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Nervous Breakdown ...

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Can you take this time to play a game with yourself?Before you stop reading this, the game is hugely powerful in assisting you to heal.


I call it the "What Do I Like?" Game.It can be done any place, any time, with or without

people around.


The purpose of this game is to bring you into the energy of feeling good.


It's common for others to give advice like:give yourself TLC etc. But none of that advice gives us the *how* when we may have forgotten or don't feel well enough to remember how.


*The What Do I Like Game* is exactly that.Every time you can remember to ask yourself

you will be in the energy fields that will begin

to raise your energy too. The more you do it the better you feel. The more you do it,

the quicker you bring about healing :)


So here's how it works:

look around and find something you like.


"I like that the sun shines through that window

and it makes me feel warm".

"I like the color of that glass vase, the color is

deep and rich and vibrant"

"I like the pattern the threads in my shirt makes".

"I like that this traffic jam gives me time to notice

all the beautiful colors around me""I like the specks of color in so and so's eyes whenthey speak to me""I love fresh blueberries and vanilla frozen yogurt"

" l like that I'm taking time to do this what do I like game"."I like this music on the radio, I hear a distinctsound in the background that I really like"...You get the idea.

This may sound a bit goofy, but when we experiencean overload of energy that is like the Spin Cycle,both the nervous system and *spirit system* (our

energetic being) is traumatized and in pain all it's

own.During these times, we may not even recall what our

favorite color is...or remember the things we used to

like to do that made us happy.


So the technique is not goofy. It is an energetic

life saver and part of the basic foundation of

creating our life the way we really want it (this time).


Marie, I wish you the sweetest of energy to fill your

life as you use this time to begin over. The cool

thing about *do overs* is you get to create from

the ground up....so make it grand!


In Service,




----------------------.NEW!!! Free!!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.





In a message dated 3/6/2004 8:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, matarro writes:


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....





----------------------.NEW!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.

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Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....



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Thanks Nori,

I am sure trying.





Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:12 PM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...






Can you take this time to play a game with yourself?Before you stop reading this, the game is hugely powerful in assisting you to heal.


I call it the "What Do I Like?" Game.It can be done any place, any time, with or without

people around.


The purpose of this game is to bring you into the energy of feeling good.


It's common for others to give advice like:give yourself TLC etc. But none of that advice gives us the *how* when we may have forgotten or don't feel well enough to remember how.


*The What Do I Like Game* is exactly that.Every time you can remember to ask yourself

you will be in the energy fields that will begin

to raise your energy too. The more you do it the better you feel. The more you do it,

the quicker you bring about healing :)


So here's how it works:

look around and find something you like.


"I like that the sun shines through that window

and it makes me feel warm".

"I like the color of that glass vase, the color is

deep and rich and vibrant"

"I like the pattern the threads in my shirt makes".

"I like that this traffic jam gives me time to notice

all the beautiful colors around me""I like the specks of color in so and so's eyes whenthey speak to me""I love fresh blueberries and vanilla frozen yogurt"

" l like that I'm taking time to do this what do I like game"."I like this music on the radio, I hear a distinctsound in the background that I really like"...You get the idea.

This may sound a bit goofy, but when we experiencean overload of energy that is like the Spin Cycle,both the nervous system and *spirit system* (our

energetic being) is traumatized and in pain all it's

own.During these times, we may not even recall what our

favorite color is...or remember the things we used to

like to do that made us happy.


So the technique is not goofy. It is an energetic

life saver and part of the basic foundation of

creating our life the way we really want it (this time).


Marie, I wish you the sweetest of energy to fill your

life as you use this time to begin over. The cool

thing about *do overs* is you get to create from

the ground up....so make it grand!


In Service,




----------------------.NEW!!! Free!!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.





In a message dated 3/6/2004 8:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, matarro writes:


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....





----------------------.NEW!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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Hi Marie

I just want to say I empathise with you---been there myself. It's the hardest thing to do anything about because one just doesn't have the energy. It's a paradox--if you could do the things that you know you need to do --you wouldn't have to ask. I can only say that for me---though at times like that I wouldn't feel like it, the best thing is to get out of the house and get around people--not in a personal way---but just be out where things are happening (things other than what my personal situation is). Sit at a cafe and have a coffee---take a bus ride---listen to people chat. Not get involved---just listen. I think there is something about our common energy that takes the edge off---kind of absorbs it. Oh yes and breathe---don't forget to breathe deep cleansing breaths.

