Guest guest Posted March 4, 2004 Report Share Posted March 4, 2004 realplayer interview with Dr. Stanley Prusiner Nobel-prize winner for the discovery of the Prion!!! ######## Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy #########Greetings List members,damning testimony below. be sure to _first_ open up real player competely,then paste your url in there. this worked best for me.........TSSUS SENATOR AND STAN THE MAN SLAM USDA ''DAMNING TESTIMONY''Senator Michael Machado from California''USDA does not know what's going on''.''USDA is protecting the industry''.''SHOULD the state of California step in''Stanley Prusiner''nobody has ever ask us to comment''''they don't want us to comment''''they never ask''i tried to see Venemon, after Candian cow was discovered with BSE.went to see lyle. after talking with him... absolute ignorance... thenthought ishould see Venemon... it was clear his entire policy was to get cattlebonless beef prodsacross the border... nothing else mattered...his aids confirmed this... 5 times i tried to see Venemon, never worked...eventually met with carl rove the political... he is the one thatarranged meetingwith Venemon... just trying to give you a sense of the distance... healhpublic safety...was never contacted...yes i believe that prions are bad to eat and you can die from them...ENDDr. Stan bashing Ann Veneman - 3 minutes Authority and Mad Cow Disease: Is the Current System Good forCalifornians?Tuesday, February 24, 2004 JOINT HEARINGAGRICULTURE AND WATER RESOURCES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AND SELECTCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT - MACHADO, ORTIZ, and SPEIER, ChairsChoose a RealPlayer video --->Selected excerpts:Opening Statement by Senator Michael Machado Odibashian - Consumers Union Iton - Alemeda County Health's "memorandum of understanding" Louthan - Killed the Mad Cow Laycraft - Canadian Cattlemen's Association Prusiner - Discoverer of Prions DeArmond - Professor of Neuropathology 5 hour hearing - The California Channel(scroll down to "022404 Senate Info-Hearing") recall secrecy fought - Under fire, state health officials aretrying to get the USDA to change ruleSacramento Bee - 02/25/04Mad cow censoring gets legislators' goat - Tainted-meat trail kept frompublic by deal with fedsSan Francisco Chronicle - 02/25/ Docket No. 03-080-1 -- USDA ISSUES PROPOSED RULE TO ALLOW LIVE ANIMALIMPORTS FROM CANADA & Frame=BottomFrame & Src=_25t156hb3dtmisrjjconjcc9n6ph6ccr66oqjgdpo74qm6e1l68qjcp9hc4o30dhgckq34phfc8rjgoj16orjep9ic8o66c9i64s3achl6pi68cpg60r38eb675i3ujrgcln48rr3elmmarjk4p0nat3f8pp62rb5cg0_Docket Management Docket: 02N-0273 - Substances Prohibited From Use inAnimal Food or Feed; Animal Proteins Prohibited in Ruminant FeedComment Number: EC -10Accepted - Volume 2 2]Freas, William TSS SUBMISSIONFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -Page 1. J Freas, William Terry S. SingeltarySr. [flounder] Monday, January 08,200l 3:03 PM freas ... et al, that BSE transmission to the 129-methioninegenotype can lead to an alternate phenotype that is indistinguishablefrom type 2 PrPSc, the commonest _sporadic_ CJD; Management Docket: 96N-0417 - Current Good Manufacturing Practicein Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Dietary Ingredients aComment Number: EC -2Accepted - Volume 7[PDF] Appendices to PL107-9 Inter-agency Working Group Final Report 1-1File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLAgent, Weapons of Mass Destruction Operations Unit Federal Bureau ofthose who providedcomments in response to Docket No. ... Meager 8/18/01 Terry S.Singeltary Sr - Similar pages# Docket No: 02-088-1 RE-Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act of2002; [TSS SUBMISSION ON POTENTIAL FOR BSE/TSE & FMD 'SUITCASE BOMBS'] -TSS 1/27/03 (0) Entered On October 02, 2003... Dockets Entered On October 2, 2003 Table of Contents, Docket #,Title, 1978N-0301,OTC External Analgesic Drug Products, ... EMC 7, Terry S. Singeltary Sr.Vol #: 1, Dockets Entered on 02/05/03DOCKETS ENTERED on 2/5/03. ... EMC 4 Terry S. Singeltary Sr. Vol#: 2.... Vol#: 1.03N-0009 Federal Preemption of State & Local Medical Device Requireme. ManagementDocket: 02N-0370 - Neurological Devices; Classification of Human Dura MaterComment Number: EC -1Accepted - Volume 1 karl theis jr Search - Find what you’re looking for faster. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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