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Is Unsuspected Hypothyroidism Causing Your Depression, Chronic Pain,Weight Gain, or Fatigue? By Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.Hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) often goes unsuspected anduntreated. As much as 40% of the population may be suffering fromhypothyroidism because it is frequently undetected by conventionalblood tests, which is the most common medical procedure used. Thelate Dr. Broda Barnes of Connecticut spent 44 years in both UniversityLabs and private practice studying hypothyroidism and published morethan 100 scientific papers on this subject. He wrote a comprehensivebook entitled: _Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness_ about hisdiscoveries.In his studies he found patients that even though their thyroid bloodtest and physical examination of the thyroid was within normal limits,still exhibited clear-cut hypothyroid symptoms. He concluded that themost accurate assessment of thyroid function is obtained by evaluatingones metabolic rate, as exhibited in the basal temperature and pulse.A temperature and pulse that consistently runs low, may suggest thatthere is a need to place the patient on thyroid therapy. Generally apulse running 65 or below may suggest lower thyroid function. Thenormal basal temperature runs between 97.8F and 98.2 F. A temperaturerunning below 97.6 indicates the possibility of low thyroid function.The most accurate way of checking the body's metabolic rate is withthe axillary (meaning under the arm) temperature.The most common complaint found in someone with hypothyroidism isfatigue, which is unbearable and no amount of sleep can eliminate it.Weight gain, depression and myalgias/arthralgias are three more verycommonly found complaints. Other common symptoms which are seen mayinclude the following: cold intolerance, feeling cold,forgetfulness/short term memory loss, constipation, heartpalpitations, loss of sexual desire, nervousness, slow pulse andreflexes, flaky, dry rough skin, coarse and lifeless hair that fallsout easily, irregular menses, listless, irritability, prematurely grayhair, accentuation of allergies, unsuccessful dieting, vascularheadaches, premenstrual syndrome, infertility, muscle and join achesand weakness, and puffiness of face and eyes.Of course these symptoms overlap with many other conditions so it isimportant to work with a health care provider who is knowledgeable inthis area and familiar with Dr. Barnes techniques.The Barnes Basal temperature test is a simple, do it yourself test,that you can do at home. It is accurate and requires nothing more thanan oral thermometer. Here's what you do. At bedtime shake down amercury thermometer to 94F and place on the nightstand, within easyreach. DO NOT USE a DIGITAL thermometer for taking the axillarytemperature because they are not as accurate. When you wake up in themorning, make sure you stay in bed quietly and take the thermometerand place it securely under your arm in your armpit. Hold it in placefor ten minutes and then write down what the thermometer reads.During the ten minutes you're waiting, take your pulse for one fullminute and record what this result is also.Do this exact procedure each morning for several weeks. Make sure youdo not get up to go to the bathroom or anything else. It must be donebefore you have any activity. You must be in bed for a minimum of twohours before reading your temperature and the reading will not beaccurate if you move around or get up. Do not use an electric blanketor other electrical devices in your bed. Do not sleep on a waterbedto perform this test. A waterbed will elevate your temperatureartificially. It has also been found that a woman's body temperaturevaries with the different phases of her menstrual cycle. The secondand third days of your menstrual cycle are when the mostaccurate/reliable temperature can be found. Therefore, it isrecommended that you make note on your records with red pen on thedays you were menstruating and make sure you perform your test duringthis week.If your basal temperature consistently runs below 97.8 or your pulseruns below 65 you may benefit from a trial period of thyroidmedication. Treatment with a natural desiccated thyroid preparationavailable only from your physician rather than synthetic is the besttreatment for most people with hypothyroidism. Take your results toa competent health care provider who is knowledgeable with thistechnique and discuss your findings and treatment options with them.References:1. Stephen E. Langer, M.D., Lets Live, December 1989 Do You HaveHypothyroidism?2. Barnes Broda, M.D., Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness3. Kerry R., M.D., Comprehensive Thyroid Therapy Program (1996)About the Author: Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed. is a holistic healthcounselor specializing in issues of living with chronic illness,chronic pain and disability as well as sexual intimacy. She is alsoauthor of the inspirational E-Book "Finding Life Fulfillment whenLiving with Chronic Illness-A Spiritual Journey". Services, Ebooksand a FREE Newsletter can be found at her website:http://www.holistichelp.net/. or send any email tothis address to to the FREE NewsletterHolistichelp-

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