And then of course there are always the ones who are in even more unfortunate positions---there is always someone---sending loving energy towards them helps both.

I wish you the best ---blessings to you--it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. I lit a candle for you on my White Tara (Goddess of Compassion) altar. And don't forget--after all is said and done--beyond our personal stuff---we are all in this together.

Peace and Light

BeaMarie Tarr <matarro wrote:


Thanks Nori,

I am sure trying.





Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:12 PM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...






Can you take this time to play a game with yourself?Before you stop reading this, the game is hugely powerful in assisting you to heal.


I call it the "What Do I Like?" Game.It can be done any place, any time, with or without

people around.


The purpose of this game is to bring you into the energy of feeling good.


It's common for others to give advice like:give yourself TLC etc. But none of that advice gives us the *how* when we may have forgotten or don't feel well enough to remember how.


*The What Do I Like Game* is exactly that.Every time you can remember to ask yourself

you will be in the energy fields that will begin

to raise your energy too. The more you do it the better you feel. The more you do it,

the quicker you bring about healing :)


So here's how it works:

look around and find something you like.


"I like that the sun shines through that window

and it makes me feel warm".

"I like the color of that glass vase, the color is

deep and rich and vibrant"

"I like the pattern the threads in my shirt makes".

"I like that this traffic jam gives me time to notice

all the beautiful colors around me""I like the specks of color in so and so's eyes whenthey speak to me""I love fresh blueberries and vanilla frozen yogurt"

" l like that I'm taking time to do this what do I like game"."I like this music on the radio, I hear a distinctsound in the background that I really like"...You get the idea.

This may sound a bit goofy, but when we experiencean overload of energy that is like the Spin Cycle,both the nervous system and *spirit system* (our

energetic being) is traumatized and in pain all it's

own.During these times, we may not even recall what our

favorite color is...or remember the things we used to

like to do that made us happy.


So the technique is not goofy. It is an energetic

life saver and part of the basic foundation of

creating our life the way we really want it (this time).


Marie, I wish you the sweetest of energy to fill your

life as you use this time to begin over. The cool

thing about *do overs* is you get to create from

the ground up....so make it grand!


In Service,




----------------------.NEW!!! Free!!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.





In a message dated 3/6/2004 8:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, matarro writes:


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....





----------------------.NEW!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or

payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening

illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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You need to boost up your dopamin level by means of tyrosine on the one hand and some natural relaxant like taurine or kava kava or magnesium with calcium and zinc. You need good sleep. Also increase intake of fish or fish oil capsules for omega3.


My homepage: www.JaipurMart.com/trade/meditationandhealth



Marie Tarr

Sunday, March 07, 2004 6:31 AM

Nervous Breakdown ...


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....



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In a message dated 3/6/2004 11:58:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, beabernhausen writes:


I wish you the best ---blessings to you--it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. I lit a candle for you on my White Tara (Goddess of Compassion) altar. And don't forget--after all is said and done--beyond our personal stuff---we are all in this together.

Peace and Light





What a beautiful beautiful message to Marie...and all of us!


Thank you!


Blessings and Light,



----------------------.NEW!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.

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In a message dated 3/7/2004 4:14:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, ramcd writes:


I am 56 and feel wonderful, except for insomnia now and then, but all my friends my age complain of the same. Believe me you can overcome and you will enjoy life again.

Good Luck,


The older we get, the more wisdom we have to share!

Thus the need for less sleep ;)


:) Nori

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Thanks Bea, I also feel scared.... I guess walking (just for health ), is a good thing and I should push myself to introduce that in my life. It is good to have the perspective of someone who went through this.

I have been a Home-support Worker for 15 years, now, used to help others, but I came to a point where I forgot to care for me....

Gratefully, Marie.



Bea Bernhausen

Saturday, March 06, 2004 8:57 PM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...


