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Star Wars weather modificaton activated: The Enron connection

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- GPA Alan Gathright NOTICE: To all journalists worldwide. It is time to ignore corporate Bushamericana and get the word. ENRON, BUSH, STARWARS, CHEMTRAILS.Title: Enron Alert - Star Wars ActivatedEnron Alert,You have all by now heard that Enron was the main culprit in the California Crisis last year. Many of you have notice how odd the weather is getting. Last year was the warmest ever, large icebergs breaking off, record droughts, floods etc. I'm here to tell you the biggest story known to mankind. It is something that is right under your nose, or shall I say, right over your head! It is something you are just now starting to hear about in the News. Its called a Scalar Weapon. This is "Star Wars", only it is being used to manipulate the weather to further rape the American people of their money among other things. They are forcing cold right now on the Northeast forcing them all turn on their electric and gas. Just look at how cold it has been in Texas since last September. Thats how far they are bringing the cold down. Enron was a front for this "Star Wars" technology. Not the "bullet to bullet" project they have been wasting billions on, I'm talking Tesla's invention. Controlling the earths energy. I have made a web site that will put this in plain terms for you. IT IS VERY REAL and VERY MUCH IN USE....RIGHT NOW!Before I tell you my web site name I will let you know ahead of time there are 2 main facts you must see. One is a military document entitled: Weather as a force multiplier: Owning the weather by 2025. The other are the Official Patents for this. I have documented many scripted weather patterns for such things as last years Olympics and for the mid-term elections. In which ALL of the democratic Northeast was covered in rain. The proof is going to come at you will much detail. Every second you don't use your power as journalist to make this known, the more people will suffer.My web site is http://www.radarmatrix.comI will add my own findings in this later part to help explain before you go further. Or go to the site and read after. I will now explain how this works. On my site you will see an animation of it. This is the Matrix my friends and greed is behind it. Enron and those in power right now have their fingers in it. There is an electrical grid over your head!Here is an official documents in which the military shows they concepted their own ideas about the use of this technology in the bearden video. Its entitled "Owning the weather by 2025"http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume3/chap15/v3c15-1.htm#ContentsExcerpts:Chemtrails"A number of methods have been explored or proposed to modify theionosphere, including injection of chemical vapors and heating orcharging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams (such asions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and energeticelectrons).45 It is important to note that many techniques to modifythe upper atmosphere have been successfully demonstratedexperimentally. Ground-based modification techniques employed by theFSU include vertical HF heating, oblique HF heating, microwaveheating, and magnetospheric modification.46 Significant militaryapplications of such operations include low frequency (LF)communication production, HF ducted communications, and creation of anartificial ionosphere (discussed in detail below)."Artificial Weather (nanotechnology)"While most weather-modification efforts rely on the existence ofcertain preexisting conditions, it may be possible to produce someweather effects artificially, regardless of preexisting conditions.For instance, virtual weather could be created by influencing theweather information received by an end user. Their perception ofparameter values or images from global or local meteorologicalinformation systems would differ from reality. This difference inperception would lead the end user to make degraded operational decisions.Nanotechnology also offers possibilities for creating simulatedweather. A cloud, or several clouds, of microscopic computerparticles, all communicating with each other and with a larger controlsystem could provide tremendous capability. Interconnected,atmospherically buoyant, and having navigation capability in threedimensions, such clouds could be designed to have a wide-range ofproperties. They might exclusively block optical sensors or couldadjust to become impermeable to other surveillance methods. They couldalso provide an atmospheric electrical potential difference, whichotherwise might not exist, to achieve precisely aimed and timedlightning strikes. Even if power levels achieved were insufficient tobe an effective strike weapon, the potential for psychologicaloperations in many situations could be fantastic.One major advantage of