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Eissac tonic formular

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eissac tonic formular

this is an old indian formular that has been stolen and now is bieng sold for profit,,does that piss me off ,,so here it is world EISSAC TONIC (or tea) one ounce of turkey rhubarb root ,,,, six and one half cups of burdock root cut ,,,one half cup of slippery elm inner bark powered ,,, one pound of sheep sorrel

powered mix all ingredients together,. add one quarter cup of this mixture to two quarts of boiling water,.. use a deep pot and the purest water available and let steep for about 12 hours,.. bring to a boil once again ( 15 to 20 minutes) strain and bottle in sterilized containers,, refrigerate,.. to

use shake the bottle and measure out 4 tablespoons of essiac ,, added to one half teacup of hot water,.. add honey for sweetner if you wish ...drink this every evening before bedtime on an empty stomach ( 2 to 3 hours after meals),.. no perservatives has been added so if mold develops discard thatv batch and make another BUT ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR first AND THIS MAY NOT WORK THE SAME FOR EVERYONE <

history> 1920 elderly canadian woman diagnosed with cancer,.. she talked to ojibwa neighbor of her problem,.. ojibwa woman went to her cupboard began mixing several different packages of dried herbs , and set her tea kettle to boil,.. she gave the tea to the elderly woman to drink with instructions for brewing it her self,.. within a short time the woman found she was healed.. now that this old ojibwa woman has crossed over a greedy money hungry person claims owner ship to this formular by changing its name and copy righting it ,damn !!my medicine is

copyrighted???for you perhaps,,me ??no way and here it is for the world FREE OF CHARGE CHARGE





karl theis jr





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