Hi Marie

I just want to say I empathise with you---been there myself. It's the hardest thing to do anything about because one just doesn't have the energy. It's a paradox--if you could do the things that you know you need to do --you wouldn't have to ask. I can only say that for me---though at times like that I wouldn't feel like it, the best thing is to get out of the house and get around people--not in a personal way---but just be out where things are happening (things other than what my personal situation is). Sit at a cafe and have a coffee---take a bus ride---listen to people chat. Not get involved---just listen. I think there is something about our common energy that takes the edge off---kind of absorbs it. Oh yes and breathe---don't forget to breathe deep cleansing breaths.

And then of course there are always the ones who are in even more unfortunate positions---there is always someone---sending loving energy towards them helps both.

I wish you the best ---blessings to you--it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. I lit a candle for you on my White Tara (Goddess of Compassion) altar. And don't forget--after all is said and done--beyond our personal stuff---we are all in this together.

Peace and Light

BeaMarie Tarr <matarro wrote:


Thanks Nori,

I am sure trying.





Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:12 PM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...






Can you take this time to play a game with yourself?Before you stop reading this, the game is hugely powerful in assisting you to heal.


I call it the "What Do I Like?" Game.It can be done any place, any time, with or without

people around.


The purpose of this game is to bring you into the energy of feeling good.


It's common for others to give advice like:give yourself TLC etc. But none of that advice gives us the *how* when we may have forgotten or don't feel well enough to remember how.


*The What Do I Like Game* is exactly that.Every time you can remember to ask yourself

you will be in the energy fields that will begin

to raise your energy too. The more you do it the better you feel. The more you do it,

the quicker you bring about healing :)


So here's how it works:

look around and find something you like.


"I like that the sun shines through that window

and it makes me feel warm".

"I like the color of that glass vase, the color is

deep and rich and vibrant"

"I like the pattern the threads in my shirt makes".

"I like that this traffic jam gives me time to notice

all the beautiful colors around me""I like the specks of color in so and so's eyes whenthey speak to me""I love fresh blueberries and vanilla frozen yogurt"

" l like that I'm taking time to do this what do I like game"."I like this music on the radio, I hear a distinctsound in the background that I really like"...You get the idea.

This may sound a bit goofy, but when we experiencean overload of energy that is like the Spin Cycle,both the nervous system and *spirit system* (our

energetic being) is traumatized and in pain all it's

own.During these times, we may not even recall what our

favorite color is...or remember the things we used to

like to do that made us happy.


So the technique is not goofy. It is an energetic

life saver and part of the basic foundation of

creating our life the way we really want it (this time).


Marie, I wish you the sweetest of energy to fill your

life as you use this time to begin over. The cool

thing about *do overs* is you get to create from

the ground up....so make it grand!


In Service,




----------------------.NEW!!! Free!!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.





In a message dated 3/6/2004 8:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, matarro writes:


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....





----------------------.NEW!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml



Search - Find what you’re looking for faster. «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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I have been there due to extreme stress-they actually called it situational depression. I was on antidepressants for about a year, which is what is the necessary time stay on them. I weaned myself off when I found that it was affecting my blood pressure. The doctor had to look up this in information in his BIG book to answer my question if this was causing the high blood pressure. He said it could cause low pressure, but he was unaware of the high. My psychiatrist never even addressed this issue. Today, five years later, I take about 16 supplements, including St. John's Wort. I am 56 and feel wonderful, except for insomnia now and then, but all my friends my age complain of the same. Believe me you can overcome and you will enjoy life again.

Good Luck,



Saturday, March 06, 2004 8:01 PM

Nervous Breakdown ...


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....


Marie.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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The best-seller paperback, The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin, could

provide a valuable step for you.

While in practice, we treated much TMJ - stress caused problems, and

our patients got great help from this 'method' - will help you to learn how

to let go of emotional binders, etc.

Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM




Marie Tarr

Saturday, March 06, 2004 10:06 PM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...


Thanks Nori,

I am sure trying.





Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:12 PM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...






Can you take this time to play a game with yourself?Before you stop reading this, the game is hugely powerful in assisting you to heal.


I call it the "What Do I Like?" Game.It can be done any place, any time, with or without

people around.


The purpose of this game is to bring you into the energy of feeling good.