using simulated weather to achieve a desiredeffect is that unlike other approaches, it makes what are otherwisethe results of deliberate actions appear to be the consequences ofnatural weather phenomena. In addition, it is potentially relativelyinexpensive to do. According to J. Storrs Hall, a scientist at RutgersUniversity conducting research on nanotechnology, production costs ofthese nanoparticles could be about the same price per pound aspotatoes.52 This of course discounts research and development costs,which will be primarily borne by the private sector and be considereda sunk cost by 2025 and probably earlier. "FOG"Recent army research lab experiments have demonstrated thefeasibility of generating fog. They used commercial equipment togenerate thick fog in an area 100 meters long. Further study has shownfogs to be effective at blocking much of the UV/IR/visible spectrum,effectively masking emitters of such radiation from IR weapons.34 Thistechnology would enable a small military unit to avoid detection inthe IR spectrum. Fog could be generated to quickly, conceal themovement of tanks or infantry, or it could conceal militaryoperations, facilities, or equipment. Such systems may also be usefulin inhibiting observations of sensitive rear-area operations byelectro-optical reconnaissance platforms."Lightning"This is important research for military operations and resourceprotection, but some offensive military benefit could be obtained bydoing research on increasing the potential and intensity of lightning.Concepts to explore include increasing the basic efficiency of thethunderstorm, stimulating the triggering mechanism that initiates thebolt, and triggering lightning such as that which struck Apollo 12 in1968.40 Possible mechanisms to investigate would be ways to modify theelectropotential characteristics over certain targets to inducelightning strikes on the desired targets as the storm passes overtheir location."Low Mirrors"This concept has been described in detail by Paul A. Kossey, et al.in a paper entitled "Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIM)."48 Theauthors describe how one could precisely control the location andheight of the region of artificially produced ionization using crossedmicrowave (MW) beams, which produce atmospheric breakdown (ionization)of neutral species. The implications of such control are enormous: onewould no longer be subject to the vagaries of the natural ionospherebut would instead have direct control of the propagation environment.Ideally, the AIM could be rapidly created and then would be maintainedonly for a brief operational period. A schematic depicting thecrossed-beam approach for generation of an AIM is shown in figure 4-1.49An AIM could theoretically reflect radio waves with frequencies up to2 GHz, which is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than those wavesreflected by the natural ionosphere. The MW radiator powerrequirements for such a system are roughly an order of magnitudegreater than 1992 state-of-the-art systems; however, by 2025 such apower capability is expected to be easily achievable."My findings:The link between HAARP and chemtrail activity was established after the confirmation of barium contaminated rainwater and snow samples collected after observed aerial sprayings. Since one of the key patents for the HAARP technology, U.S. Patent #4,686,605, proposes the "release of large clouds of barium" to enhance its performance, it is believed that HAARP is now up and running on a global scale.~snip~To understand the link between chemtrails, geoengineering and HAARP, it is important to note that the owner of the HAARP technology patent and the contractor that built the HAARP facility is APTI (ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated), a subsidiary of the Atlantic Richmond Company - one of the largest oil companies in the world. In 1994, APTI was sold to one of the largest intelligence contractors in the world, Raytheon E-systems, which is a subsidiary of one of the world's largest defense contractors, the Raytheon Company. In the fall of 1997, Raytheon successfully merged with the above-mentioned owner of the geoengineering Welsbach patent, Hughes Electronics, making the new Raytheon Company the owner of both the global cooling technology and of the HAARP technology.HAARP is the engine for gaining power of the ionosphere. Capable ofraising and lowering it. Chemtrails are the conductive material it grabsonto thru the electricity of our NORAD radars. Our radars are likemagnets and batteries. They can discharge, become a (-) or a (+)battery. Barium is found in magnets and also used in x-raying. They can produce highs and lows (a lot are made in Texas andthe southern states. They can move air (see Billing Mt and radars in Nevada) (see the radarmatrix front page for animation)..Billings, MT also discharges and recatches the Mist as it modulates. When the mist leaves check this