most of us at present time, we are all > mostly involved instead in issues closer to home: in the > anti-vaccination movement, in autism, environmentalism, general medical and health > concerns; defending our rights as human beings before the advancing powers > of pharmaceutical giants who care not for what they do to us. > Essentially though we are all pitted against the power of corporations and the > government and political people that support them. Corporations are not > only the most powerful institutions in the world they are also the most > sociopathic. > > Eminent economist Milton Friedman sums up the role of the > corporation succinctly: it creates jobs and wealth but is inherently incapable > of dealing with the social consequences of its actions. While the > corporation has the rights and responsibilities of a person, its owners and > shareholders are not liable for its actions. Thus a corporation's > directors are legally required to do what is best for the company, > regardless of the harm created. This accurately describes the nature of the > sociopath who has no empathy for his victims. The list of activities by > corporations that prove them to be inherently amoral, callous and > deceitful is very long. > > Social critic Noam Chomsky points out that people who work for > corporations, and even those who run them, are often very nice people but > the same could have been said about slave owners. The institution, not > the people are the problem Chomsky argues but the truth is probably no > so institutional as he would have us believe. Viktor Frankl reminds us > from his experience in the concentration camps, “From all this we may > learn that there are two races of men in this world, but only these two > - the " race " of the decent man and the " race " of the indecent man. Both > are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No > group consists entirely of decent or indecent people. > > In truth we should be honest and admit that without better people > better systems will not work. We must search simultaneously for better > systems and a system that facilitates better people. Life serving > systems facilitate human growth and devotion to high levels of intelligence > and caring. It is naïve to believe in the separation of system and the > people in them. Any system or organization is no safer or more > dangerous than the people who run them. ItÂ’s the same as saying no instrument > is better than its player, no tool better than its user. > > Many of us are working hard to make a difference that will be > felt for years to come, wanting to make a better future for our children. > We do have the opportunity, but a house divided against itself cannot > stand. Power demands a powerful response and only in unity can we find > the power we need to succeed. Only through unity can our goals be met of > saving humankind from itself. This means we have to find a common > denominator that will bring us together. Though the climate will eventually > give it to us, effecting just about everyone in one-way or another, we > need something else because we need it now. > > If our present attitudes toward separation and disorganization > persist, it is possible that all of our efforts may be fruitless. Unless > we have a drastic change in our collective way of approaching the > problems of humanity the future is going to be frightening. We the > peopleÂ’s of the world are dangerously resting on our laurels, unmotivated to > take necessary giant steps that stand some chance of turning the tide. > The truth is we are not going to change anything unless we change > ourselves. It is necessary to understand that if we want to change society > and what is happening inside of it we will only accomplish this by > embarking on working on ourselves, changing ourselves, not in some kind of > esoteric way but in a way that begins and ends with communication and > listening. Most human problems, after all, spring from the same common > source, that of problems in communication and listening. > > In our present condition humanity is vulnerable to tyranny and > control in one form or another but it does surprise us to no end when we > find both medicine and science collaborating creating a new form of > fascism. Medical and pharmaceutical fascism carry especially ugly faces, > uglier even then their chemical and petrochemical counterparts, uglier > even then the military industrial complexes who make no bones about their > mission being a violent one. > > Many people still see the turning point, when darkness took a > giant leap forward, being the day Kennedy was assassinated, and then after > him his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King. After it was a clear win > for the bad boys, they won and got complete control and the race was on > to harvest billions instead of millions. It really is sickening what > has been done to humanity and what is still being done. The truth is so > horrible that we cannot look directly at it but we can make movies like > the Matrix and The Time Machine by Jules Vern; characterizing humans as > batteries or sheep, existing predominantly for profit, fodder for > others interests and tastes. > > In the end we moo very good and do whatever we are told, most of > us humans roll up their sleeves willingly, take their children and > babies into clinics and pediatricians, and have it done to them, chemically > raped, screaming, all for ‘goodÂ’ reason we are told. We are the human > batteries from the film the Matrix and the sheep ready for slaughter in > that Vern story. The truth is too horrible to see yet we can present it > in our movies as fiction. Now they actually want to make it a crime to > not go along with barbaric medicine, a crime not to vaccinate, not to > poison, not to mutilate and risk ones child. Some people feel rightfully > that physicians have undergone frontal lobotomies in