It's common for others to give advice like:give yourself TLC etc. But none of that advice gives us the *how* when we may have forgotten or don't feel well enough to remember how.


*The What Do I Like Game* is exactly that.Every time you can remember to ask yourself

you will be in the energy fields that will begin

to raise your energy too. The more you do it the better you feel. The more you do it,

the quicker you bring about healing :)


So here's how it works:

look around and find something you like.


"I like that the sun shines through that window

and it makes me feel warm".

"I like the color of that glass vase, the color is

deep and rich and vibrant"

"I like the pattern the threads in my shirt makes".

"I like that this traffic jam gives me time to notice

all the beautiful colors around me""I like the specks of color in so and so's eyes whenthey speak to me""I love fresh blueberries and vanilla frozen yogurt"

" l like that I'm taking time to do this what do I like game"."I like this music on the radio, I hear a distinctsound in the background that I really like"...You get the idea.

This may sound a bit goofy, but when we experiencean overload of energy that is like the Spin Cycle,both the nervous system and *spirit system* (our

energetic being) is traumatized and in pain all it's

own.During these times, we may not even recall what our

favorite color is...or remember the things we used to

like to do that made us happy.


So the technique is not goofy. It is an energetic

life saver and part of the basic foundation of

creating our life the way we really want it (this time).


Marie, I wish you the sweetest of energy to fill your

life as you use this time to begin over. The cool

thing about *do overs* is you get to create from

the ground up....so make it grand!


In Service,




----------------------.NEW!!! Free!!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.





In a message dated 3/6/2004 8:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, matarro writes:


Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly, no energy.....





----------------------.NEW!!!Helix Healing Group List at !Helix Healing.......Heal Now and 4 EverHelixHealing/ -----------------------.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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Dear Marie,


Fancy meeting another Home Support Worker

from the Kootenays!


I am near Nakusp.


I was a Home Support Worker for 13 years,

till April 2000.

Hard work, and the conditions with all the

government cutbacks are not helping.


Have you noticed that being with old people

all the time depletes your energy field?


The poor dears don't mean to do it, but I believe

they quite literally suck your aura dry.

Caring for the chronically ill and/or old is tough

on every aspect of self.


I loved the job for about 10 years, was getting

antsy the last 2, and felt quite burnt out towards

the end.


In terms of nutrition, I know nothing as powerful

as my beloved Aquazon, a brand of AFA bluegreen



I have one small and one large bottle left till my

next shipment comes in.

Find out more about it here:



And, ask me for a free sample of heavenly Shipibo

Treasure Tea, Gift from the Amazon Rainforest.


The offer is for anyone in Canada or USA.

Absolutely no obligation.






Ien in the Kootenays************************************************"There are only two ways to live your life.One, as if nothing is a miracle.The other as though everything is."~Albert Einstein.************************************************Rainforest Miracles: http://wildhealing.net




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Dear Judy,

will you please list the 16 supplements you are taking and their doses?

Are you not taking any psychiatric drug/s? I understand you started to wean

yourself off from the antidepressant after one year and perhaps you took couple

of months in the slow process of weaning? Please tell.

Do you think just the St. John Wort is working?

What about lack of motivation to do anything? This is different from depression.

Did you have this also?

I ask these things in the context of my son who has both kind of " depression " .





Monday, March 08, 2004 2:41 AM

Re: Nervous Breakdown ...



I have been there due to extreme stress-they actually called it situational

depression. I was on antidepressants for about a year, which is what is the

necessary time stay on them. I weaned myself off when I found that it was

affecting my blood pressure. The doctor had to look up this in information in

his BIG book to answer my question if this was causing the high blood pressure.

He said it could cause low pressure, but he was unaware of the high. My

psychiatrist never even addressed this issue. Today, five years later, I take

about 16 supplements, including St. John's Wort. I am 56 and feel wonderful,

except for insomnia now and then, but all my friends my age complain of the

same. Believe me you can overcome and you will enjoy life again.

Good Luck,


Saturday, March 06, 2004 8:01 PM

Nervous Breakdown ...



Anybody can give me practical things to do other than rest and tender loving

self-care to

rebound from a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress?

I am going to see the doctor in a few days, but right now I feel like jelly,

no energy.....








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