radar out:http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/radar/loop/DS.p20-r/si.kblx.shtmlAlso watch the radars around the parimeter to see them catch the mist.The chemtrails are like a primer. Its the conductive material thats neededfor HAARP to attach onto. And thru this all they can control the jet stream.What to fear? The Mist!http://www.weather.unisys.com/satellite/sat_ir_enh_us_loop-12.htmlLook here to see what I mean!This is HAARP modulating. What is most unusual is how thick the Mist is getting lately. They have modulated this thick mist all the way into Texas! Now it is over the Northeast. I have studied this for a year and it almostall goes away when modulated. Normally you would see the ground. Thisthick stuff seems to be able to hug the ground. So what this means isthat there is a very low ceiling over most of the US (from the chemtrail HAARP magnifying glass) and very low overthe THICK stuff. With HAARP modulating and radars pulsing, this becomea zapper. The shumann resonance, the heart beat of earth is a normal7.8 but it has now jumped to 11. Last year, the warmest ever recorded. 3 stories last year about large chunks of Icebergs breaking off. Did HAARP blow a hole into the Ionosphere, letting in tons of radiation? It was powered to full blast after 911 and WAS used in mapping the cave OSama was trapped in! Some of you remember them spraying a figure 8 over Tora Bora. That was to create a low shield to bounce x-rays off of to map the interior. The pics are on my site.http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/radarmatrix/afgan/afgan.html?mtbrand=AOL_USDARPA Information Awareness Office (IAO)http://www.darpa.mil/iao/Environmental Technology Laboratory (ETL)http://www.etl.noaa.gov/The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)http://dmsp.ngdc.noaa.gov/What is going on has to do with the Ionosphere, which is the electrically charged part of our atmosphere. For quite some time our military has wanted "STAR WARS." A way in which they could shoot down missiles, control the weather to make cloud formations (as to hide from satellite) and so on.Radar Matrix Major Updates:..Wanna see over the horizon radar? I caught it between jan. 4th and Jan. 9th 2003. The week the NC plane went down! See this fully documented page!. Over the Horizon means from Alaska (HAARP) to the mountain range they heat up the Ionosphere and cause it to plasma. Thus creating a LOW ceiling in which HAARP's "grid of power lines" are lowered to mountain top range. It travels from the west canadian mountains straight down to the mountains in the east of the US. By North Carolina! Witness...http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/DMetallica/Planewrecks/010803haarp.htm?mtbrand=AOL_US ..Added the full coarse meal of animation I saved on the day of theOlympics opening ceremonies. In which 3 of the top radars in NorthDakota and Montana grabbed onto a cell, rotated the energy around itsradar all day and then one hour before the Ceremonies began, they letgo! And that cell filtered down the US like a water fountain. Afriend of mine who was tracking wind patterns that week sent me apicture showing the winds "Bouncing" off of Utah. I have one of themposted...Take special notice of the late hour ones in which NC and VA lightup like a Christmas tree and pull the energy towards them. Also payattention to Nevada in that later animation. I believe those "Strongbeams" are wind makers. In fact the day after this the wind wasmonstrous in that area. Check the News!..I also added a Vast amount of animations leading up to the Olympics.There is your case study for those who want to understand and learn.They were using radar blast to create highs and lows as well aspushing air...Added a bunch of the MIST animations showing the REAL power of it.These days it only modulates up to Canada and back but in these itwas being sucked all the way to ALASKA. Watch ALLLLLLL the moistercome in! WOW!Additionshttp://members.aol.com/_ht_a/dmetallica/olympics/index.htm?mtbrand=AOL_US http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/ElectricZenn/Mist/Mist.html?mtbrand=AOL_US 122002 additions:..Added which radars you should watch as well as some very odd returns...Animation will be uploaded by the end of the year..I witnessed the weather being modified during the Olympics in SaltLake City..Senator Wellstone, Carnahan and JFK jr planes all went down underthese conditions:http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/radarmatrix/WCJanomalies.html?mtbrand=AOL_USTake a look!For those who wanna watch, to www.weathertap.comNow www.weathertap.com is the best there is to see a lot of this.Especially if you wanna save the animations. It does cost but wellworth it. Otherwise go to my site at http://www.radarmatrix.com andall the radar links are at the top numbered 1 thru 8. 8 being Weathertap.http://www.radarmatrix.com

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