medical school, > lacking the basic capacity to think for themselves, blindly believing and > accepting their conditioning, what they are told by teachers and > medical authorities, knowing nothing of how the biggest corporate interests > from a century ago subverted medical curriculums. > > My own vision and work is to bring many branches or aspects of > medicine together to forge a new medical paradigm that will unify and > redefine medicine. But the real work is much broader than that because it > has to include a confrontation with a system, with corporations of > fantastic power. And thus it entails a dramatic change in us. A friend > recently wrote me saying, “The idea of bringing so many people together, of > joining forces causes me to shutter inside when I think of the > possibilities of such a unity. The story from the Bible of the Tower of Babel > says they are One people and they all have the same language. And this > is what they began to do, and now nothing that they propose to do will > be impossible for them.” > > History shows the power that people coming together brings and the > difference a united group can make as opposed to a single individual or > organization. But groups have been notorious for negativity for > communication and listening break down because no one pays attention to > handling conflicts in an open creative way. When the bible says they had the > same language it is easy to interpret this to mean they understood each > other and understanding is something that comes from deep communication > skills. Further in the bible story it say that when their languages > were confused their goals or their vision was frustrated because they > couldnÂ’t understand each otherÂ’s speech. > > The health, medical and environmental movements cannot afford such > frustration because to lose the war is to lose the world. Clearly we > all have a responsibility for looking after the planet. Clearly, as a > direct result of its scant regard for the laws of nature (along with its > outright defiance of the delicate balance of the complex ecosystems that > support life here on Earth) our species is currently engaged in the act > of destroying the home planet. Moreover, given the profound inactivity > (indeed, negative activity) of the current US administration regarding > these issues, and the continued greed and sociopathic behavior of many > major corporations, one can be forgiven for wondering what cataclysmic > events will have to transpire to cause those in positions of power to > rethink their current positions. > > There is a system and certain key people and power structures that > need to be taken on and there are weak areas that are vulnerable to > confrontation. We can wait for nature to humiliate governments and > corporations or we can come together in a communication dynamic and structure > that will do it with the power of words and the power of people coming > together in a group structure not seen before. A force that has not > been present on earth as of yet needs to be brought into existence. I > think everyone is agreed on the power unity brings, but how do we get > there? New levels of communication and listening, creative conflict > resolution, concentrating on common thymes, hitting hard, speaking truth, and > having the message heard by millions sound like good beginnings. > > The United Nations was supposed to be an organization to work for > humanity but because nations and nationalism and politics have been > involved that organization can in no way be trusted with the future of > humanity. In the end we will need a new international organization, a > United Peoples, instead of united governments, which is what the UN is. > Health, medicine and environmental people have the responsibility; they > are the ones who must pick up the ball. All three can form into one broad > based coalition dedicated to the absolute truth of what serves our race > in a positive way and what simply does not. Science, medicine, health > care workers and environmentalists can forge a union on reasonable truth > if they are on the side of what is good and right. > > If we cannot create a loving group here on earth to replace > governments and power structures that hide inside corporations we will not be > able to say to our children we did our best. Technology certainly will > not save us and governments have only taken us on a collective ride to > doom. We have as a race cornered ourselves into a do or die situation > with the time frame of all significant events collapsing into mere > decades. Nothing will come without real human change and heroes coming > together to risk it all in the name of our love for each other, for humanity > as a whole, and for the dear lives of our children and theirs that come > after them. Now who is too busy for such noble work? The fact is the > ego is never interested always coming up with excuses for non-action and > no time or will for deep commitments. > > ---- > > Search - Find what you’re looking for faster. > > «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤» > > § - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! § > > Subscribe:......... - > To :.... - > > Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be > news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult > with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of > treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. > **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** > In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, > any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use > without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest > in receiving the included information for non-profit research and > educational purposes only. > > > ------------------------------ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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